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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I have found the decent dentists in bangkok are putting up quite the fee increases. It’s not like we’re in the west idk where they get this idea they can almost double their prices in a year. And many of them have super annoying fees. Basically just stealing money fees. I can’t even remember what they are like a sterilization fee something or other bs. I think I’m gonna just start doing my cleanings at a less foreign oriented place. How hard can a cleaning be a monkey could do it, pun intended
  2. The people who profit off these establishments obviously made them apologize. Personally if I had to make a bet I’d bet the guys did something to deserve what they got. And I don’t wanna hear the you can’t do anything to deserve that. I just don’t see rogue violence like that unless it’s warranted in some way. Just a guess don’t get you panties in a twist over a guess
  3. How do we know the bar didn’t full blown scam them? if you don’t want problems in these areas maybe it’s best not to scam people.
  4. Yes. It reminds me back in the day when all sorts of people wanted to argue about creationism vs evolution. You don’t hear it too much anymore. I suppose that means they realized they lost and shut their mouths, finally
  5. I dont think hydration is all that difficult. There’s a great book written for pro athletes by I believe noakes called waterlogged. He basically comes to the conclusion via research that we should drink… get this, when we are thirsty. This is tough I know. Real complicated stuff. Hydration is easy. Where people screw up most likely is diet. People think yogurt with granola on top of it is good for them, idk because they aren’t eating cheeseburgers anymore. I suppose it’s better but it’s not good food. And all the fat expats will disagree with me quite strenuously, don’t you worry.
  6. Do a little mind experiment for yourself and ask maybe 10,000 people if they want a month or two off work while being paid. Let me know your results.
  7. This is yet another not very difficult one to figure. Does a group of people want a paid vacation or deal with the screaming kids? Is this seriously a discussion? The teachers will have influence, not saying they have the final call. And their influence will be biased and lean toward not being in the classroom. For obvious reasons. Teachers, despite what they tell you, don’t actually like going to work. We do all know this, right?
  8. Well sure they will say that lol.
  9. You’ve got a lot of learning to do my friend. There was a lot of censoring going on. Just because you didn’t notice it because you were parroting pharma talking points doesn’t make it untrue. And btw for your info the side who does the censoring is never the correct side, as history has taught us
  10. They sold the vaccine with literal “95% effective”. Another big surprise, just what everyone wanted to hear. The mysteries of the universe all being solved here on aseasnnow. Nice post btw
  11. My (very plausible) theory is the teacher representatives get to have their say. Just like during the heat of covid. And what do we all think their opinion is going to be? Oh yeah let’s have a month or two off work and get a paid vacation from these little monsters we normally have to deal with. Another big mystery of the world, solved.
  12. I 100% guruntee you if one of those deaths for example was a person on his last legs dying of lung cancer or something, and he had covid, they’d categorize it as a covid death. But… it wouldn’t be now would it
  13. The way that everyone should read that number is 11 people died and they had covid. That does not mean, emphasize not, that they died of covid. We’ve been doing medical work for quite some time now. In all seriousness what are the standards for cause of death. Like in those autopsy scenes you see in movies, they always say “cause of death was blunt blow to head”. Why don’t they do that with covid? Is there some big mystery here?
  14. Pattaya is a cesspool. The only reason it exists is rich families want the gravy train. As foreigners we should not give those bars our money. If you wanna give somebody money give it directly to a thai woman at least you can cure a sick buffalo or something instead of just handing it over to a rich Thai family who extorts its own women
  15. Yes of course. Diet is a given. I’m telling you anyone out there reading this, this advice is worth its weight in gold (I know it sounds funny and doesn’t seem like it but just try it)… next time you get constipated really bad use one of the thai gas station bathroom toilet that only have the foot imprint, no toilet. Toilets are a hugely unnatural position. The squatting position is hugely more conducive to reliving a bout of constipation, which if I had to guess is a huge part of most peoples problem. anyway. Try it. That advice right there is better than seeing any doctor. Eat well. The problem is people don’t know what eating well is. They really have no clue. People eat yogurt and granola and think they are eating well. So much misinformation. Really. But eat well, do the squat thing if you do ever run into problem. There’s also a good YouTube video with 3 doctors who give some very good tips.
  16. I can’t believe they legalized it and now are de legalizing it. Reminds me of a Thai woman just complete schitzo train wreck. Work it out the first time through. This is why they think foreigners think too much, I guess because they do not think enough.
  17. Ignoring trump for a moment if you support biden you have got some serious issues. I’m actually surprised people even admit to supporting him. You’re a laughing stock if you support him. Look at all the big moves he’s made, wars blowing up pipelines. None of it benefited you it hurt you via inflation and higher gas prices. He can’t even speak or walk. He’s a complete genocide supporting train wreck.
  18. Can you name some other countries that did little to nothing about covid? Did the country you name top the death list per capita. Hint: it won’t, most likely.
  19. Why wouldnt that first factual claim not need to be sourced? Quite convenient.
  20. Go look at some pictures of Swedes during the middle of covid when everyone was locked down...
  21. Try not eating at the exact time everyone and their mother is eating. That works and isn’t too difficult
  22. I hope gas goes sky high maybe all these people speeding around in suv will finally reconsider their behaviors and cars if it does
  23. A modern day conspiracy theory is just a synonym for a fact
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