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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Ammonia is nasty stuff. Last job I was at, cool storage of seafood we had regular training and trial evacuations for ammonia leaks. Doesn't take much to kill you and even less to fak you up for a long time. It forms a cloud when it leaks from refrigeration plant and sits near the ground... So it the opposite to a fire emergency. You don't drop to the ground. You get the hell out, raise alarm and get up wind (If there is any). It's amazing how much it expands on contact with air. Dangerous stuff.
  2. Must have been concussed/brain damaged not to remember getting beaten up with an iron bar! I would think the first strike would wake you up rather quickly unless it's like a king hit. Then you sleep for longer. Either way it's all a bloody nasty piece of work. I expect the homeless guy has just found a new longtime home.
  3. Oh the joys of flight. My number 1 observation once seated is to find where the kids are seated. I cannot stand spoilt brats making lots of noise. Babies crying comes a close second. Some time ago there was an idea to have a family/kids section on planes. Great idea. Make sure it's got a seperate sound proof wall too. I've been very lucky the last few years. Good quiet flights and courteous passengers. The way it should be.
  4. Say goodbye to your freedom ahole. Hope you rot in jail.
  5. There use to be a lot of kareoke joints on Chiang Mai land in Chiang Mai. (The area down Chang Khlan road was known as Chiang Mai land). Nothing but a group of rip off outfits that use to tempt unsuspecting tourists in and charge them like a wounded bull. Gogo girls out front, Bright lights etc Several people got beaten up when they queried the bill. It got really bad. Nasty places. Police closed several down but the reappeared a few months later. Unsure if they are still there. Don't know about the prostitution side of it, beers prices were high enough not to ask!
  6. Our release levers were standard olive drab (green). Only attached the fuses once at the throwing/grenade range. Posting grenades was exciting... No not in the mail! You crawl on your belly up to a pre-dug hole. Pull the pin and 'post' the grenade into the hole and then slide back a few feet. Woomph! The blast goes straight up. You're relatively safe actually. All part of Army training.
  7. Yes papa, and if I tried that I'd probably fall off. As a young un, I could wheelie bicycles easily enough. But I've never been keen to try on a motorbike. Why? Cause I don't want to damage my bike or myself if I cock it up. The idea is good in theory tho.
  8. A problem some riders have is that they try and swerve out of the way for small animals. Big mistake a lot of the time. Unless it's a water buffalo or something that sort of size, keep a firm grip of the bars, stay in a straight line and run the fakr over. Cats, dogs, chickens ain't worth losing your life over. I think last year a tourist swerved for a chicken, fell off his scooter and cracked his head on a kerb. Dead.
  9. These were our R. O. E whilst in Mogadishu. If one of my comrades was shot by a 'skinny' but then the shooter dropped his weapon and walked away, we could not shoot him. Apprehend him yes but as the threat is no longer there it all we could legally do. If however he walked away with the gun and looked to shoot personnel or property then we could 'take him out' after giving verbal warnings.
  10. Three mothers of teen-aged children were sitting down to coffee one morning. The first mother said she was cleaning her 16-year-old daughter’s room when she found a pack of cigarettes. “I never knew she smoked,” she stated. “I know what you mean,” the second mother interjected. “I was cleaning my son’s room when I found empty beer cans. I never knew he was drinking.” The third mother stepped in with: “I was cleaning my 17-year-old daughter’s room and found a condom wrapper. And I never knew she had a penis.”
  11. Two nuns are riding their bicycles around the backstreets of Rome. One nun looks over at the other and says, “You know, I’ve never come this way before.” The other nun replies, “Must be the cobblestones.”
  12. A guy is in for a job interview, and the interviewer asks him “What would you consider to be your biggest weakness?” The guy replies “Honesty. I’m honest with everyone; I don’t know how to be anything other than completely honest with every single person I meet.” The interviewer says “I don’t really see how honesty could be considered a weakness? In fact, I think honesty is a great strength!” To which the guy replies “I don’t really give a <deleted> what you think.”
  13. I'd like to see the photo of her kicking the deputy inspector in the face... What MMA style? Muey Thai? If she was intoxicated, surprised she didn't fall on her face. Lock the cow up.
  14. It's just my upbringing. Never hit a female. But I've mellowed as I got older! 1st one I'll give em benefit of the doubt. 2nd one is to say that's enough and look out. Hopefully that sinks in and they back off. If it goes to 3 then they can't say they weren't warned and try and play poor little me card.
  15. I was thinking a sack of something else... He certainly dropped her.
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