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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. Word of advice to who that does not understand building, if you haven't a clue dont do it, if you really want it and can afford it hire a well known reputable company, there are a number of farang run building companies here but expect Western rates, if you're on a budget then do your research on each stage and dont winge if it goes tits up. Pretty sure you wont jump under the hood of your brand new BMW with an angle grinder when it breaks down so why would you build a house? Dont worry we have shonky contractors and builders in AU too, that's why we need a license to run jobs, the Building authority wants to make sure you have insurance and assets in case you want to do a runner...
  2. I had a licence to run construction projects back in AU, had my own jobs, worked for other builders a few I was supervisor on site, and was a carpenter as well, think I know what im talking about, of course we are far more regulated and cant cut corners and get away with it there but here, well we are aware its another story, but being a doom and gloom merchant about everything Thailand building is a bit out of order, if people read on forums like this there aware of the pitfalls, comes down to who you hire to do your work so its up to you isn't it if you want a decent job. I was living in BKK and would run down to Pattaya every so often to check on each stage of renovations on my condo, I didnt need to be here all the time, I knew when I needed to be here, yes they cut corners and yes I picked them up on it and yes sometimes you just need to turn a blind eye and sometimes you stand your ground, yes there was times where communication wasn't the best and yes because I had been in the industry know you have issues often and they can all be worked out eventually. I didnt go "luxury" just your basic fararang style I was use to back home, I got a pretty good job over all, cant say anything negative really, there supervisors was easy to deal with there workers did need constant supervising and yes they cant think outside of a box, cant problem solve, a few times I watched them stumped one time over fitting off a stone top in the bathroom, they dont seem to think they need a pattern here, ho well the wall was out of square which screwed them, 15 min 4 guys starting and chatting with no solution coming from anyone of them, in the end one offered to fill with caulk 1cm to nothing off the wall...now if I had not been there but I did make it a point of being there during finishing stages they would have filled it...no mate cut this here throw that part away you can replace it another day then scribe this side to the wall...worked out fine. The thing here is electrical and plumbing that seems to be big issues you wont discover until you're living in the place, I suggest you do some research on those topics or hire someone who knows what there doing.
  3. No he's right the basic materials in a house are the same if its 50sq m cheapie or a 350sq m pool side villa for a wealthy farang, its just concrete, lots and lots of concrete, wiring and plumbing is the same, but obviously size dictates costs, finishing is where the big bucks can come in. Back in Australia around 35% of total cost off build is to lock up stage from there its plastering as we use timber frame with brick cladding, and all then finishing, finishing stage is the most costly and time consuming, ive worked on high end town houses in exclusive suburbs and run of the mill estate work out in the burbs, the base materials are all pretty much the same, its the Finnish is where the money gets spent. example, MDF doors, (MDF is paper like layers of manufactured board) the High end town houses used solid MDF 2340 by 820 wide doors that where hung then later taken down and high gloss enamelled, looked a million dollars, the average suburban estate build used 2040 by 820 pine framed hollowed with compressed MDF moulded or flush panels painted by the onsite painter....thats the difference... We are a lot more anal about footings etc in AU, I cringe when I see them fill building blocks with up to a meter of soil, but here they mainly do piles which in its self is very good, you can really spend the bucks on foundations back home of its on crap ground...but here....they seem to get away with the same type over and over.
  4. Your wife needs to get up on the roof as there laying it, to check that its done correctly, yes we all heard about Thai standards but a build is only as good as the person supervising it, to say dont use valleys, take a trip down south to Australia and 95% of all houses have at least one valley on there roof, common is 3 to 5...never had a roof leak on any jobs I worked on bar one, the reason for that was a 15m by 6m roof was emptying on to the lower roof which just couldn't handle the mount of water, we redirected the downpipe to another point problem solved, by the way I didnt make decisions just fixed the issues as I wasn't the builder on that job.
  5. Be nice if they could disprove the footpaths for the tourists too...
  6. Well that's interesting, ISIS again, well the real reasoning might not be quite like they claim but would I think that right wing Israelis wouldn't try something? Lot of people on both sides have there heads lost in the clouds, cut the money and weapons supplies to both sides and get out of the way.
  7. Sorry, yes I misunderstood...
  8. Yes yes yes, but your banging your head against the wall here, I been sparing with a few for a little while now, they keep on banging on about the same things all 3 of them, they haven't any insight just attack everything Israel dont wont forgot about oct 7, little real historical knowledge of the issue and when you point something out they ignore it, make outlandish statements incorrect half truths etc etc...
  9. you would need to have some intelligence to understand...clearly pro Palestinians show little of that that's why we are where we are today.
  10. Another one who reads with is eyes wide shut.... Pro Palestinians JUST IGNORE oct 7th...never happend hey? you really need to lay off the booze there son...
  11. Read this Mr, I dont need some rubbery court half the world dont belong to tell me about genocide..... https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words Should give you new insite since you read with both eyes and ears wide shut...
  12. Well you attack Israel at every opportunity, never have stated the whole thing is mess nor see that both sides are to blame for where we are today.
  13. You clearly do not like Jews, that court that half the world do not belong to clearly pointed out that Hamas also is guilty.
  14. They guy is on your side, this is the extent to what Pro Plates men are on about...they haven't got a good dam clue what's going on....
  15. You wont ever know much if you stopped reading at the second line, like all Pro Palies they stick to a narrow line because there argument doesn't stand up...
  16. Your man of class....forget the ambiance of some coffee shops, or people watching while you slowly sip on the latte, or entertain the fair sex over some black gold...just hit a vending machine and get the caffeine fix that way...
  17. Says you who has no credibility after reading your posts on this current war, pretty much everything you say on the war in Gaza is BULLOCKS... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_of_conquest That pretty much puts you back in you're box Thaibeachlover, Conquest and military occupation is the paragraph that you need to read. Trying to discuss with you is a waste of time, you have a very narrow view of the conflict, see it one way only, it took years to get to this point, I say it one last time there as bad as each other but they cant negotiate with Hamas (because they wont) with an organisation hell bent on eradicating the Jewish race which brings me to the conclusion you dislike Jews and want to see the destruction on there race as do Hamas. Not forgetting Thai beaches....haha honestly you haven't been anywhere have you?
  18. You must be easy to spot, walking around with a bag on thy head.....ho in Australia we call people like you an Ostrich, they are known for sticking their head in a hole so they dont have to deal with issues...
  19. Well we wouldn't get you to writer for lonely planet if Kata is rubbish would we? You can stay for free......I did many times, sleep in a van in a tent on the sand, north is tropical, south it gets cold...
  20. OMG you just shown the Asean community how stupid you are, Palestinians have always taken up arms against Jews, ( it's a little bit hard to invade when you are actually living in the country hey?) There Arab allies who now most dont want a bar of them ie Jordan and Egypt along with Syria and backed by Iran and a few more invaded Israel twice the third time it was imminent so Israel got in first by wiping out the Egyptian airforce followed by the Syrian, act of defence mate when you got half a million troops etc massed on youre borders...but what ever you do dont think to much. Yep agree Netanyahu is hanging on like grim death, but hey Hamas played into his hands didnt they? Gave him and the right wing Israelis an excuse to flatten Gaza. Stolen houses? 700,000 Arabs some pushed some told to leave by there leaders because we will be back ...70 ys later.....yep agree that happened but what about the 900,000 jews living in Syria Iraq and several other places including Arab Nth Africa? also ummm encouraged to move on out, leave it all behind, no compensation given around these times did you know of that? Yep I agree 110% that settler incursions into the west bank is criminal there have not been any in Gaza, the Israelis pulled them all out long ago, but it is war booty, any land taken by conquest remains with you, so legally it can be seen as a grey area in this issue since we are trying to find some middle ground... As for this rubbery court, and Sth Africa, lets not laugh shall we, that country is run by the black mafia, half the world does not belong to it, which includes most of the main players involved, so hey its not there jurisdiction, press fodder, propaganda to turn against Jews. Mate the world is up in arms because the Jews are involved, if it was someone else you wouldn't read about it after 7 months of war...
  21. As per the norm from Ultra pro Palies, they take no responsibilities for the many mistakes made to secure a homeland, that goes back many years, that blood is less valuable than water, also shows you that most just hate jews, that's the only conclusion we can come to when they dont attack the other wars going on around the planet with the same velocity. From the news post this morning after the raid that secured the realise of 4 hostages, "Hamas described the operation as a “brutal crime, devoid of the values of civilisation and humanity,” saying the Israeli military “committed a horrific massacre against innocent civilians.” bit of a joke compared to oct 7 hey? These guys are living in a si fi movie where there is this mist and no one can see reality... Keep living in your sheltered ideologic world there Mr Thaibeachlover, even your name says a lot, go to Australia the worst beach is 10 times better than the best Thai beach, well kata isn't bad and rates....
  22. Look buddy there both f.u. c. k. w. i. t. s, tit for tat, the Arabs have the brains of a flea think its 200BC, they haven't worked it out yet, if I send a dozen rockets over the fence this morning 10 jets will pound my compound this afternoon thripple fold, and the other side as a people traumatised for centuries in great need of shrinks, who have a percercution complex. As per norm pro Palestinians ignore any un provoked attacks shirk around oct 7 and if pressed still do not address directly but say its from years and years of bla blah, they talk about the 700,000 that left there homes but fail to mention the 900,000 jews in other parts of the Middle East who where lets say encouraged to move on out and away, also loosing land money etc, no its not mentioned, both are guilty of a lot of things, as living like a Gazan well lets look at the aid money shall we? the high life some of there leaders are living, away from the bombs, what did they Hamas invest in for Chris's sake? no I wouldn't want someone like Hamas looking after my welfare, I do blame them Arabs for there predicament there idiots, do you think 40,000 fighters armed with world war 1 technology is going to defeat an easily assembled 1million troops that out side of the US has the most advanced weaponry going? S.h.i.t. for brains, that's what they got, by the way there own kind, Egyptians are blockading them as well....you guys are on a high moral horse only seeing it one way, im not sticking up for the Jews they could do it a lot better too, but when your facing guys with rocks in there heads it doesn't leave you much room to move.
  23. Why dont you take this concern of yours up with the Hamas leadership, who have shown no regard for the population, they have allowed a war to happen because they refuse to understand the very nature of what murders and kiddnappings on the scale of Oct 7th would bring. It could have been over in the first few days, hand back the hostages and hand over the killers...
  24. Hamas are dead men walking, even if they manage a cease fire with Israel in the near future and hostages are returned and the IDF get out of Gaza somewhere within the population of Gaza or the West Bank will rise up a group that will displace them, as Hamas did to there own kind, PLO etc there will be a night of the long knives. Netanyahu is a dead man walking too....most of the country wont vote right wing again for a long time...the problem is Hamas and the right wing government of Israel need this war to stay alive...
  25. What about the thousands of rockets that go the other way?
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