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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. But as it all pertains to this issue here: nobody cares. And I would say this before I saw what op wrote btw. Nobody will care at all. They just want you to stay enrolled at the school along with the other students who did the harassing. But you’re one student and on the other side there are multiple students. So who do you think they’re gonna want to piss off less?
  2. Yes. Exactly. People just shove their heads into the sand when it comes to this stuff. The schools are all corrupt. Who on earth knows who they are hiring. Who knows what quid pro quo deals are going on. These schools are just corrupt gangsters just like any politician or other people in power, they just smile nicer when you see them and they have a monk as a front man to clean up the look. It’s complete heist-ville and I think most people know it deep down they just don’t admit it. But once you realize the school is 100% corrupt, nobody bothers to ask themselves “well what kind of people are they hiring”. Let me give you the answer: they don’t care. They’ll hire anyone, as long as the dough keeps rolling in. But yeah, just keep your heads buried in the sand.
  3. Maybe that would be true if his opponent wasnt a disaster. His opponent is the face of increasingly unpopular funding of 2 wars and even a genocide. Not to mention he can’t even talk or walk but hell idk if it even matters anymore
  4. It’s clear as day what’s going to happen now. People hate government more than they ever have nowadays, post covid. And they just set up trump as the anti government candidate. I bet trump is going to get votes from so many people you’d never even expect. And even usual non voters. Why? Because all of us have been victimized like trump was. Whether it is a bs ticket you got from a cop for revenue generation or something more serious. We have all been part of it, and most of us know exactly what is going on.
  5. The people who vote are the same people,who get a cut of the money
  6. Do people really think the tech somehow isn’t there to transfer instantly? Idk this topic always seemed very clear to me, it’s slow by design.
  7. The longer they hold onto your money, the more money they make. It’s kinda like that movie where the guy stole a penny from everyone’s paycheck and he got in trouble for stealing. Banks don’t get in trouble
  8. I have oily skin too. It’s good in a lot of ways although I know it’s a pain and it makes one less comfortable in the climate here. I’m a strict believer there is no cure for this kind of thing. It’s actually good for your skin. But anything you try and do to “fix” it will just make some other problem and make things worse in the long run (many medicines are like this too, people just dont realize it). I just carry a little hand towel with me.
  9. Trump derangement syndrome in full force.
  10. Are there any myanmar border crossings that can currently be used to get a new 90 days on a non o multiple? I’d love to use this border but it looks like it may never open.
  11. You know what China does in other countries? Invest in infrastructure. You know what the usa does? Builds a military base and ousts the leaders via coups and destabilizes the entire region. Again and again and again… Also, anyone who doesn’t bend the knee to usa has false propaganda spread about them on the media. While Cuba, North Korea iran etc may not be perfect, they are far different from what we are told.
  12. People continuously amaze me. Idk bro when they are with their friends. When they are doing activities they love and are passionate about, even with a few of their friends who hopefully share the same passions. I think the better question is why are we locking active kids up in classrooms in the physical primes of their lives. Why are we not letting them develop passions they have? Classroom setting is a fabricated environment that’s been manipulated into the collective conscious to make us better tax payers. School isn’t some amazing place where children unlock their minds. It’s a quasi jail sentence for most of them. And don’t even get me started on teachers. Why don’t people admit their kids’ teachers can be god only knows what kind of perverts or psychos. And I know from experience none of them care. Most of them only care about good students in my experience.
  13. Nice statement bro. It seems it would go without saying to anyone not obtuse that I don’t pontificate much on my grammar on here, nor should anyone. Are we supposed to be Hemingway on here or something. I can do ye ol grammar just fine if I need to.
  14. No Asians do good accents. The Latina women have the most alluring accents in English my gawd. I agree Asians are painful to listen to. Idk how Latinas do it. Some linguistic gene
  15. If anything goes wrong you’re screwed and you’re not owed any info even though you payed a small ransom to them
  16. Seriously. And eases all the visa issues plus you get to travel. But I don’t cohabitate with other men even if on rotation so the dorm idea is out
  17. Yes definitely. I actually have a half plan to spend 1/3 or so of each year in a few countries and pi is def on the list
  18. I don’t understand how one could say there’s no evidence. There are questions about what they did and now there’s proof they are deleting emails. Imagine if there was a murder and the car of the husband of the deceased disappeared the next day, and he could not explain the disappearance. Sure I guess technically you can say there is no evidence… but the fact that he obviously drove his car into a river or whatever sorta proves it if you have half a brain
  19. Imagine for a second you’re kicked out of your house and an occupying government is forcing you to go to certain areas of the country. And then the same government hauls off and bombs the area they told you to go to. And they do this multiple times, not like some one off, unexplained thing. The other thing I love about this topic is people argued for about a week or two that “no! Israel did not bomb that hospital it was Hamas!” Does everyone remember? When the conflict started. The original hospital bombing. Now… we sorta know who did that bombing, right? Because if you still think Hamas did it you got some serious problems. They just bomb anything Willy nilly, the more women and children the better. They even do their best to corral them and starve them and all the rest.
  20. My favorite thing about these drowning threads is the number one argument I get against me is “no, you’re wrong, I almost died once swimming in Thailand”. Yeah pal, because you can’t <deleted> swim! lol and you certainly should not be giving anyone advice on such matters if you can’t pull of swimming in calm thai waters.
  21. Are these some of the infamous sick buffalo?
  22. These email deletions by government employees are actual crimes for one. So just in and of itself this can send a person to jail. Now most of us know how it works and that will never happen but that is beside the point. But more importantly, you can’t defend this. There is no email deletion unless you are trying to cover something up, or you are somehow acting in a very nefarious manner. These are public employees paid by the public, and they don’t want people knowing what they were talking about! Why would that be. And it goes without saying this cover up is concerning a topic, covid origins, that killed potentially millions of people. So it is quite important, even possibly the crime of the century. But we’ll have to wait and see what the subjective investigations turn up with.
  23. This is why the usa keeps their fingers in every pie possible. Then when there is a country they can’t get their fingers into, for example North Korea, Cuba, iran, they demonize the country via the media. Nobody is saying everything about these countries is good, but I will say I think the bad side is greatly exaggerated
  24. I wonder how come with all these dangerous rip currents everyday in Thailand and all the drownings, and every person has a phone on them or live beach cams, I wonder why a video of a person in Thailand being “swept out” by a rip current has never been captured. Seems there would be dozens of these videos of people getting pulled out to sea in miraculous fashion to me. But not one exists. Prove me wrong.
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