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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. You were comparing native born Americans to undocumented aliens, so I thought you would understand my use of word "import" was a polite way of saying coming in illegally. I see I thought wrong. I have never, ever said I was against anyone coming here with the proper documentation. I have personally sponsored four individuals that have not run afoul of the law while in this country.
  2. As far as I am concerned, we have enough homegrown criminals, so we don't need to "import" any more.
  3. These types of violations are a worldwide problem and are on the upswing as marine resources shrink. Perhaps the biggest offender is China whose fishing fleets travel all over the globe poaching in everyone's backyard.
  4. You weren't clear as to what part of his post you labeled as garbage. AFAIK the Facebook and Twitter examples are factual.
  5. You don't have to be in the MAGA cult to know that Zuckerberg testified before a congressional committee that the White House (under Biden) pressured Facebook to censor some Covid-19 content during the pandemic. Twitter also suppressed valid information at the request of both the Trump and Biden administrations. You need to check a "real" dictionary for the definition of garbage.
  6. You're such a pushover. By the way, I've got a bridge you might be interested in.
  7. Landslide or not, the numbers in the electoral college, 226 to 312, point to quite a convincing win.
  8. As I mentioned previously in another blog, Trump and Musk will eventually tire of each other. Already there are some well publicized disagreements. IMO, it is rather doubtful Musk will become the de facto president. With Trump's ego, no way will it happen.
  9. Do I sense a bit of racism? Being foreign born is not necessarily a bad thing.
  10. Still trying to figure what cult you belong to since you qualify for a number of them. Me, I belong to a cult called Free Independent Thinkers of America.
  11. "I shouldn't need to say anything else." But you did. You proved my point. However, I won't say anything else, except for this, GOOD BYE.
  12. Your response confirms what I wrote. "Statistics are being challenged as being manipulated or exaggerated." And you responded, "even you are posting BS statistics." jas007 posted wrote, "The excess deaths keep piling up around the world, except in places like Africa, where everything is pretty much business as usual." I replied, "Africa, 12 1/2 million cases and 258,00 deaths," followed by a link. He and another poster questioned the reliability of my link. So I posted another link with basically the same figures. I don't recall you posting a rebuttal to my so called "BS statistics."
  13. Agree. Tired of the same old same old nonsense.
  14. Because COVID has been investigated and researched for more than four years with a lot of conflicting results, it has become an extremely contentious issue. Statistics are being challenged as being manipulated and exaggerated for political purposes and monetary gain by Big Pharma. All of this has split much of the world into two camps which each side claiming the other side is wrong, wrong, wrong. Many go as far as claiming that anyone who disagrees with their beliefs is brainwashed. Some even go as far as threatening violence. I grew up with vaccinations and believe they work. Granted, they are far from perfect and can have some serious side effects, even sometimes, death. I personally have never suffered any adverse reactions other than a headache and a sore arm. Are there are long term effects? I don't know. I am willing to take that chance rather than face the risk of suffering from a possibly deadly virus. That's my prerogative. For those that continue to do battle, move on.
  15. I purposely posted a link and an unrelated comment. He cherry picked the comment to address and ignored the link countering one of his arguments. I tried this with another post. Same result. He is a master of deflection by ignoring the real issue by making all sorts of derogatory comments and ridiculous accusations. Don't waste your time reasoning with him. Eventually, he will disappear.
  16. Interesting aside. Ancient Egyptians used it as a natural form of penicillin.
  17. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for that. LOL.
  18. https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Immunization-Healthcare/Clinical-Consultation-Services/Exemption-Guidance It's not the information you post, but your arrogance. I've been a AN member for nearly twenty years and don't intend to stop participating because of you.
  19. Some hotels have their own laundries. World famous Mauna Kea Beach Hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii is one of them. The laundry not only serves the hotel but also handles the laundry for Mauna Kea Resort Services, a hotel subsidiary that services the upscale homes surrounding the hotel.
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