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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Looks like wars, famine and pestilence are not doing a proper job.
  2. What a beautiful thought, for the taxpayers, that is.
  3. I came to same conclusion even before finishing your post. I prefer inflation over depression because IMO the later is more damaging and a lot harder to fix.
  4. More casualties on the way, compliments of Putin.
  5. Bloomberg Businessweek has an article entitled "Stop worrying if your airplane is unsafe." Evidently they thought it was a topic worthwhile to print.
  6. D.C. is an unfriendly, dangerous place. While Carter had good intentions he found out that being nice didn't work.
  7. I was told by a Vietnamese friend that the visa on arrival IN HCMC (Saigon) is quick and easy with photo taken at the desk.
  8. I was surprised at the equipment used to rescue hotel guests. A good example that Thailand is NOT a third world country as claimed by some on this forum.
  9. Africa, 12 1/2 million cases and 258,000 deaths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Africa
  10. COVID is real and it is still circulating, just in a more contagious but less virulent form.
  11. Here's another interesting one. Both my girlfriend and I received the Pfizer shot and 3 boosters. She was exposed at work twice and tested positive both times with no symptoms. I tested negative both times with no symptoms. I'm in my 80's and she 30 years younger.
  12. According to the article it listed pay scales starting at $75,000 and I never saw anything close to a cashier's job listed. Am I missing something?
  13. I actually took the time to read this. It's quite obvious we are not getting the cream of the crop as H-1B is intended to do.
  14. Try Googling TCS (Tata Consultancy Services.
  15. Sure looks like that is becoming a real possibility. Homelessness is rampant and violent crimes are on the upswing. This contributes to instability.
  16. Come to think about it, there are a few posters missing in action.
  17. Yes, quite long, but interesting. One sentence in particular caught my attention. "Over the past few decades, scientists have developed ingenious methods of evolution acceleration and recombination....into moving quickly from one species of animal to another...." And the search goes on, albeit in a supposedly safer way. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-11-21/virus-hunters-search-for-new-forms-that-could-turn-into-pandemic
  18. Sorry, your broom isn't big enough. Nice try.
  19. "The Arabs see compassion and restraint as weakness." No truer words spoken. My words: "Fight fire with fire."
  20. https://epi.org/publication/new-evidence-widespread-wage-theft-in-the-h-1b-program/ Sorry, the link doesn't work. You can try "H-1B Visa Abuse."
  21. Your geography teacher miscounted. What happened to Mexico?
  22. When a business of this size continues to devour the competition their political clout also grows. Not really a healthy situation for the country.
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