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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Sounds exactly like the kid who took his ball away.
  2. As I said the choice is yours. I also said I am not fighting a war and in no need for up to date information. One day late is fine for me. However, it may be important for someone in a hurry trying to validate their position on this forum.
  3. There's more to Musk's meeting with Netanyahu that meets the eye.
  4. Jeez, I am entitled to my own choice where I want my info from. Anyone that disagrees with you is wrong. The IDF has its own intelligence section, yet, everyone blames Mossad for the 10/7 failure. I don't know the intricacies of their intelligence operations, but somewhere along the way credibility is lacking. No one is suggesting for you not rely on that "X" website. That's your choice.
  5. I stay away from anything to do with Elon Musk, and that includes his EVs. Just because the IDF says it's so doesn't not make it so. The Israelis supposedly had up to date information, but 10/7 happened anyway. Since I am not fighting a war I don't mind getting my information a day late.
  6. May be up to date, but how accurate is it? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/10/elon-musk-warned-about-misinformation-violent-content-on-x-by-eu.html
  7. On this forum. In many shapes and sizes. I was on a "sushi" forum where one poster said if there are 10 or more posts on his first visit, he never goes back and reads any of them.
  8. X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook are not my cup of tea. I can do without Musk and Zuckerberg.
  9. The South African government has been accused of doing nothing about about attacks on white farmers. Claims of genocide were circulating. Statistics showing diminishing attacks and also providing reasons for the attacks were used to dismiss the claims. Now South Africa is accusing Israel of genocide. Let's see how that goes.
  10. You mean to say you have never used a product made by Intel? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/intel-will-build-25-billion-chip-factory-in-israel-s-largest-investment-ever/ar-AA1m3k95
  11. Soon? Not if the war continues for another year.
  12. Just who are these many doubters? I suppose I can count you in among the many. Notice, I purposely avoided "WE can count you in," since I speak for myself.
  13. Everyone, except you, knows that Biden is cognitively challenged. The White House has a full time job of correcting or denying his remarks. His behavior has many Americans on edge even his Democratic handlers. I believe I said you were repeating the propaganda and not generating it, unless, you are a Hamas supporter like your go to news source from Qatar.
  14. What difference does it make whether Biden saw the videos or not? What's your point? From what I have observed, you seem to be the one repeating all the propaganda generated by Hamas and its supporters. Repetition does not make it any more believable unless one is brainwashed. Seems you fit the mold.
  15. Where in that article does it say Israel has reason (I take it you mean justification) to "slaughter thousands of innocent civilians"? Two days ago a link was posted by Bkk Brian that describes UNRWA's teachers celebrating Hamas' 10/7 attack on Israel. I have also seen accounts of these same teachers fostering hatred of Israel, teaching kids something that will last for generations. Blame Israel all you want. The Israelis certainly have had a lot of help from UNRWA.
  16. Holocaust? What Holocaust? https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/palestinian-holocaust-denial
  17. The U.N. is staffed by many incompetent, highly overpaid bureaucrats, many who have their own personal agendas.
  18. Not in Hawaii. Hi grade fresh ahi commands top prices. https://www.khon2.com/local-news/keeping-traditions alive-sashimi for-the-new-year/
  19. No, it seems you are the one blinded by your eagerness to find something to find fault with. "Leaders in certain western countries," is what your pal wrote. I was taught that an "s" added to the two words in question meant plural. Been away too long from the highlands? Besides, why are you replying for your pal?
  20. And just what certain western countries are you referring to? And how do you know those leaders won't have the support of their citizens? Those that do support Israel may not be in the majority, but never the less it doesn't mean no support as you claim. Even if Israel is losing support they will not stop. They will just speed up the process meaning more Palestinian lives will be lost at a faster pace. Your huffing and puffing is all in vain.
  21. Here's more anecdotal evidence, but contrary to your personal experience. My dad lived to 87, my mother to 95. Both ate raw fish. Neither died from cancer. I am 84, my younger sister is 82 and my older sister is 92. None of us has or had cancer in any form. Of the three, I consume the most raw fish. My brother lived in Germany for most of his life and did not like raw fish. He died of bone cancer at age 76. Not to disagree with you, but perhaps why the lack of concern here in Hawaii. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19842365 NOTE: Statistics from survey of doctors. Not proof, but not anecdotal evidence, either.
  22. The evidence continues to mount of how extensive and elaborate Hamas' tunnel system is. How can anyone deny this hasn't cost the residents of Gaza a pretty penny? Money that could have and should have been spent on bettering the lives of people claiming to be denied a better life because of Israel.
  23. Until now, I never paid much attention to the freezing requirement. About a year ago I watched a video which mentioned this. Here in Hawaii, we regularly use freshly caught ahi, (yellow-fin tuna) for sashimi and poke (seasoned raw fish) without giving it a second thought. In all my years I have never heard of anyone here getting infected with parasites. Cigautera, yes. Supermarkets advertise the different varieties of poke made with "previously frozen ahi" for half the price of poke made with fresh ahi. Personally, I really can't see much of a difference except for the price. So what do you think I buy? My son regularly goes handline fishing on his boat. He brings in various kinds of small fish ranging from one to four pounds. What our family doesn't eat is sold to my girlfriend's fellow employees. Demand is such they are gone within hours. Tuna fishing is for the big boys, which can be quite risky. So we continue to buy our tuna from the supermarkets which offer a fairly good selection.
  24. Similar to those whose idea of Thai food is som tam, pad thai and red, yellow and green curries. The nori maki sushi I make has seasoned canned tuna, with scrambled egg and carrot strips inside. Sometimes I had kampyo (dried gourd). Canned broiled eel (unagi) has gone up tremendously in price, so most people like me used canned tuna. I also like to make inari sushi which is seasoned rice with small bits of kamaboko (steamed fish cake), cooked carrots and green beans stuffed in fried bean curd (aburage) purses. When it comes to raw fish, I used raw ahi with a little wasabi rolled in seasoned rice wrapped in nori. The choice is endless and I enjoy them all.
  25. In Hawaii, the health department requires sushi and similar foods to be sold in sealed containers or in saran wrap and displayed in refrigerated show cases. Unsold items must be removed after so long, with some foods in as little as four hours.
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