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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. Im not really sure but ive read that even lapsed you just front up to the transport branch do the simple test which is every 5 ys then your issued with a new current licence, so yes and no, they dont flunk anyone (school, licences etc) in this country so its for life I guess.
  2. Wont pay 150 for a meat pie but would pay 125 for a Starbucks coffee...laughable, this guy has to be trolling..
  3. You can afford the $AU800 to fly back every time you get something wrong with you? Ps once you "leave the country" your medicare stops, or not long after, you will need time to reinstate so that pressing illness will take longer to get looked at. You might want to look up the requirements on that one. The point is 20k will give you just a basic life here, no frills assuming you own where you live, living in Pattaya you will need at least a motorbike at some point.
  4. Dont know why you need to"prove a point" 252m out of billions...umm...after all if paying 20,000 for 3 of you guys to go see Bruno Mars live is your idea of quality music we wont take anymore notice of you, enjoy your day.
  5. Well I been here 3 ys now full time, I would have handed over around 5 to 6$ at my local hot bread shop prior to coming here, 150B is $7.01 today, prices where like going up in front of our eyes like a cash register clicking over back home, since I eat a pepper pie from Tinnys about 4 times a year, one is sitting in my freezer now, dont think having 4 in a year is going to make me any poorer than I already am, its seen as a treat, something from home, they have vanilla slices too...miss them, my mum use to buy one for me every now and then when I was a kid....taste of home mate, reminiscing, Its all over soon, we are half way through the last quarter of our life if you want it buy it, I buy real Aussie beef too....buy it at Macro rather large piece, not really much cheaper but around 1600 slice it up enough to last me 6 months...real beef mate....sometimes you just wanna get your teeth into good old-fashioned Aussie red meat.....actualy I prefer chicken so beef is on the menu about once every 3 weeks..
  6. You left out that the pommy immigrants gave up on being miserable and wingers as well....once settled..
  7. Think the pepper pie is 150B makes it a little over 6$, which is a meal in itself so unless your the big c or lotus Thai food court type of guy not expensive, my noodles at Lotus yesterday was 80, I think you might be to long away from home you might be shocked what a pie costs back home these days, the only other alternative is bake it yourself or those horrible pies in Big C which I aint buying again.
  8. well there you are a feature that the payed brothers dont have, interesting.
  9. You got no idea of my history mate, I use to be an avid music collector, I poured thousands into there pockets, went to enough concerts as well, for feeding the beast the best thing that happened to me was getting a nose allergy which turned me off noise, now how it did that I got no idea but I use to go from running the getto blaster all day full boar at work, the cd player in the car full bore, at home often enough, to wanting silence, but ive also reached a point in my life in this case music I anti paying, the guy that started Spotify had intended to put it out there for free, the main sticking point for me right from the start was paying to stream music but you never own what you downloaded, with movies and tv shows I aint watching it again for at least 10 ys if ever, music on the other hand, well I think you get my drift.
  10. Make your own, batten the wall foil and insulation then clad...
  11. If this is such concern for you you cant afford to live here.
  12. You can take him for a meat pie at Tinnies in Jomtien, its on google maps, recommend the pepper pies. Most Aussies like me stay hidden..
  13. Yep, up to me, we can forget about supporting the artists the adds do that the point here is the premium version doesn't really offer much more, and since im Aussie would be paying with an Aussie CC the cost would be $13.99 a month which makes it 312B. By the way the creator of Spotify originally his idea was that music should be free, did you see the Netflix show on it? it would seem once he got the taste of the Aston Martin Vanage the holiday house on the coast the mansion in the burbs and a few shareholders Premium came into being...
  14. You realise of course that all of this is no excuse to attack and kill over one thousand unarmed humans and then kidnap 250 humans then drag them down into the tunnels, then pop them off as the IDF get close, lets not forget the stated aims of these freedom fighters that clearly state death to all jews and this was a long stated aim long before the West Bank existed. To only currently have around 45,000 casualties in Gaza from Israel's attempt to find there citizens over 14 months speaks volumes for the IDF and there approach to try and limit casualties, lets not forget that at least 50% of the male dead are Hamas fighters, I recon the Israelis are doing a great job...I certainly wouldn't want any peace agreements now, there nearly rooted them out of existence, the sooner they clear this scum off the planet the better.
  15. I will buy into this, you seen what the other guys are saying, I will add, just bring in what you need to live per month leave the rest of your money at home, you can bring in between 4 to 500,000 per year before the need to pay tax depending on age. If you can show savings of amounts before the start of 2024 that you may want to bring in for various reasons like buy a condo, make sure you have proof, depending on the mood of the tax officer high chance it wont be seen as a taxable amount, some forward planning and thinking you can work your way around the new tax rules but really why do you need to bring in 150,000 a month?
  16. You must be one of those with your head in the sand, Al Jazeera and many others report more to your liking, but since we here are basically based in the west what sort of news reporting do you expect?
  17. I dont pay but shuffle Im sure you can, interestingly the fee versions once did not have that option, now its locked to shuffle, have a look just above the first song on your list you will see 2 green arrows intertwined right next to the start button hit it and enjoy.
  18. Higher sound quality isn't much point unless your running it through expensive ear phones or hifi system in ya house, how long do you think it would take you to get through 10,000 songs? was a lot of gigs on my iPhone with my own personal made playlists from my own music, adverts, ya but you get use to them, skips? well thats not really true, I can skip away on the free version only time I get caught is when I let the song end then the add hits me...I supported enough rock stars for a lot of years, they aint getting anymore of my money, thank you for the free version of Spoitiy...
  19. Yep, just have to tune into talk sport and its sack Ange after a loss....is miserable an English and Irish thing?
  20. While I like cashless, I still like cash to be around, its nice that the Thai government has set a date to be totally cashless but they and the rest of the world need to be able to supply reliable electricity and Internet, why the twin tower terrorists or any other for that matter haven't woken up to disabling internet or power supplies is beyond me, like we are so geared towards the net now....
  21. Rent away, why guys think the land of smiles is one big brothel gets me, lost the art of seduction? no idea how to date? insecure? Never had an issue having female company here that all it cost me was dinner or a Weeknd away, and some of these females seem quite happy to date with no strings attached one in particular for 5 ys...
  22. Just splash out on the latest iPad Air...will do more than what you want it too.
  23. For a virus and other minor things just go to one of the many clinics around town.
  24. I dont recommend you taking off for a month or two while the work gets done, be there every day and check, especially at the finishing stages, its a bit late to rectify something when its completed, by turning up even twice a day will save a lot of heartache and resentment later.
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