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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Not sure what model this is but I'd like to ride it.
  2. It's already been mentioned about eating with mouths open. I also get a bit riled up with noisy kids, as we don't have any at home it's when we go out somewhere. It could be a food court, KFC or a restaurant. Some little brat will be throwing a tantrum or squealing loudly. Parents don't bat an eyelid. I've also noted that food hygiene can vary widely. Food left in a pot overnight and not refrigerated will not be eaten by me. (Missus can't understand why). Markets with uncovered food and flies having a merry dance on the produce. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are still my meal times... Haven't yet evolved to the many meal timings Thais have. I can understand rest/meal stops when driving. It's good to have a break and the missus is normally dying for a smoke by then. Top up with a cold drink from 7 11 and hit the road again.
  3. I try any Amorn Electronics store. They have repair stations and may be able to do the job for you. I've replaced batteries in Philips and Braun shavers... fiddly job but doable if you've got some patience.
  4. Don't forget to sign in if you attend. Other information like home address, personal income and bank accounts will also be requested/required. Mr tax man will contact you in due course... Purely to answer any other questions you may have.
  5. Most likely a loose connection which is causing arcing to occur. Or Too much power going thru. Crossey will hopefully confirm soon.
  6. This might be safer to ride.... But I still wouldn't want to fall off it.
  7. All that bare skin.... Its gonna hurt. She's already lost one shoe and it looks like he's bracing for impact. Crash bars might save the engine but not her hair style. Not much in the way of frontal airbags either. What was he thinking... letting her drive???
  8. The police didn't mention how long he had overstayed, however when questioned he said he personally knew Tutankhamen.
  9. And the booster rockets are just fizzers now... Dammit will have to break out the pedals soon.
  10. I do remember Mogul... just. My father use to watch it religiously. We had an old black and white tv, if he was over the the shed (Tobacco farmer: always fixing stuff) we had to run across and tell it was on. Absolutely no noise allowed from any of us kids while it was on. Maybe ask if he wanted a cup of tea during the ads.
  11. Methinks they will get a lot of scammers applying for this, hopefully their system is robust enough to catch them out.
  12. Maybe all the 501 crims about to get deported from Australia can be sent to Phuket instead of NZ? Could join up with their Ruskie friends. Then they could build a fence around it and call it a penal colony.
  13. Yes their outlook seems to be, if it isn't broken (yet) don't fix it. Preventative maintenance is a foreign idea... Not for Thai.
  14. Why... Do you predict an accident is about to happen?
  15. I agree re the tinting. Some of it is beyond pathetic. Can't see through these vehicles to check what's in front/side/wherever. Sister in Law has a silver/mirror type tint on all her windows, hate it. Poorly applied as well, bubbles everywhere. Re the wrap... I'd probably look at a respray. Paintwork here and in the Philippines is pretty good.
  16. Saw one of these in Chiang Mai about 7 years ago. Chrome wrap bling bling!
  17. So now he's gone from selling happy water and landed in hot water. I don't think he will see Happy Valley for some time.
  18. Typical response, rarely a one on one. Thainess to the fore.
  19. I do not believe that there is any restriction, however many blood tests have to be performed (On the deceased body) before it can be 'donated'. Not every medical practitioner knows how to do this. It's probably best to contact the hospital in the 'North East' to get their take on it. Maybe rules have changed?
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