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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Serious question. Why does drinking hot things work wonders when you’re cold but drinking cold things when it’s hella hot doesn’t do squat
  2. Doubling up on masks will cure everyone for sure
  3. What were the ages of these deaths, I’m dying to know
  4. It’s not one room but I do only use ac in one room. I’m not sure why I would do anything else but to each their own.
  5. You’ve obviously never been stopped at one of these. They repeat the word “radar” to you over and over again but there are no radar guns in sight. And they might even change your infraction once you have a couple of questions about the “radar”
  6. Jesus. That’s my electric bill with ac. Not this month but many months it is
  7. That’s always my question. Why do people hang out in these huge cavernous rooms all day, and cool their entire homes. Get a small office or something, be productive. Whatever though peeps can crank it however they see fit
  8. There’s a tax you’ll pay on this tax
  9. Who’s gonna tell bkk Brian about cnn?
  10. Just do like Borat and walk up to them all “how much”
  11. Idk I got my noco on some silly lightning deal on Amazon it was like 20 bucks I think. Sometimes the Thai cheap electronics are not bad. I would just get the trickle charger that everyone else buys on lazada if I was going that route. The noco has been super solid and very durable.
  12. Go perv out on thai women in local shopping mall. No purchase necessary
  13. All you need is a noco genius 1 for overnight charging.
  14. Chargers are essential to have and pay for themselves as they bring dead batteries back to life. If I were you I’d just get a decent Noco charger, the genius line or whatever. I know they have them here. Cheaper on Amazon usa. It’s worth it just get it. And I do like the trickle chargers too myself they are cheaper and I believe they are better for the battery.
  15. Covid is like the walkers in GOT. They’re always there. They’re always coming to get you.
  16. So they are trying to predict something about 4 weeks out? Don’t buy it. I think humans do in fact have tech that’s able to do some pretty impressive stuff, but it’s not available to the public. In other words, I think humans are probably decent at weather forecasting if they needed it to be accurate for a war or invasion or something important to them. We just get the old tech as taxpayers. All the info we get fed is rubbish. It’s never correct.
  17. I once ran into the bloke who cooks the dish I buy often at the market. He was shopping for the chicken he uses in his recipe. I forget the name of the dish I guess it’s just khao man gui but it has yellow rice with cinnamon. The reason I mention I saw him at the market was he was buying the stuff he makes fresh everyday, and I got to have a look at it all. And he was heading home to cook it all for that evenings sale. 40 baht for the dish. I’ve eaten it a hundred times never as much as an upset stomach (wish I could say that for my own cooking). I guess that’s my long way of saying I don’t think you necessarily get more quality the more money you spend on food. Although of course that can be the case.
  18. Pharma gonna pharma How about their record of being sued. That is quite the list too. Nothing some good old money can’t buy your way out of
  19. Yep. I’ve moved household goods to Asia a couple of times, and the last thing you do is use these hard cases. You know who has this concept down pat are the Filipinos. And how do they travel? Cardboard boxes. Why? Because they weigh nothing. All the baggage weight is left for the actual baggage, not these ridiculous, indestructible behemoths.
  20. I see them setting speed traps to shakedown innocent victims all the time. I think this is their job
  21. Feel free to ignore Biden supporters. Their thoughts are obviously worthless
  22. Notice they never tell you the avergae age of covid deaths. Look it up for yourself, you’ll be extremely surprised
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