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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Yes I’d be bored in pattaya in 2 minutes. There is nothing good there
  2. You should stop eating the bread and you’d really be onto something health wise
  3. So the eggs got more expensive and no doubt they sat in the heat as I know they didn’t refrigerate them through the high temps. Good times
  4. Nobody discredited me at all those are all fat guys that sit on their asses all day. How on earth could they discredit me I’m in the thai ocean every week. You do t even know what a rip current is, but I forgive you the nomenclature is ambiguous. That’s why I refer to them as outward flow of water. Doesn’t really exist in Thailand. That may exist in a bottle neck like an outlet or a place like Hawaii that has massive waves. Water needs to move to the shore for there to be a rip current or an outward flow of water; it does that, once again, through tides / bottlenecks or large waves.
  5. No, I was discussing it. I explained it eloquently go find the thread I doubt I could do it so masterfully again. But the gist was current don’t pull straight out to sea in Thailand. That happens places with big waves where a lot of water moves to the shore quickly. I even proved ITL if water spontaneously moved out to sea where would the water come from? It would empty the shoreline. Currents are to the sides. But I’ll try not to get all into it again
  6. You’re also claiming the vaccine saved a certain number of peoples lives which we all know that number can’t be proven. You’re also sorta ignoring the fact that most young people likely didn’t need it.
  7. What is a “death”. What if a person died 99% from lung cancer and 1% from covid. Do you call that a death? They called it a death. You do know that, right?
  8. The thinning of the herd you speak of may turn out to be the ones who took the stuff
  9. It’s been proven phones have an impact on sperm count. Nobody tells us this info because that’s how it works. But it is true. I won’t go all into the other modern day things affecting sperm counts but they include the ridiculous foods everyone eats and thinks they are healthy and also some of the newer and more experimental medicines. None of it is helping.
  10. What people need to eliminate froms schools in a few decades when we finally pull our heads out is phones. Yes phones. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk on phones massacering children’s youth
  11. I use an Amazon fire stick I don’t be messing with any of the “smart” tv functions. I wish they would make tvs cheaper and just load them with a few hdmi and that’s it
  12. I honestly just give them whatever photos I happen to have. I’ve done passport photos a couple times over the years have a stack of them. I then just cut them to the size with scissors for the us passport. I remember because my cuts weren’t even straight. In other words, I don’t think it’s too exacting.
  13. Why do none of the articles state the context. Was he waving the gun around? Was he simply doing actions with the gun the scene called for? To me these are the questions. If he was playing around with a gun or firing it unnecessarily in any way I think he needs to go down.
  14. The more political battles Israel loses, the more kids they kill. Why it’s allowed I have no idea.
  15. You know it’s bad when even netenyahoo is saying they made mistakes. What a heinous fiasco. I really believe this is the atrocity of our lifetimes and we’re all just sitting here picking our asses. At least those college students are doing something. Those protests are working too, you know because they never break up protests that aren’t working.
  16. People need active outdoor hobbies imo that they’re obsessed with. If you say “I’m not obsessed with anything” idk what to tell you. Find something to be obsessed with. Possibilities are endless in Thailand from birding to kayaking etc
  17. Sounds like they want the tax money. So can we just say we’re digital nomads. Someone explain to me why a digital nomad is going to get 180 days while a married expat has to jump through all kinds of hoops and report every90
  18. I was discussing on here the currents, or lack thereof, in thai ocean waters in a recent death and this is exactly what I was talking about. In Thailand people die because they can’t swim or are somehow inebriated or god knows what. Not usually will it be because the waters are usually rough.
  19. They should not blur out women’s asses in photo. Where can I lodge my complaint?
  20. I got into an accident once years ago in Thailand and was on the phone with a girlfriend and she wanted to know where I was. I had no clue I had driven to Laos. I knocked on a guys window who was sitting in his truck so my gf could talk to him. And he would not roll down his window. And my smashed car was sitting right there. Idk I just always found it quite astonishing
  21. I don’t think Hamas needs to do anything for people to garner sympathy I think Israel is doing fine on their own on that front. You’d think they were designed and planted by Hamas to make people hate them, they’re that good at it. Look at the rabbi shmuly character. Or Dershowitz. Once again you almost can’t make it up. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  22. I know Thailand and Thais well enough to state my opinion. Thais do t do this type of stuff, like say Americans would, completely undeservingly. It just does t happen. It’s you who doesn’t know Thailand very well if you think it does. ps why did you crop out the woman’s left cheek
  23. It would actually be really nice to be here without all those things in my opinion. And even more interesting is I bet most thais would like it better too.
  24. Not to mention it basically makes the man out to be a chump from the get go, which won’t turn out well. Women hate that <deleted>
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