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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Personally, I am against all this name changing of various geographical locations, including the renaming of 9 U.S. military bases. We have an Hawaiian activist in the Hawaii legislature that wants to change the small town of Capt. Cook to a Hawaiian name. None of this BS is going to change history. Good or bad, it is what it is. Changing Burma to Myanmar has not benefited the country, and so on.
  2. They may have made major political contributions, but they alone did not elect Donald Trump. What about the maga facists, to use your favorite description, who voted for him. Quite sure there aren't that many billionaire maga facists in America. Then again maybe your definition of base is different than mine.
  3. Where is Mt. Dinali?
  4. By dangerous, I mean he needs Congress and Congress needs him. No compromising means failure to tackle pressing things such as illegal immigration and depoliticizing the DOJ . IMO you have underestimated Trump's goals. Label me an optimist, but I would like to think he will put the country first before enrichment. If America moves forward so will Trump's riches.
  5. Not everyone can afford Solar Systems with components from China and EV's with elements sourced from countries that are creating environmental disasters.
  6. I think you are mistaken about his base. Many Republican House and Senate members owe their seats to many of Trump's supporters. Perhaps you have forgotten what party will be in the majority. There are already some disagreements with Trump and there will be more. Trump may be arrogant, but he is no fool. He knows abandoning his base is dangerous and will compromise. Wait and see.
  7. Wow! Do you actually believe that?
  8. See, without Trump you wouldn't have been able to make that comment. Whether I care or not, the Trump regime will be around to give you something to do for the next four years. Who knows, you may run out of steam before that. As for Trump, he survived two assassination attempts, two impeachments, a slew of legal challenges and an army of liberal left wingers. Me, at my age, I am thankful for my good health, a caring girlfriend (Thai) and assumed immunity to COVID.
  9. Just think, without Donald Trump what would many posters do? He has become a whipping post for the anti-facists and the left in general. Then you have the Trump supporters, some call MAGA facists, who defend him. Yes, things on AN would probably would be bit slower without him. And those in the middle could care less.
  10. You are absolutely right. Don't you ever get tired of using the word "facists"?
  11. There is no doubt in many peoples' minds, including mine, that January 6, 2021 was a dark day in American history. And there is no excuse for what happened, and there is also no excuse for the violent acts committed by BLM supporters. Making comparisons is, IMO, senseless including motives behind the violence. This is what you are doing. No justification for either, no matter the motives.
  12. Bill Clinton received a 5 year suspension of his Arkansas law license plus a fine of $25,000. Under threat of being forbidden to practice before SCOTUS, he resigned. The powers lie in the Arkansas Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court. Hope that answers your question.
  13. He means legal consequences. The purpose of impeachment is usually to remove someone from office, thus a political action. However, it does not preclude legal consequences.
  14. It was meant to be a facetious remark, but evidently you thought I was challenging your statement. Whatever.
  15. It's senseless to have any further discussion with you. Good bye.
  16. I'll think Trump's ego will get the best of him. He doesn't need any more campaign contributions and his enemies will be watching very closely for any questionable business deals involving Musk.
  17. Could it have anything to do with who the federal holiday commemorates?
  18. They want well heeled tourists. Not sure about the super healthy (well healed) because they have the energy to get into a lot of mischief. LOL. Only kidding. No offense. Just couldn't help myself. All kidding aside, I agree, it does seem rather odd.
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