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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Thais should replace rice with avocado groves rice is really not good for us I wonder at times if Thais even know this
  2. The cdc recommends 6 month olds be vaccinated. You cannot even make this stuff up anymore. Even though other countries keep he vaccines well away from youngsters. So… how could any of these decisions possibly be scientific if different countries are doing wildly different things is my question
  3. The reason we can’t have cheap cars in the west is special interests. Not anything to do with regulations. It’s all just made up nonsense. As usual. There’s a chicken tax actually and it is literally pure nonsense. Yet it still exists and it’s the reason Americans cant have many cars like the new Toyota pickup we have in Thailand. Regulations my ass
  4. It looks like it’s about to cool off for all you sniveling whiners out there. Go Knows the only reason it was so hot is because you’re entering geezer territory
  5. Biden is using your tax dollars to fund a genocide. He is responsible for Ukraine and the nordstream pipeline. I almost wanna ask if you guys are kidding. It’s not that hard to figure out that all these people do is lie and legislate based on the interests of their donors. I personally think trump was a little better because he didn’t start and increase any military operations when in office. But make no mistake I think they are all liars I don’t support any of them. I just find it comical the only support for Biden is “but trump” I mean it’s hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic id also surmise maybe some of the people who think Biden is doing a good job haven’t been home in a while. I mean I just don’t get it. What is there that’s been good about this administration? The guy can’t talk. He can’t walk. He certainly doesn’t legislate for the people. And the irl scenarios are proving it. What is your people’s arguments? There are none to be made so that’s why we get the “but trump” ism. The trump derangement syndrome spreads far and wide
  6. Seriously. Someone name a war that the msm did not lie about at the outset. I’m waiting.
  7. Maybe lazada will see my posts and wide up and realize they need to free up “refund” that reside in customers own wallets. another solution I’ve tried which is even more frustrating, I’ve had lazada cancel my orders, I can’t access my refund. I then spent hours with them one day just asking to send me the item again. They won’t do it. So I paid. They have the money. They cancel. And I can’t get the item resent. Those are facts I could prove it and back it up all day. Happened a few times. Get with it lazada.
  8. Yes I’ve had that. With me lazada cancels and then I never get my refund. Or I do and it goes into a wallet I can’t use if you didn’t see my previous posts. It’s annoying. I wish they’d just leave it to the vendors to cancel orders. I’ve never had a problem with a vendor one time! Only problems with lazada keeping my refunds to themselves.
  9. I use a “reference number”. If that option is available I’m happy to try it. In what step do I change things up on the checkout pay method in lazada or actually in the mobile app when I pay? honestly, if I ever get immediate refunds on lazada I’ll be ecstatic. Especially compared to all my past “refunds” which they just keep instead
  10. Maybe I’ll get my money back one day. If I build up enough “refunds” in my “wallet” maybe then they’ll realize oh we should cash this guy out. Or actually, probably not
  11. Look at the wars. Covid. Nordstream pipeline. Why don’t you show a link when time has gone by and proved them telling the truth. I said mtg does tell the truth every once in a while btw. The rest of them don’t including Biden.
  12. This isn’t rocket science people. Go watch the news. Biden will tell you the same exact thing the news is telling you everytime. That is, lies. Mtg won’t. She tells the truth sometimes. I suppose you’ll never get it if you don’t already
  13. She tells the truth sometimes which is more than we can say for any of the other bloodsuckers. Except for Thomas massive of course
  14. Why does nobody want the new booster? This ain’t a tough question
  15. No problem. And if you get a ticket for no license just don’t pay it
  16. Thinking to oneself “it’s hotter than it has been in the past” is probably slightly less accurate than flipping a coin
  17. I’ll be sure to follow Moderna ceo advice on all my health needs
  18. Hub of fake fees
  19. You didn’t offer answers to any of my simple questions. Until then I propose it’s a scam. If there is good reason not to refund my bank account, let me spend money in my “wallet” or simply send me the item I purchased (a few of my “refunds” were supposedly low or out of stock), I’m all ears. But there are no good answers. Scam. like I was on the phone with lazada for hours and I was just telling the lady “just send me the item I bought and that you canceled”. They won’t do it. Anyway whatever I’m over it I’m just reporting the experience.
  20. The vaccines are amazing tech. If everyone would have taken the vaccines and listened to government and pharma without questioning, there would have been no pandemic.
  21. Companies need to make products that actually work for there to be demand
  22. Maybe we’re living in a giant <deleted>
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