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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. We are not all created equal and you wanna get off your high horse, ive had 3 jabs 2 in AU one here and all different providers of the serum, I kinda feel safe and im pretty sure ive had corvid at least 3 times after that last jab, they went on what like seems for ever, some call it long corvid and once when I did go check about it with a doctor in Thai she agreed with me, this particular time went on for like 3 months. When the virus broke out and looked like a serious issue I googled virus and came up with the Spanish flu which I had read about, became obvious what we where facing, simply put the injections lessened the impact and coming from the most locked down city in the world I think the government of the day did the best they could which I applaud, it was tough in Melbourne during that time but we got through it, you have the deniers they can go suck lemon, the rest of us are grateful we got through it, but if your reality was different to mine and you dont agree that's just fine but I was in the coal face and I got a different view.
  2. Yep, fully can relate to that, one time dropped into the stone supplier we used on all our jobs, being in the office I could smell the <deleted>, told the poor honey on the opposite side of the counter the dangers associated with it, like most people she needed a job, hope she left soon after, give a thought to the guys on minimum wages in the factory cutting it, like this is 2020, the ban would have screwed this company but the work force? who knows in 10 years.
  3. Manufactured stone? If it was in Thailand they told you s.h.i.t which is common since there product knowledge is next to zero.... Ive had manufactured stone in 3 houses so far, no issues granite once, issues, might be a good reason why 99.9% of renovations and new home builds we did in AU we used manufactured stone, particular Cesar stone, which is a trade name, I specified it here with my kitchen, of course Thias think your stupid and give you something else which was a manufactured stone and I can see the difference but hey it aint granite which im having issues with in the bathroom, its not liking my partner make up, which goes to show you hey?
  4. Just doing a public service as many get confused between the two, and I have 2 <deleted> granite bathroom tops that stained in my bathroom Im just giving my experience, man made stone is king, every new house and Reno we did bar one used man made stone....and for a good reason.
  5. Dont recomend granite, it can stain and discolour and often does, at least 2 places along suk in pattaya sell the stuff, for similar price man made stone is far superior, also a place along suk that sells it.
  6. If you had been alert you would have noticed that the moment the previous government made it legal the shop fronts of dope magically appeared over night, this telling sign suggests that Thai business men where behind the lobbying of dope knew when it would happen ran around buying up or securing leases and where ready to pounce, id say there would be several prominent Thai business's behind the majority of stores so id expect that about 80% of the trade of doping the nation and tourists in particular to be in the hands of just a few, this practice of flooding I also noticed back in Melbourne AU, pre corvid, with the high number of Chinese students studying at Melb Uni Chinese business men threw up a lot of establishments to keep Chinese money in Chinese hands, even one Chinese woman quite wealthy and self made and a resident in the land of oz who I knew as I did a few projects for her pulled down a house on a tram route to La Trobe Uni and put in its place 16 single bed condos.....to attract Chinese studying there....That came right out of her mouth. Thats what asians are good at...
  7. Seems the plant nursery know about the benefits, seen a dozen plants for sale at one on Saturday.
  8. Thanks for how you do it, I went and bought an android phone as a back up, after new year I will call them and see what they say if im still have problems will try set myGov up on the android phone and keep my fingers crossed, id like to say if im still having issues they can go screw them selves but of course I will conform.
  9. The rating system is for mongers and humans that dont understand attraction. The Japanese spend a lot on the packaging of gifts than sometimes what's in the package, this example should give you a clue, the so called 9s and 10s packaging is to attract, few if any will look like a 10 if you stick them in sloppy clothes no make up flat shoes looking like they just did a days work in a rice field. Some of those you say are a 6 can look like an 8 done up, as for some of the guys beating around Thailand with 3s well in my eyes they wouldn't suite me, but im not foolish to think that there is not feelings and attraction from both sides. For me my preference has always been for women well groomed and who know how to dress well, theres plenty around, especially in BKK, now these women are not going to look like a model every hour of the day but often enough, I learned a valuable lesson when I was about 30, there was this office girl who use to walk through the factory and often passed me, waist down she was exceptional, flat chested and a bit of a honk for a nose I thought at that time ugly, for 6 months we never spoke then one day we did, from that time onwards I got to know her fairy well, her personally shone through like a star, the lesson was never judge a book by its cover this woman ended up looking very attractive to me.
  10. Understanding the culture to begin with goes a long way then you might not make such a statement, do I really need to say it? and by all accounts its not just an asian thing. And one more....if you fly low to the ground you get dirty, same with the types of women you get.
  11. Its a mongers rating system for women, if you seen these dead beats in bars at 1pm looking down the throat of a beer bottle you wouldn't bother to expect much of there 10.
  12. Exactly, said poster hasn't got a clue about attraction or love, you go for the one that appeals to you, in the end its a soul to soul connection.
  13. The tourist numbers have always been important to most government's, they hit the country for a week or two and drop enough money like they where living her for 2 to 6 months, unlike most expats who would be living a more sedate life style.
  14. We are talking future tax paying expats, lot of Japanese and Chinese working here.
  15. Lot of Japanese and Chinese company's here.
  16. Thanks for that info, got my pink id card about 6 months back has the 13 digits, will show it when I visit the revenue department soon...
  17. Yes yes yes but...because they often dont inform you they are updating log in they snap it shut, years ago I got a donegal for internet banking, left my sister with power of attorney to fix things just in case, working ok, now my gov, suspect the Australian government hasn't caught up with Apple Sercurity, my commsec was locked not because of me but because of customer service asking a question about an account I was unfamiliar with when suggesting another name the suspect account could be called that I understood never answered which it turns out was correct then the p.r.i.c.k. locks my account, you got to have a bright spark on the other end of the call too, sister goes to the Commbank and the manger said "ho this happens a lot with Australians living overseas" you want to see what commsec sent to me that I needed to do to get back into my account, near impossible but living n HK or China... For 2 factor authorisation there is email, quite a few use this method why does it need to be an SMS? like phones dont get hacked and taken over? How many people do you think run around with phones that no longer get Sercurity and software updates? There are security questions to answer too if you call, sure we understand about Sercurity and that scammers are becoming a major problem, im not complaining but gees MyGov has a history of the app crashing for some of us...
  18. Then its easy for you, for me to phone my Australian bank from Thailand, put on hold for 20 min then go through something there never heard of and get them to help me comply could prove somewhat of a challenge, of course id expect them to supply proof, its the other end will they accept anything you give them?
  19. You are misguided thinking expats changing spending habits will be detrimental to Thailand and its economy, once if at all its implemented its back to normal after a year or two, might keep a few pensioners in there home country but most will see it as just another requirement. The tourists are what they are really after, as for untraceable overseas payment methods, give it time, if they think its worth the effort they will find a way, you would be silly to think they haven't thought that expats would seek alternative methods. Some say you do others say you dont need to apply for a TIN, well again expats are the easiest people in the country to get them to jump, simply they know they have ways to make you the expat living in there country to comply to there requirements, they do it to you now with the reems of paper work to apply for an AO, certificate of residency every time you want to do something of note, the 90 day reporting, foolish to think that maybe one day they wont make it necessary for you to supply the last tax report when you apply for an extension, keep dreaming flat earthers. Ive not really needed to change much in spending habits but yes ive changed, I would mostly be borderline or pay a few bucks in tax, and I aim to not pay any, own my condo have a late model car and a new bike so all my big spending is over, in future just bring in the base amount to sit under the tax free threshold, any overseas travel etc use my home country credit card and pay for airline tickets ect that way.
  20. And you will need to prove that when at some point in time you lodge a tax return, the answer is simple, savings, proving it could be much more difficult, providing bank statements might not be enough they may ask you for your overseas bank to verify what you claim.
  21. Yep totally agree, that one where your living off pensions keeping to the limit for tax purposes but say bought a car here where the money came out of your online saver from back home, and have proof like in a bank statement showing total amount and more from before the end of 2023, the tax people wouldn't be able to verify its legit and the hoops they will likely make you go through to get it verified and still knock it on the head....We know how inflexible Thais can be dont we?
  22. if thats the case they never told me that....love the way they only ever give you enough information to get to the next step but never enough for the journey
  23. You must have been doing a transfer, if you used the card in wallet (tap) or physical card the payment is instant, only when ive done a transfer ie to my BKK bank account or my partner can there be a hold up.
  24. Dont advertise how you are going to do it, big brother is watching and at some point start closing loop holes you freely gave up at the beginning.
  25. No the app does not work perfectly fine, this is the third time for me it's crashed and its still unresolved, set up a new account for the MyGov code generator while on the phone with them once I logged in it crashed instantly, and support hadn't an idea why, so there useless. I use an apple 15 iPhone the code generator worked fine before the first of 3 updates came through the first update the code generator crashed, 2 more since hasn't restored it, im thinking it could be the software updates but why not its just a <deleted>ty app? If it was the software updates MyGov would have had enough feedback by now and the app people would have been on to it. I asked them if I could have the code generator on my tablet, No, has to be on the phone they said, like some people change there phone yearly even every two years, I dont keep a phone longer than 3 normal, its a hassle, I was thinking to get a second cheaper phone and just use it for a few basic things, an android this time, meanwhile I have a letter to read and cant get access to it...
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