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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. I don't own a TV and only watch it online for local news.
  2. I didn't comment because I did not see that about Pfizer. Doing research today is such a chore because of so much conflicting information with everyone having their own agenda and in most cases, biases. Also adding to the confusion is AI which is being used for nefarious purposes. One source that I have no trust in is the CDC. It's no secret that it is controlled by Big Pharma. And Fauci, he has rarely told the truth.
  3. I have never approved of hiding and manipulating statistics. Tens of millions. I was being facetious by using a supposition.
  4. IF the Chinese had not allowed the virus to escape the country maybe things might have been more manageable, too. They only attempted to protect their own population. Then it came back with a vengeance and the CCP resorted to all sorts of inhumane controls which backfired.
  5. Maybe there weren't that many unvaccinated people left. The fact is no one knows for sure and the world will most likely never know. And hiding and manipulating statistics is really criminal. Same thing goes for the origin of the virus.
  6. Who knows. Could of been worse. If they weren't vaccinated they might not be here to talk about it. Thankfully, they are on the road to recovery. No two situations are alike.
  7. As we age our immune system begins to decline. Antibiotics I have taken for UTI's and contaminated shellfish have worked wonders for me. The trick is to match the right antibiotic for each particular situation.
  8. Not good if the data is correct. One Abbot Laboratories executive remarked, "The one thing we've learned from history is nobody learns from history," when commenting about pandemics and vaccine development.
  9. At least he is not denying there may have been insufficient enforcement of existing rules and regulations. Most bureaucrats and politicians would make all kinds of excuses to save face. How much follow up there is remains to be seen. I am not familiar with the gentlemen and hopes he actually does something and not kick the can down the road.
  10. Guess you have never been in a real Third World country, where fire fighting equipment is archaic and barely functional. Open your eyes and read ALL of the previous posts, especially those by the OP.
  11. What about those who were in top shape and got very sick? The unsolved mysteries of COVID are still with us and most likely many will never be revealed. In a previous post, I wrote about my experience with the virus. My girl and I consider ourselves to fortunate to not have suffered despite being exposed.
  12. Please explain how thousands lost their life (sic) because of him. Granted, Operation Eagle Claw was a disaster, but why blame Carter for the failure as bad intentions? Remember all the finger pointing after the Bay of Pigs?
  13. I gather that you are actually interested in discovering what's going on in the real world. While I cannot get the link to work, you can Google "The Pandemic Hunters Bloomberg" and scroll down to "Scientists Search For the Next Pandemic Virus In Remote Jungles". It's a long article about how a division of Abbot Laboratories is working on identifying viruses that might become the next pandemic. Hope you like it.
  14. Like getting free insurance. Why not?
  15. And the Chinese gave it to rest of the world. Maybe it's payback time.
  16. Very impressive, but not my thing. I prefer natural wonders and the outdoors.
  17. This what Albert Bourla actually said: "No variant identified so far that escapes our vaccine protection". "Protection" does not mean immunity. It means protection from serious injury and death. As for comments from the rest, in my opinion, most didn't know what the hell they were talking about. Rachel Maddow Crackpot Bill Gates Unreliable Joe Biden Puppet Anthony Fauci Liar Rochelle Walensky Fauci Apostle
  18. The vaccine is not intended to prevent COVID and its transmission, but lessen the chance of serious effects. The term "asymptomatic has been around since the 1930's. Both Pfizer and Moderna are publicly owned companies whose stock is widely trade. Stockholders expect a fair return on their investment. The markets determine what a fair return is.
  19. As I said, your prerogative. Maybe daily consumption of pineapple will give you immortality. Believe it or not. Your prerogative.
  20. It depends how and where the information is gathered. In this case I think the statistics are fairly accurate. This source matches the figures from Wikipedia. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1170463/coronavirus-cases-in-africa/
  21. Your prerogative to believe how accurate the figures are. Even if I produced the same statistics from another source you would most likely deny it. Is is possible that living in a pineapple field gave you an immunity to COVID? Or perhaps anyone who denies the existence of COVID is automatically immune to an imaginary virus? The veterans care home where I live had a bunch of deaths attributed to COVID-19. As soon as proper safety protocol was put in place, the deaths came to a halt. I know, just a coincidence.
  22. Not to argue, but most items that have seen inflated prices are because of government action or inaction, directly or indirectly. The high price of eggs being one exception, culling of flocks because of bird flu. Otherwise, an excellent explanation.
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