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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. My God! I actually agree with you.
  2. Quite true! Since Woke, PC bullsh— has taken over they’ve been castrated unlike when I first arrived on the shore of Pattaya in 1980 (literally) when the fleet anchored off Pattaya Beach and shuttled ashore by the local longboats, Now I believe they’re moored at Sattahip. Must be a pain getting back at night.
  3. So generous!
  4. Irrelevant to this thread. Best to ask the person who retained her, Trump himself.
  5. Perfect description of the fake liberal news media!
  6. I believe we’re talking about (thread) Thailand, not Japan.
  7. “Get Trump”. campaign had influence over the amount of the fine. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347340358112
  8. “massive hack of the system one day” Under what conspiracy theory does this fall under? My IPhone has never been hacked.
  9. Have always been a pretty generous tipper. Mine and some others comments should send the Cheap Charlie’s into a frenzy
  10. He will lose the established Latinos. The illegal aliens are being sent primarily to California, Illinois and New York as citizens are leaving these states in droves. He will get the illegal vote. The Democrats need to fill these states back up with illegals to keep their seats in Congress. All part of the big plan. Do the math.
  11. Interesting! https://www.foxnews.com/media/reporter-lashes-claiming-christian-nationalists-believe-rights-come-god
  12. Not looking good for Joe! https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbc-biden-problem-mi-2020-voters-turn
  13. It’s getting better! https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347345029112 https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-judges-gross-unfairness-display-ny-civil-fraud-case-jonathan-turley-says
  14. It’s not over yet! https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/stalinist-370m-judgment-against-trump-vacated-immediately
  15. The same founding father that stated “All men are created equal “ while owning slaves.
  16. And now Trump as the ant-christ. It gets better every day and it’s going to be hard top that one From a credible government news source: Utube. I thought it’s not allowed. I’m putting my money on AOC and the Squad as the anti-christ.
  17. I think someone is going to have quite a few extra baht charges upon checking out. Rightfully so. One of the reasons why I never rent my condo out in the USA despite only spending about 3 months a year there. That and the latest fad, squatters.
  18. Well, hmmmm, https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347421666112
  19. One of the largest labor unions in America that has historically backed Democrats is having a change of heart. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/teamsters-union-gave-max-donation-rnc-meeting-trump
  20. Nope! Just the overwhelming amount of BS being put out by the left.
  21. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347353586112
  22. Maybe he p—-ed off the shot caller in prison.
  23. Lol Pitching or Catching. Split Roast?
  24. Business as usual in Russia. History repeats itself. Czar, Lenin, Stalin no different along with Marcos, Saddam, Shah and others just to name a few. Why is anyone surprised. Not only Russia. Many third world countries leaders take away their political threats. Nothing new. Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore.
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