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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Since you posted this things have really escalated. More commercial vessels have been fired upon with several being hit. The second and fifth ranked shipping companies, Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd, have halted further shipping through the Red Sea/Suez Canal. This not only affects Israel, but also a host of countries relying on this route. The U.S. and at least three of her allies are patrolling the area with more countries planning to get involved. This is serious, folks.
  2. Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy. I have often commented to my friends why Obama never, or very rarely, mentions his white heritage. This seems to be a common trait among many biracial activists promoting a race based agenda. They pick and chose whichever blood quantum serves their purpose. I see this every day in Hawaii. People with a fraction of Hawaiian blood claiming to be a Native Hawaiian fighting for their rights. There are over 800 separate programs exclusively benefiting the Native Hawaiian community and they claim they are under served or being treated unfairly. I am of mixed heritage and am proud of every drop of DNA I have. It pleases me that my children have the same attitude. Thaibeachlovers, when I poke fun of your nationality, it is all in jest.
  3. Nothing like a scrap between a Kiwi and an Ozzie.
  4. Term limits are supposedly to prevent the establishment of a dynasty. In Biden's case, it's like an Obama's third term, albeit a four year interlude. The only thing missing are the speeches by the "great orator."
  5. I DO KNOW there is a difference between suspicion and allegation.
  6. So, anything in the U.S. Constitution that you disagree with is a fluke. The Electoral College was established by the U.S. Constitution along with the rules that govern it. There are also rules on how to amend the Constitution. And there's a stool and an appropriate hat waiting for you.
  7. Wow! Control your emotions before you have an accident, too.
  8. You certainly have a knack for distortion. Sorry, I don't have the ability to converse in Kiwi English.
  9. Evidently, you didn't get the message or completely misunderstood it. Seems like a sly way to deflect.
  10. Why would I. Read the news release again. Reuters says the Houthis claim the Strinda was transporting crude oil to an Israeli terminal, but Strinda's Norwegian owner says the cargo is biofuel feedstock, not crude oil, heading to Italy. If the ships owner is caught falsifying information they could void their insurance coverage, so I would tend to believe them and not a bunch of terrorists. As for the possibility of a Israeli stopover after offloading it's cargo in Italy, that seems to be off the table for now. Maybe the Norwegians should contact you for advice. LOL who
  11. When I first reported aboard ship in 1958 my intent was to be a cook. The operations officer had other ideas. He had me assigned to the radio shack. At first I wasn't happy, but he asked me to try for another month. When the ops officer spoke with me 30 days later, I told him I would stay and promised not to disappoint him. And I didn't. I took the advancement exam for 3rd class radioman petty officer along with the other 4 guys in our radio gang who were graduates of the Navy's class A radioman school. With only on the job training I passed with the rest of them. Long story, short. I retired after 23 years of service. Personally, I feel that the U.S. should have compulsory military service of at least two years or some other worthwhile public service. I never regretted my time in the military. I believe it helps to build character and opens the door to many opportunities. There are educational programs that helps those with limited financial resources. The military has some of the finest schools in the country.
  12. Agree, Western style democracy is not for everyone. What is your explanation why are so many breaking their necks to get in the police headquarters.
  13. According to AP News the Strinda was transporting a load of palm oil from Malaysia to Italy. If true, then more lies and propaganda from the Qatari government. Why would anyone volunteer to be a messenger of false news? Link to this article is not available at this time.
  14. Do I sense a bit of racial bias by the Saudis here? I don't recall them being very vocal about the persecution of the Rhohingya in Myanmar and the Chinese oppression of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. Or are crusaders only white people?
  15. Is Xi beginning to have second thoughts about Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and his continual threats against Taiwan? It seem kissing up to Biden and his recent courting of Vietnam are signs that Chinese belligerence is not having the results he had hoped for. And now that the U.S. has openly displayed support for the Philippines against Chinese moves in the West Philippine Sea will China continue their bullying tactics? Perhaps invading Taiwan is beginning to sound like a bad idea.
  16. Agree. The CCP not only control the military, but just about every sector of the economy. Because the party demands results and dictates how soon they want results, they often get an inferior product. The new Dalian underwater tunnel that was designed to last 100 years flooded 15 days after opening. Even BRI projects outside the country have ended in failure or disaster. One can only assume these problems will also pop up in their military hardware. State of the art military hardware is only effective if it works as designed. Yes, the U.S. military has been plagued with similar problems, but too many failures gets extra scrutiny by Congress. The U.S. also has a competitive bidding process with encourages innovation and the latest technology. While far from perfect, it usually produces a better product than the Chinese can put out. Why do you think China spends so much time and effort on industrial espionage?
  17. Sorry. Problem with link on Chinese fighter pilots. Worked when I tested it.
  18. I misspoke. They may lack the combat experience, but appear to be better trained. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/china-might-have-stealth-fighters-how-good-are-pilots-who-fly-them-59147?utm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Air_Force_Flight_Academy?utm
  19. Quality vs. quantity. The other day an Israeli F-35 fighter jet shot down a Houthi cruise missile. The plane's highly advanced tracking system plus the experience of the Israeli pilot made this possible. It is highly unlikely the Chinese could accomplish a similar feat. While Taiwan may be "woefully ill prepared for a CHinese attack," the U.S. is not. Former secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, said, "You go to war with the army you have, and not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." I believe the same thing applies to the U.S. Navy and Air Force. There is nothing equivalent to combat experience.
  20. If I am not mistaken, this is the third ship that has been hit. The other two suffered "little or no significant damage." Although it is a matter of when I am curious as to who will fire the first shot.
  21. It just been reported that a Norwegian flagged ship carrying chemicals is afire in the Red Sea. Houthi fired missile(s) blamed. U.S. Navy ship on the scene. What now? Using your words, will the international community tolerate this?
  22. Underestimating an enemy often results in a long, costly war that can end in a stalemate rather than a speedy decisive win. Putin seems to have made that miscalculation. Many military analysts were surprised at the resistance put up by Ukraine and all of the economic and military support by western nations. Then there are the economic sanctions that are slowly having a devastating effect. Although Xi is just as ruthless and daring as his Russian counterpart, he is a lot more cautious. Obviously, he is looking at all of the possible scenarios should China invade Taiwan. Just because the Chinese have a much more superior military force does not ensure a quick, decisive victory. There are many formidable challenges when conducting an amphibious operation. Seven hundred something years ago the Mongols set out to conquer and subdue the Japanese. Twice they failed, defeated by the weather. D-Day, in 1944, could have also been a disaster for the Allies. Fortunately for them, the weather cooperated. Discounting who would come to Taiwan's aid is debatable. If China were to make preemptive strikes on U.S. bases in Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere it is a given that the U.S. would immediately respond. The Australians have also indicated they would get involved. As to who else would join in depends how on long the hostilities last. If China does badly, then maybe others will join in the fray. Let's hope that Xi realizes no matter what, China will pay a heavy price.
  23. Wouldn't surprise me. My worry is who will sit in the oval office if it's not Joe. America is going down hill fast and we need a brakeman real soon. Joe is already having a difficult time determining which pedal is which. Scary.
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