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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. Yep end of the year for me, KL oct and Sth Korea early northern spring...
  2. Just bury you're nose in the phone like everybody else..
  3. Palestinians as you know them are 70 ys old approx, never have been a nation, if you know history the bulk came in during the British mandate to make money from around the area, its well documented if you care to go look, there is a reason why the Egyptians did not allow them to go into the Sini when the war to root out Hamas started there's a reason why they are kept in camps in Lebanon, there is a reason why no one will take them as refugees. There is a reason why Europe dont want anymore Arabs. That is the proof.... You read with you're eyes wide shut sir, plenty of other war causes for you to jump on...are you speaking up over what's going on in the neighbouring country here or in Africa even Haiti?
  4. I was told years ago to not jump start someone else's car with mine, reason being car computers are not cheap, a few other reasons as well that I forget now, there is road side assist, get it.
  5. For you dear sir the way forward assuming you live in Thailand is have a part time TGF, Thai women either want to move in with you 2 hrs after they met you or are so busy themselves see you once a week or fortnight....
  6. Actually most of the "Palestinians" are blow ins from around the area coming to make there fortune during the time of British control, kinda parallels the Jews of Europe coming in during and after the war, prior to that the original inhabitants both Arab and Jew lived side by side I guess since Roman occupation days and seemingly in peace. Them Palestinians refugees from one of the Arab wars in Jordan tried to over throw the Jordanian king, Palestinians are also linked with the Muslim Brotherhood who have tried to destabilise Egypt, hence Arab brothers wont let Arab brothers into the Sini, they fear an uprising, they say they have enough off these trouble makers already in the country, the ones in Lebanon are kept in camps again Arab brothers, sound familiar? they are only allowed to leave to go to work, gates shut at 6 pm, kidding, they cannot live/mix into the Lebanese community, I wonder why? Because these people whom many feel sorry for are troublemakers, everywhere they go they cause trouble. One European country forget who now have criminal data to show these wonderful riotous Palestinians have an alarming high degree of ending up in jail, much much higher than the norm. Another thing people here seem to over look Hamas and Iran and Palestinians are calling this a holy war, in fact everything they do against Israel its a religious war, Bin laden anyone? Do you think they will stop once they have the from the river to the sea land? Islam was created by the sword...read up about it... Anyone really belive the major player as in France etc want this war to stop? No they dont, they say one thing publicly and send bullets and bombs on the next ship out of port, delusional people sucked in by press....why dont they focus on what's going on in the country besides us here, or in Africa a bit more....
  7. You know something the rest of the world dont, so what is it that you know that would have got Jews and Arabs living side by side together forever in a muted love affair?
  8. Point 5.....they dont want a 2 state solution, they have clearly said this 3 times since the inception of Israel. Point 7, no such thing as democracy in the Middle East... Hamas won an election then they threw the rule book out the window. Point 1, most of the occupied territories are captured land from several wars when Arabs invaded. To the victor goes the spoils and that's been the case since the world began. People seem to forget that most of Gaza is already radicalised and supported with glee the attack on oct 7, wont bang on about what kids are taught at schools etc.
  9. Doesn't take Einstein to work out Hamas fighters are mixed in with the population, so its quite logical that groups are all over Gaza. Its been shown time and time again they have stored weapons all over the place, put down your gun walk 10 miles pick up a gun and start all over... Well they had to send them somewhere, me I would have thought coming in from behind at Rafah right at the beginning to cut off weapon supplies coming in from Egypt was a no brainer...but hey im no general..
  10. I use to run 98 back in Au in my cars, though the last 2 were turbo VW's cant remember if they would have run on 95, I would have chose 98 anyway, previous car to them was a BMW series 3 2002 model, I ran it on 98 as well...much smoother running engine and there was an improvement in milage, The old Toyota work van use to run in on 95, certainly quieted the engine down and of course very smooth to run, as for milage well I use to carry a lot of tools...
  11. Dont think they have run flat tires have made it to motor bikes..
  12. Yes I only keep enough for monthly and maybe a bit more expenses in my Thai bank account, prior too using the scan I used a wise digital card which I kept frozen until I needed to use, after maybe 6 to 8 transactions I wipe it and get another...
  13. Yes, you have payment options in my case it was right hand corner, QR code or credit card, click on it, as you go through the process the last step the QR code comes up on my pc screen, phone in hand open bank app you know the rest. No idea how you can do it if you are using your phone to buy and pay, but yes, I now use this system after I deleted my digital card on Lazada even though they took 1b and sent it back wont recognize the new digital card for payment...
  14. I tried keto about 5 ys ago, did well on it but after 3 months got tired of what I was eating, the working out of macros never came easy to me for some reason anyway started to look up keto recipes to expand so to speak, well I hit a wall and stopped loosing weight.... Got back onto keto about 6 weeks ago, had been fasting on and off over the last 5 ys, which was part of being fat adapted on keto the first time, I normally go 18/6 sometimes OMAD and done a 48 hr fast a few times. Anyway im now more enlightened and not working so I got time and energy to work out menus that keep me in check, loosing at least 1 kilo a week....I decided to keep it simple for me as that what's work. What the doom and gloom merchants dont get is....fasting or keto and combined, more energy, need less sleep, inflamation of joints magically disappears, certainly adopting fasting cured me off reflux and the beginning of IBM, the list of benefits is endless....
  15. What a load of <deleted>....you can start with the dietary requirements (food pyramid) some US department recommended way back and has since been modified a few times, told the world what they should be eating phasing it down our throats in the 70's and guess what? And they still have it wrong I might add.
  16. There's a number of recipes for keto bread on YouTube, one I use is a 3min microwave job that's main ingredient is Mozzarella cheese some almond flour almond milk egg and baking powder, tastes great, toasts well and gets that bread yearning out off me make it about twice a week,
  17. I was getting charged around 350 a month just to leave my BKK condo fridge on, no aircon no fan and why do you need a fridge on if you only keep water in it? 7b at 7/11...
  18. Its the 12 monkey syndrome, its real and you can believe it.
  19. hahahaha well I would laugh even louder if I had not experienced this, I asked my TGF does she train her staff....she said yes, I then asked do they know what's going on in the office? well I was being sarcastic after another head f****ing experience, went into a well know motorbike shop to ask on a particular model, wanted ABS the manager said about 2 month wait on the bike, came back about a month later to order the bike, she said ready next week, surprised.....not hearing from her pop in to the store, ahh 1 to 2 months....meanwhile the 2 extra items I wanted on it...no problem....pop in a few weeks later to see when this thing will arrive, gets on the phone....no idea, then tells me one of the items, cant do, and this is the manager im talking too... When I was renovating my condo....walked into home pro the air con salesman told me they couldn't supply a unit that would do 50sq m, I said yes I understand you may not have in stock but you could order one in for me, "no cannot" this guy was a god dam parrot, ok.... he insisted....insisted, flatly cut me off....cannot....., I particular wanted Panasonic units, 3, found the online catalogue and picked up a physical catalog with the model I was after, go back to Home Pro the same guy approaches me....we start again, show him the catalogue looks bewildered, go's off for a few min comes back...."cannot, no have" yes yes but you can order in, "no cannot" by this stage im over the nong, asked to see the store manager and 10 min later the larger Panasonic aircon is ordered along with 2 bedroom ones... The IQ of some off these sales staff is alarming, some amaze you or are bluffing you with product knowledge but many fall very short, seriously anything that's even just a little out off the ordinary they struggle big time with. Then there's the out right lies, Honda sales man told me a bunch of <deleted> on the mid level Civic I ordered, in the end canceled the order after two months cause they canceled the delivery date and couldn't give me a firm new date, the TGF bought the same model late last year i was interested in a year earlier and that's when I noticed pretty much most of the safety tech I was after that he assured me would be in that model was bulls.... Recently bout two items for 32B each somewhere, the girl dilly dally around looking for a calculator....I say 64B as she places the calculator on the bench, she punches in the numbers, 64B plz..
  20. Gees, think its more than 1200 by car to BKK, (300km round trip half a tank of fuel, know Thais work for little but not for nothing) last time we where dropped off at the bus station took a bus no sweating, grab would do the trick too, time before that I drove and left my car at the airport for 3 nights but I have a car.... Judging others by your values, we see it all the time...
  21. Didnt know Mexicans ate shark, you're a funny guy, like-Pad Thai is to Thais the good old Patato cake is to us Australians from Melbourne Victoria, you ask for a scallop there and you get this small battered White Sea food thingo, use to like them once but went off them after a time, im from the days of adding vinegar with the sea salt, but these days I dont mind chicken salt, unfortunately my kids and that generations like tomato sauce which is known as ketchup in other parts of the world, tomato sauce is not to be confused with pasta sauce.... As you can tell we southern Australians adapted to the English fish and chips, tried the cod here in a Pattaya fish and chip shop, if that's all I could get I wouldn't bother and there chips where more like a poor quality home made type, but hey that's me, im rather fond of gummy shark and chips from Melbourne...
  22. No mate, we Victorians call them potato cakes, scallops are some small White Sea food in batter.....In Victoria.
  23. Mopping gets the fine dust that the broom and in your case vacuuming dont get off.....I have a brand new Samsung vacuum cleaner still in its box unopened I received as a promo on my 85inch telly when I bought it at home pro, it cost 3000 brand new, im in Pattaya if you are near make an offer....
  24. My thinking is....like any contract money is loaned for an item it can be recuperate, can take it to court to force it through, the thing is the collateral which is the house is upcountry where resale would unlikely get anywhere near the cost to buy and build, but the guy said as far as the build costs he would right it off if they split though he still had the option to get land costs back. Knew a mid 40s Thai woman up country who got with an Aussie guy, he went to the trouble of building a new house etc etc for them, only for the relationship to sour, he kept all his recites and took her to court he managed she told me to get 50% of the future sale back, house up country having spent overs could take years to sell lucky to get 60% total for the house and land on what he spent, most locals interested would know the situation and low ball.... Mate you get a girl with a job, preferably a decent job, you give her the deposit on the house and she gets a mortgage on it, you can share the repayments, what ever, you make a deal with her..... so many decent women her who actually have regular work make decent money even educated, too many guys that come over here trawl the back alleys or are in rescue mode or worse are the controlling types that need to hand feed there women and be in total control wanting them around them 24/7. And so the story goes, but of course if you can take a potential $ loss it dont matter hey? But again id like to remind you lot of the guys coming here already have at least one failed marriage behind them, the facts are second marriages failed rate is 75% mix it with different culture and the fact you might not be as flexible as you think you are what do you have?
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