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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. “Listen—I bought these here yesterday, and the dang things won’t stop squeaking!”
  2. Seems like a few big noses giving each other a bitch slap... Nothing new.
  3. Oh why do you say that... Are you the resident finger pointer? Naturally as I'm born white I therefore must be racist? Yawn
  4. 'Massive loan shark ring busted' Maybe it was a basking loan shark or even a whale loan shark Some sharks are worse than others. Never tangled with a loan shark, and never will. Live within your means and is what I was taught by my parents. Borrow off family if absolutely necessary, otherwise go without.
  5. Is that less the bondage (Already been done/tried apparently) I'm sure you can offer a protein shake instead.
  6. It could have been worse... she may have ended up beaten or whipped. He thought she was single Cream but in reality was double, either way I bet she was fairly clotted.
  7. Donald Trump and Joe Biden ended up at the same barber shop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear that it would turn nasty. As the barbers finished their shaves in silence, the one who had Trump in his chair reached for the aftershave. But Donald was quick to stop him, jokingly saying, "No thanks. My wife, Melania, will smell that and think I've been in a brothel." The second barber turned to Joe and said, "How about you, Mr. Biden?" Joe replied, "Go right ahead, my wife, Jill, doesn't know what the inside of a brothel smells like."
  8. Vientiane is a quiet, relaxed city. Good places to eat and some great beers to enjoy. They have EV tuktuks that go by the name 'kok kok move'. Cheaper to use than normal tuktuks and no exhaust fumes. Seems like a long trip, 12hrs. Bus to the border is quicker for sure.
  9. Nothing to see here.... Move along. Give him a good fry up off the barbie and she'll be sweet mate. Wash it down with a couple of schooners and crack on. Bloody shelia.
  10. I've heard of a pig with lipstick and mutton dressed as lamb... Maybe from the same farm? Cross dressers?
  11. Maybe a big chocolate log got stuck in the impeller which then let a backwash occur? Not really a nice thought. Shouldnt be discharging into the bay anyways I would think.
  12. Pig eyes reaching out to copper top, how nice. They are quite similar in some ways... still above ground.
  13. “Don’t ask me how it happened, Stan—just get your abdomen over here and get me unstuck!”
  14. “Hold still, Omar. … Now look up. Yep. You’ve got something in your eye, all right. Could be sand.”
  15. The guy was doing his best impression of a Richard Cranium. Getting frustrated at a lack of access due to people blocking the way could have been tackled better without profanity. I hope he had a nice drink once he got home and calmed down.
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