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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. First of all, Democracy Now leans to the left, pretty far left. While described as accurately presenting the facts, does not mean you present all the facts. Chomsky uses strongly loaded words like sadistic, brutal, rampage, mowing the lawn, etc. to describe actions taken by Israel. He goes on and on about Israel, the bad player, but barely mentions Hamas. Read what this website says about Democracy Now. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/democracy-now/ Personally, I feel this is a totally one sided view about Israeli/Hamas relations and the present conflict. No one could be a better apologist for Hamas than Chomsky. Did you notice the expression and the tone of voice of the hostess? Looked and sounded like bias to me.
  2. I know you weren't calling me out. I've posted a similar statement on another forum that had members rehashing the same issues over and over that eventually turned into heated discussions. In fact, some offending posts were removed by the moderator.
  3. Got it. I've tried to cut back, but have made the mistake of replying to the trolls on this forum. We are all human, some more than others.
  4. It seems every few hours new reports come out about the economic effects this is having. Supply chains are being disrupted and shipping costs are quickly rising. Anyone relying on just-in-time delivery is going to heavily impacted. Although Chinese oil imports may not be affected it will eventually hurt their exports. It the damage is significant they might suggest to one of the Houthi's major sponsors, Iran, to get involved. China is a major buyer of Iranian oil, thus they have some leverage. Anything is possible when push comes to shove.
  5. Even if the Israelis stop, the Houthis may or may not agree to a cease fire. If a cease fire does take place it won't take long for the missile barrages to start again. They'll cite an incident to claim Israel did not keep their word and make more demands. Allowing Hamas to exist in its present form is kicking the can down the road. They are determined to fight to the bitter end. No matter what they agree to they find or create a reason to resume hostilities.
  6. This is exactly what I predicted 4 days ago. Germany presently has 8 naval vessels off the coast of Lebanon participating in UNIFIL. The Seychelles role in all of this is to gather intelligence.
  7. I agree, but you know who will accuse us of hyperbole.
  8. That's your opinion. It is my opinion that it's not Israel's fault Hamas failed to better the living conditions of the people of Gaza with the millions of dollars given to them. By using the money for other means made them useful in contributing to Iran's goal of fomenting unrest. Iranian stooges, they are. How you wish to connect the dots is your business. However, on this forum, your business is NOT forcing anyone to do or say anything.
  9. Big deal. You hurt my feelings. Life goes on with or without your apology.
  10. There is no doubt in my mind Israel has done some bad things to the Palestinians. I would consider some their actions taken to be illegal under international rules, but l am not so sure about labeling them as war crimes. And no need to give me a definition and list of war crimes. That has been on this forum several times. No need for apologies. Don't need 'em.
  11. Show me where I have denied. Your false accusations are becoming a bit tiring. And I am not the only one tired of your nonsense.
  12. You asking about something that has just about zero chance of occurring. Worry about that if and when it happens.
  13. Yes, that's the choice they made. Yet, they are trying to shift the blame to Israel, just like some posting on this forum.
  14. Hamas and it's supporters have been made a stooge of Iran. It's the choice they made. None of their Arab neighbors want them. Jordan kicked them out and Egypt shut down the Sinai. Why did Hamas squander millions in aid from the U.N. and other charitable organizations to fortify Gaza instead of spending the money to better the lives of the people? Again, it's the choice they made. Now they are paying dearly for bad choices.
  15. If I get this right, he is saying the "Palestinian" Arabs are citizens of Israel by birthright? Oh, isn't Israel a sovereign nation that makes the rules regarding Israeli citizenship. Like you say, that will never happen. Perhaps our Australian friend could convince his sovereign nation to invite the several million "refugees" to resettle in the country. Lots of room there and I'm sure his countrymen would welcome them with open arms. I understand there aren't many racists living there. That would atone for the theft of aboriginal lands.
  16. Partly why I asked "Jewish or Palestinian." I am confused since he jumps all over the page. Not sure if it is intentional or another one of his Freudian slips.
  17. Every sovereign nation has the right to define their requirements for citizenship whether the rules are racist or not. Why would anyone want to apply for citizenship to country where they are not welcome?
  18. Are you implying that the IDF has infants, young children, disabled individuals and the elderly among its ranks? Or is it you don't know the difference between a civilian or a member of the armed forces?
  19. Seems there is a lot of counter battery fire going on on this forum.
  20. Hamas is not only a threat to Israel, but anywhere in the world where Jews live along with any of their supporters. The recent apprehension of four Hamas operatives in Denmark and Germany who were plotting to attack Jewish institutions in Europe is all the more reason for Israel to wipe them out. And I will be called a racist again for saying, "It's in their blood." The truth of the matter is Hamas is a racist organization and anyone who supports them is a racist.
  21. Didn't I say you call it anything you want. If you're looking to pick a bone, go find a dog. A dingo will suffice. You won't find them on this forum, but guarantee you'll find some racists.
  22. Racist? If you say so. I believe if you begin indoctrinating children with the ideology of hating a particular ethnic group, in this case people of Jewish descent, one generation after another it eventually becomes ingrained into the culture. Are they then considered racist if they habitually practice this ideology?
  23. You may be confusing me with another poster. What I posted is not strategy, but just plain common sense. I would think it would be logical if Hamas is being hounded and pounded in Gaza why send send some of their troops back into Israel. For what? What would that accomplish? Can't make it any plainer than that. Remember, you were the one who made the first wise ass remark.
  24. Must be in their blood. Agree. Almost impossible to change that mindset. You've convinced me, but it is the rest of the world that will never agree. Every move that the Israelis make is scrutinized, looking to shift the blame from Hamas to Israel. As the old saying goes, "You gotta do what you gotta do." And it sure looks like Israel is going to do it.
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