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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. You’re one obsessed with who is a billionaire so why even post that irrelevant nonsense.
  2. He started none during his tenure. He will negotiate the end of the Russia/Ukrane conflict instead of dumping millions more into Zelenskyy bank account.
  3. Forbes is smarter than you. I’ll believe him long before you or any other liberal on this thread. Most are useless human beings.
  4. And much richer than you! Both of them.
  5. Exactly what the Biden administration is doing currently!
  6. Was he one during his last term? If so, how did his dictatorship affect your life? Obviously you’re still alive, not a political prisoner and most importantly not brought up on fictitious charges.
  7. There must of been a sale on crystal balls recently. A few of your compadres have them too. A discount for bulk sales perhaps.
  8. I have posted them numerous times. Open your eyes.
  9. Mine are just fine. I think yours are the problem.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347796447112
  11. You should have read the entire post. You would of learned some valuable insider’s information.
  12. Just an enforcement wing of the left. Which is why Joe, Hunter and Hillary and others on the left all seem to be immune from any prosecution. Not because they’re innocent. Selective prosecution. Notice the upswing in domestic (USA) violence and lack of prosecution during the Biden administration. Of course, you won’t hear about this on the liberal news sites. You, Mr Intelligence of all people should know that. Trump is a real threat to liberals and RINOS in the beltway. He’s not part of the biggest good ol boy network in the nation so they seek every trick in the book to keep him from running. It’s not working out according to their plan though. He’s doing better than ever thanks to people like you. And you couldn’t figure this out after a career in intelligence. Perfect reason to clean house.
  13. Sounds like a great plan! Anyone is better than the. clown’s presently in the agency. Along with the DOJ. Time to drain those swamps.
  14. The fact is that’s what he stated and you guys are obsessed with facts so don’t try and change the fact. And why would you believe one who plegerized his speeches during numerous campaigns, lies about his degrees and class standing, his march with MLK just to name a few.
  15. The Ladies and LB’s see them as a breath of fresh air compared to the regular old gits they have slobbering on them on daily basis
  16. Excatly what are the conspiracies you are talking about?
  17. But Biden’s eyes are “focused “.
  18. Haley? lol. Not going to happen. After Super Tuesday she will be history and supporting Trump. FFS, she lost her own state. You guys are sweating bullets now and trying every trick in the book but the normal working American people see through this and all the witch hunts are only making him stronger. Thank you
  19. Ensure your journalism awards are separated from your bookkeeping diplomas so they don’t wind up in the bin.
  20. Who? You always demand proof so why don’t you practice what you preach?
  21. The fountains of knowledge on this thread is unprecedented.
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