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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Yeah right! Tell this to the families killed by illegal aliens. Noticed your link isn’t from Madcow, Overbite or AC/DC, Whoopy or Joyce. You’ll never hear them speak of crime by illegal aliens. Doesn’t fit their agenda.
  2. What goes around comes around! Snowflakes can’t grasp that concept.
  3. You had to be one of Rod Sterling's writers for the twilight zone or the LSD induced kool-aid has taken effect.
  4. Bezos wasn’t part of the conversation and I see reading comprehension wasn’t your strong point in elementary school.
  5. Trump inherited a small portion and from that became a self made billionaire. He invested it correctly and is reaping the benefits. Capitalism! Isn’t it great! Sounds like you’re jealous.
  6. Because that’s what drinking the kool-aid does to one’s mind.
  7. Before or after he becomes president?
  8. “Biden has a long record of public service “ True and accomplishing very little other than making himself rich on his civil service salary and catering to special interests. He is ingrained in the beltway swamp. Along with other higher level civil servants that take an act of congress to fire. FBI, CIA, DOJ all included. Trump on the other hand made his money before coming to office. Not a career politician. Worked for free other than expenses. Never seen that before. No need to cater to specific interests which is another reason why they loathe him and will do anything to keep him as POTUS again. It’s not working out too , is it?
  9. Nothing
  10. “Nobody amasses that much money by being stupid” Well Trump is worth at least 2.6 billion so that makes him smarter than TS. Thank you for confirming Trump is a smart man. That enema must have worked wonders.
  11. “Economy is roaring “ “Immigration is a key reason “ The Democrats prefer illegal aliens over their own citizens. We already know the motives. https://www.foxnews.com/media/denver-cutting-some-city-employees-hours-down-zero-support-migrants-insist-these-arent-layoffs
  12. Most paper pushers are not. He can beat a desk to shreds though.
  13. The kool-aid must be spiked with a new additive. Most likely CIA induced LSD. Reason for such vivid hallucinations. Mr CIA will confirm this, no doubt.
  14. Another worthless quote by a worthless pencil neck from Langley. Are you one of those guys who had to retire or else you would have been fired? At least they gave you a way out to save face. So what has been the greatest achievement of the CIA since polluting Watts with crack? Nothing!
  15. More nothing! You won’t hear this from Rachel Madcow, Keith Overbite or AC/DC Cooper as it doesn’t fit in with their narrative or from any Biden approved Department of Labor “stats”. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347752111112 https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347746190112 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/migrant-charged-georgia-nursing-students-murder-housed-taxpayer-funded-charity-lawmaker-says https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-phil-call-action-enough-crime-wave-caused-illegal-immigration This is only illegal alien crime. There is more with US citizens too with the rapid deterioration of major Democratic run American cities after years of failed liberal policies. Whoopy and Joyce won’t dare talk about it either.
  16. The vast majority of agricultural workers get H2A visas to work legally. Most illegal aliens are not picking lettuce. And why would they when Democrats/liberals give them everything they need on a silver platter.
  17. I got something. You won’t find this on CNN or MSNBC. https://www.foxnews.com/us/salvadoran-illegal-immigrant-arrested-connection-maryland-murder-2-year-old-boy https://www.foxnews.com/us/ice-captures-escaped-colombian-murderer-who-new-jersey-authorities-released-without-detainer https://www.foxnews.com/media/rep-katie-porter-says-murder-georgia-student-illegal-immigrant-shouldnt-shape-immigration-policy https://www.foxnews.com/us/venezuelan-illegal-immigrant-charged-sexual-assault-14-year-old-virginia Once again. Real crime by illegal aliens. Get off the spread sheets and wake up.
  18. More than your worthless bean counting stats. Real crime in real America by real illegal aliens. You are in denial, and I’m not talking about the river in Egypt.
  19. You and your worthless stats. How about dealing with the real world. But then you’ll have to abandon your liberal news sources because they won’t tell you what really happening the real world. https://www.foxnews.com/media/migrant-crime-forcing-dramatic-political-shift-nyc-mayor-calls-sanctuary-law-changes-benson https://www.foxnews.com/us/laken-riley-murder-students-uga-campus-joggers-nationwide-shocked-alleged-illegal-immigrant-killing https://www.foxnews.com/us/musk-dems-wont-deport-criminal-migrants-every-illegal-highly-likely-vote
  20. Of course illegal aliens are for Biden. In exchange for the freebies, the Democrats increase their voter base and representation in congress. But with the increased crime by many illegal aliens, something tells me they’re not all here to pick lettuce in the San Joaquin Valley. https://www.foxnews.com/media/migrants-speak-fox-news-arizona-tent-camp-support-biden-trump
  21. OMG! Time for your hot cocoa and night night. Too much stimulation for one day is making you extremely delusional. Get a good nights sleep.
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