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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Yes, crazy talk to mandate treatments, I know. Who would ever propose such an asinine thing
  2. Yes. That’s almost exactly how it went down. The poop was more like the injection though and now it’s exposed
  3. If these vaccines worked everyone would run to get them. Instead you have a bunch of people who regret being forced into taking them. Hmm, I wonder what could have happened
  4. Omg somebody said it. The truth. Watch out everyone. It’s sharp. It hurts. It may infect you. Stay away from it!
  5. Maybe they can make up for the loss by adding a few more fake radar speeding traps. People like to drive when it’s hot. Maybe they can add an idling tax.
  6. I still don’t think it’s that hot. If I had to use women to describe the scale, current temperatures are maybe a Reese Witherspoon. But everyone is acting like it’s currently Margot Robbie with Sydney Sweeney boobs
  7. Yes. I think that if we did a study the “put mask back on in between bites while on an airplane” rule would prove particularly helpful at slowing the spread. you know I’m not even making that up. That was a thing! I wish I were making it up. Believe me, I do.
  8. Were finally starting to learn why they needed indemnity. we should have known on day 1 mind you, but a few years late is not bad at all folks
  9. I seriously wanna know on what planet it can be commonly thought that a medicine nobody is taking is some kind of life saving medicine. let me help here a little, or maybe watching “outbreak” could help: if there is a safe and effective medicine people will be banging down doors to get at it. No shunning it. Not wishing they never took the original in the first place.
  10. If it’s so safe and effective why is booster uptake abysmal? I guess people are just stupid; they’re gonna die but ahh, what the heck you know, no big deal
  11. Why does nobody say “it’s not the heat it’s the damn humidity” in Thailand?
  12. So should we mandate this too? Maybe deny people ordering a hamburger or boarding a plane if they don’t take it
  13. Meet the new strain. Same as the old strain
  14. If everyone would have vaccinated and masked we would not have even had a pandemic
  15. Using 30% less gas isn’t only about money. I honestly wouldn’t expect humans to understand. Maybe I’ll numb myself and and get a drinking habit and start driving 120 soon too
  16. I feel so sorry for the corrupt police said no reasonable person ever
  17. Whenever they try and disband protestors, you know it’s working. Exactly the same with the truckers during covid. Protests that do nothing they leave them be.
  18. I realize everyone is free to waste their money as they see fit but among the many dumb things i see people commonly do is turning ac on in a room that’s being blasted with sun. And also just not migrating to other, cooler rooms. You usually don’t have to be confined in a certain room with laptops and whatnot. Pre cooling rooms or a car by rolling windows down and expelling hot air before turning on the ac. Little things matter to me because if we used energy more efficiently it certainly has positive environmental impacts as well.
  19. There’s a reason for that Einstein. You’re probably always speeding. Most people are. I drive at or even well under speed limits because it saves up to 30% on gas which I’ve discussed before on these forums. Trust me… cops stop people for “radar” violations when they are not in fact speeding. How can we get this far in life and not realize these are shakedowns. They don’t care about safety, they don’t care about speeding, they care about lining pockets with roadside cash.
  20. Never get in between a thai and his nap
  21. https://aseannow.com/topic/1326122-bangkok-governor-targets-taxi-and-tuk-tuk-overcharging/?do=findComment&comment=18878154
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