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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. That's your opinion. It is my opinion that it's not Israel's fault Hamas failed to better the living conditions of the people of Gaza with the millions of dollars given to them. By using the money for other means made them useful in contributing to Iran's goal of fomenting unrest. Iranian stooges, they are. How you wish to connect the dots is your business. However, on this forum, your business is NOT forcing anyone to do or say anything.
  2. Big deal. You hurt my feelings. Life goes on with or without your apology.
  3. There is no doubt in my mind Israel has done some bad things to the Palestinians. I would consider some their actions taken to be illegal under international rules, but l am not so sure about labeling them as war crimes. And no need to give me a definition and list of war crimes. That has been on this forum several times. No need for apologies. Don't need 'em.
  4. Show me where I have denied. Your false accusations are becoming a bit tiring. And I am not the only one tired of your nonsense.
  5. You asking about something that has just about zero chance of occurring. Worry about that if and when it happens.
  6. Yes, that's the choice they made. Yet, they are trying to shift the blame to Israel, just like some posting on this forum.
  7. Hamas and it's supporters have been made a stooge of Iran. It's the choice they made. None of their Arab neighbors want them. Jordan kicked them out and Egypt shut down the Sinai. Why did Hamas squander millions in aid from the U.N. and other charitable organizations to fortify Gaza instead of spending the money to better the lives of the people? Again, it's the choice they made. Now they are paying dearly for bad choices.
  8. If I get this right, he is saying the "Palestinian" Arabs are citizens of Israel by birthright? Oh, isn't Israel a sovereign nation that makes the rules regarding Israeli citizenship. Like you say, that will never happen. Perhaps our Australian friend could convince his sovereign nation to invite the several million "refugees" to resettle in the country. Lots of room there and I'm sure his countrymen would welcome them with open arms. I understand there aren't many racists living there. That would atone for the theft of aboriginal lands.
  9. Partly why I asked "Jewish or Palestinian." I am confused since he jumps all over the page. Not sure if it is intentional or another one of his Freudian slips.
  10. Every sovereign nation has the right to define their requirements for citizenship whether the rules are racist or not. Why would anyone want to apply for citizenship to country where they are not welcome?
  11. Are you implying that the IDF has infants, young children, disabled individuals and the elderly among its ranks? Or is it you don't know the difference between a civilian or a member of the armed forces?
  12. Seems there is a lot of counter battery fire going on on this forum.
  13. Hamas is not only a threat to Israel, but anywhere in the world where Jews live along with any of their supporters. The recent apprehension of four Hamas operatives in Denmark and Germany who were plotting to attack Jewish institutions in Europe is all the more reason for Israel to wipe them out. And I will be called a racist again for saying, "It's in their blood." The truth of the matter is Hamas is a racist organization and anyone who supports them is a racist.
  14. Didn't I say you call it anything you want. If you're looking to pick a bone, go find a dog. A dingo will suffice. You won't find them on this forum, but guarantee you'll find some racists.
  15. Racist? If you say so. I believe if you begin indoctrinating children with the ideology of hating a particular ethnic group, in this case people of Jewish descent, one generation after another it eventually becomes ingrained into the culture. Are they then considered racist if they habitually practice this ideology?
  16. You may be confusing me with another poster. What I posted is not strategy, but just plain common sense. I would think it would be logical if Hamas is being hounded and pounded in Gaza why send send some of their troops back into Israel. For what? What would that accomplish? Can't make it any plainer than that. Remember, you were the one who made the first wise ass remark.
  17. Must be in their blood. Agree. Almost impossible to change that mindset. You've convinced me, but it is the rest of the world that will never agree. Every move that the Israelis make is scrutinized, looking to shift the blame from Hamas to Israel. As the old saying goes, "You gotta do what you gotta do." And it sure looks like Israel is going to do it.
  18. There are others that feel the same way, but are afraid to express their sentiments because it's politically incorrect and they will be targets of ridicule. Basically I agree with you, except my sympathy goes to those Palestinians who wanted nothing to do with Hamas but were forced to cooperate. In WWII, the Japanese population thought it be disloyal to the emperor were they to even think of surrendering to the Allies. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki changed many minds. Of course, the rest is history. What happens next in the Israeli/Hamas conflict will also become part of history. Right now what will be written will be anyone's guess.
  19. There are some on both sides that will never get over it. My brother's father-in-law belonged to the Nazi party. I have no idea how active he was. However, this never seemed to be an issue with my brother and his German family. Perhaps my growing up in Hawaii with a large Japanese population made me more aware of Japanese culture and appreciative of Japanese cuisine. While there, I ate everything put in front of me. I recall one old Japanese lady regularly sneaking me in to the back of her restaurant and personally serving me. Her establishment did not have a grade A sign. This was a system imposed by the U.S. military, which I mostly ignored. I miss those days. As far as the Aussies go, I understand the resentment. Not very many people are aware of the Japanese bombing of Darwin and other Australian towns. Also the treatment of POW's by the Japanese Imperial Army was most barbaric.
  20. So can I. My first time in Japan was 1958 in the U.S. Navy. Never recalled outright animosity for Americans. I returned in 1965 as a civilian and lived there for several months. Returned again in 1972. At that time the Japanese were upset with Nixon for his removal of the gold standard. The "Nixon Shock" was responsible for a decline in the yen from 360 to around 270 to the dollar. Other than that my experience was mostly positive as I traveled from Hokkaido to Kyushu. My brother served most of his army time in Germany. This was in the mid 50's. He married a German girl and went to work for an American electronics giant in Frankfort as a salesman to German businesses. Other than visits back home along with his family he lived there till his death. My friendship with my sister-in-law and my two nieces was excellent. After my brother's death we continued to stay in touch. I never visited Germany so my personal experiences are limited. As far as Italy goes, no personal experiences. In all my years of travel I have made many friends and never had any hassles with anyone. Don't know about you. Negative attitudes usually bring negative results.
  21. Fifty years? Really? In 1951, the U.S. and Japan signed a Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security which was amended 9 years later. Italy was one of the founding members of NATO in 1949. West Germany joined in 1955 right after the allied occupation ended. So much for your hundred year comment. Perhaps you and your friend from New Zealand should take remedial classes in world history. You two may learn something.
  22. No, I am not qualified, but evidently you think you are. Could be he feels he is being left out of the discussion and rushes in without thinking. And I thought it was the IDF you and I were discussing.
  23. You mean just like how the former western enemies of the Germans, Italians and Japanese fear them today?
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