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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Facts! Listen and weep. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/border-patrol-union-chief-explodes-biden-fiery-press-conference-agents-policies
  2. Why am I not surprised! At Biden is visiting a town unlike the worthless Czar of the Border Harris did nothing. She wouldn’t even leave the airport. But it’s an election year year so he has to do something to save face! Trump gets right in the thick of it. The Border Patrol, the actual boots on the ground support Trump 100%. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-border-visit-lands-one-least-trafficked-towns-trump-headed-thick
  3. Even liberal sanctuary cities are getting fed up with illegal aliens. Not the same demographics or work ethic as our legal immigrants from years ago. Now they demand 3 hots and a cot, free medical and a debit card. Try going to their country and pulling that BS. Not going to happen. Uk and Europe has similar problems. Of course you won’t read about this on MSNBC, CNN or the others so I’ll do the honors. https://www.foxnews.com/us/denver-scales-back-migrant-services-closing-four-shelters-effort-reduce-budget-save-millions
  4. Sorry snowflake, you can’t BS your way out of this one no matter how hard you try.
  5. Please, enlighten us with what’s not correct about the links and provide links to the contrary. Opps, you can’t because what I posted is true.
  6. If you consider that an insult I nominate you for snowflake of the year award. Who seconds the motion?
  7. Ah yes, Gov Newsom, my governor unfortunately. While he is younger and more more handsome than Biden is, he’s every bit the idiot Biden is. San Francisco has turned into a third world cesspool under him as Mayor and Governor. And we thought Moonbeam was bad. Don’t believe me, take a visit to to the once most beautiful and coolest cities in America. A https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/newsoms-california-mess-crime-huge-warning-nation https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347707065112 Links provided for the link and stats Nazis.
  8. You’re way behind the power curve. Stick with the amateurs.
  9. Read the links and get educated! But I doubt you’re capable.
  10. I’m sure you have all that information in your secret squirrel database. Along with the dead people’s votes and the mail in ballots filled out in mass quantities. The Democrats want no voter I.D policies for a reason.
  11. What’s this? The world according to educated idiots? Do try and keep your thread on topic. I know it’s hard but you can do it if you really try.
  12. Unlike you I don’t need a “stat sheet” to point out common sense. I know scientists have a hard time grasping that concept.
  13. There you go again. Changing the subject when cornered. Why not start a new thread about the election.
  14. You responded didn’t you? Could not of been that empty.
  15. You’re as easy to read as Mr CIA!
  16. The truth truly hurts, doesn’t it!
  17. Don’t be lazy. It’s all over the news. Of course probably not the news you want.
  18. Yes, America is/was a land of legal immigration such as my father/grandfather and relatives who came in the front door at Ellis Island. No handouts given. Had to start working the mines of Scranton, PA ( didn’t Biden work the mine too?) before moving on to better jobs. No handouts, no free medical, no free hotels and food, no debit cards. Not the same as today’s illegal crossing the southern border. If you can’t figure that out, you’re hopeless.
  19. Not personal! He fits the description of both. Clueless and foreign. Facts
  20. You so far down the hole I can’t help you.
  21. Put your crystal ball and stats sheets away and focus on the crime by illegal aliens that has actually happened. I know it’s hard for you without trying to change the subject, but try.
  22. I’ve got plenty and have posted directly to you. You turn head away because you can’t accept the facts. Sad but true.
  23. Illegal aliens don’t have the right to be in country. The murders and crimes would not of happened. I’ve explained it to you but can’t comprehend it for you. If you can’t figure this out you’re part of the problem, not the solution.
  24. This is your thread about immigration hence my reference to illegal alien crime in which most would not of happened if Biden hadn’t opened the barn doors and let everyone in. Lets go Brandon!
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