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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. The U.S. learned this from you folks across the pond.
  2. Very good reason to be defensive and conservative with one's investments. Lots of volatility ahead.
  3. We all know that Trump, at least I do, is not the most articulate speaker. He often uses hyperbole to make a point. Good and bad. Good, confuses his and America's enemies. Bad, sometimes puts him on the hot seat.
  4. Lot of disagreement to go around. If you look at my posting history on AN I have not approved of everything Trump has done or promised to do.
  5. Seems as you never give up. Just like the man you so despise.
  6. Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the dangerous debt load of the federal government. Now that one party is attempting to slow it down the other party is doing everything in their power to stop it. One well respected financial fund manager thinks it's about time. https://www.foxnews.com/media/us-heading-towards-economic-heart-attack-debt-cut-soon
  7. Yep, Chris Coons, Democrat senator from Delaware.
  8. Good to see we are on the same page regarding threats by two evil empires.
  9. Israel is already doing a good job of it. Knocking out their air defense system for starters. And destroying Iran's weapons factory in Syria has definitely put a dent in its terrorists activities and influence in the Middle East.
  10. They could, but unless desperate, these countries will be less inclined to accept aid from China because of its well publicized debt trap diplomacy. China rarely gives money away for "free"even though it may be a tiny portion of its budget.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-iran-obliterated-hes-204217782.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  12. The U.S. has a proliferation of lawyers and has become a litigious society with people suing for everything under the sun including medical malpractice. As a result medical malpractice insurance and defensive medicine can make healthcare more expensive than elsewhere. Most procedures here are covered by private and government insurance with varying amounts of co-pay. Hospitals, by federal law, are not allowed to deny anyone with few exceptions. Yes, our system is expensive and not without flaws, but I rather get sick here than anywhere else I have been. I rarely have co-pays and when I do they are very little.
  13. What does sending money abroad it's "a tiny portion" of the budget mean in relation to the federal budget? Is China rejoicing because matching U.S. foreign aid will be less for them to give? Aid to Pakistan is not working out as China planned. Now, total BRI spending has been cut back.
  14. Yes. Just wait until frustrated motorists start taking the law into their own hands. Then what?
  15. There can be consequences, and not always pleasant.
  16. Democrats always take the moral high ground whenever they can get someone else to shell out the money for it.
  17. But most of America holds deuces. And you failed to address the issue of what we really import from Canada and Mexico.
  18. Anyone relying on your information is in for a big surprise when they find out what we really import from Canada and Mexico. Sticker shock to say the least.
  19. Economists classify Walmart as a oligopoly.
  20. While not exactly a monopoly, Walmart, where I live offers consistently low prices on most items. Their no hassle return service can't be beat. They are my to go pharmacy; fair prices with friendly and fast service. My favorite one-stop store with their online inventory/price checker. They also offer quick shipping on non stocked items, items that are not always easy to find elsewhere.
  21. I was referring to Laverne Baker. The song came first came out when I was in high school and was a favorite of one of my classmates who sang it when we sat around drinking beer. Brings back good memories.
  22. I replied to billd766 that I did not say it's a good idea because I don't know enough about CP other than it's a powerhouse employing a lot of Thais.
  23. Unbelievable how anyone could be so cruel.
  24. Makes you wonder why Biden pardoned Fauci.
  25. Some think that if you repeat a lie often enough makes it true. George found out otherwise.
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