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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I wonder why they’d need to delete all these emails if everything was on the up and up. And the emails were concerning the origin of covid. Hmm. Is yet another “conspiracy theory” going to turn into a not so conspiracy theory? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13468975/anthony-fauci-foia-lady-republican-investigation-covid.html
  2. Quite seriously if you find yourself in danger in thai waters my advice would be never leave waist deep water because you are not a good swimmer. Every body of water in Thailand is as close as you can get to a swimming pool. If it’s giving you a lot of trouble, swimming just isn’t your thing. Stay out. Once again, the reason people *think* there are dangerous rip currents in Thailand is because Thais and the visitors here are notoriously bad swimmers, and are given horrible and confusing advice as we see right in this thread. So again, yes exercise extreme caution if you are that bad of a swimmer, as many Thais are. It seriously makes me laugh so hard people really think if you find yourself farther out than comfortable you should swim sideways to the shore lol. For how long, a km, 100 feet? They conveniently leave that part out. No. You should swim straight in and let waves smack you as swim. The only way water is going to move out is if there was a huge influx of water coming into shore, which doesn’t happen in Thailand.
  3. I just want to point out one last time. Yes, this guy was a swimmer. And he died in a pool. I’m making the point even if an experienced swimmer dies in thai waters it’s not necessarily due to the nature of the thai oceans.
  4. The danger is people like you giving out false information. I explained why above. People should swim in when they get pulled out while in the ocean but people like you tell them to swim to the side. Who knows how many people have died due to this terrible advice.
  5. No im not. I’m explaining whatever happened to him is likely similar to what happens in thai oceans yet the deaths will be blamed on some torrential rip current. I’m over it. Really. Maybe you’re right. But the take home point I’ll end it with is rip currents get an exaggerated amount of the blame in oceans drownings in Thailand. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk on the stupidity of swimmers causing there own deaths in Thailand
  6. You know what kills people, all the bad advice they get. Like I’ll admit you can find your way further out when you’re swimming in the ocean because waves suck water as they approach. But that’s not a rip current. So what do people do in this situation? THEY SWIM TO THE SIDE AS THIS GUYS SAYING, AND WASTE ALL THEIR ENERGY WHEN THERE IS NO RIP CURRENT AND SHOULD BE SWIMMING STRAIGHT TO SHORE.
  7. Sure you did pal. You saved a girl in the gulf of Thailand where there essentially are no rip currents. And then 5m guys got pulled out as they tried to save her. Sure pal. Cool story bro
  8. Think about it. And I’m talking to everyone I’m not singling you out. What do people do in phuket. What is the type of tourist that arrives there? Drunk dudes who got plastered the night before looking to unwind. Hung over they enter the ocean to get refreshed and something bad happens. But what actually happened? It was just some drunk dude hungover not realizing his limits. It likely had nothing to do with dangerous rip currents. In other words it’s the people who are es#entially killing themselves Visa stupidity not the roughness of thai waters
  9. Let’s say this happened at kata beach. So the guy dies and then his body is found later. Guess what is going to be named as the cause of death. Rip currents. Yet we know that wasn’t the case here. Idk if I made my point clear but whatever I’m over it
  10. Yes, my point was these are the same types of people who die in thai oceans. Ie they would have died in any body of water because they are drunk or who knows.
  11. If you really want to know the tide does go out but that would require a bottle neck to make any substantial rip current. Think of rip current like rivers. When you go to phuket on a calm day and the tide is going out, so you see anything resembling a river going straight out to sea? No. Never. But you can see this river effect if you go to an inlet where perhaps boats exit and the water is bottle necked. So honestly your comment just makes it obvious you have no clue what you’re talking about. Here is a live picture of some beach on the andam coat of Thailand. You see that wave action. It’s not nearly enough to cause any rip currents.
  12. Those numbers remind me of the numbers that started the entire fiasco from the modeling of projected covid deaths. Just plucked from thin air
  13. Home school for the love of god
  14. If someone I’m giving my business to asks me to do something I don’t want to I just ignore it. Similar principle to hanging up the phone when you get the answer you want
  15. You cant improve it. It’s over.
  16. Those are some old links, that’s all I’m saying. I guess that means none of the new stuff supports the covid hysteria narrative
  17. Why hold hostages when you can just indiscriminately kill everyone
  18. Yes. Apocalyptic. The entire country had the sniffles. Some did not even know they had it. The horror.
  19. I will don’t worry. If I do pass through I’ll be sure to not let you know
  20. But once again I’m forced to sit here and listen to all the fat slobs who eat horribly and never exercise teach me about rip currents, haha. I love it.
  21. Right, rip current strength is in direct correlation to amount of water moving to the beach. That’s the only way water can flow out to the ocean, if water pushes in. Since Thailand has very little swell and the swell it does have is weak wind swell, the rip currents are very weak to non existent. That’s why I’m making the point it’s just people in over their heads being in water… it has nothing to do with Thai rips that killed them. Like whatever happened to this guy happened in a pool, of course he’d be a goner if he was in the ocean. But not because of a rip… because he was drunk or just in over his head to even be in any body of water
  22. It sounds like you can’t swim very well. What the hell was your dad thinking. It doesn’t sound like either of you are qualified to give advice on the topic. This is part of my point… people that almost die in thai waters are the ones who don’t know what they are doing. You’re opinion doesn’t count you don’t understand the ocean
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