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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Harris is 5.9 points behind Hillary at same stage.
  2. Trump is headed for victory.
  3. Yes the left is weak. Thanks for confirming. Harris is a policy free zone. No policies after 60 years of life.
  4. Dems only care for their elite bosses.
  5. Another good Trump policy.
  6. I had trouble finding Trump's website. Google is left.
  7. I love living in hotels. Been doing it for years.
  8. More than 30 countries in Europe have lower inflation than the US.
  9. Unemployment rose from 3.5 to 4.3 now GDP growth in US ranks 7th in g20. Border chaos. 2 wars. Inflation 2.9 to 8+ Total disaster.
  10. Like quoting the Fed? The extremes all come from the left.
  11. UK inflation is low. You claimed the US had the best economy. It does not.
  12. You have zero facts on your side. Just lies and anti Trump comments. Sad. The US Fed wants 2% inflation or less. Currently 2.9% and been much higher under Harris. You claimed a 3 year low as great lol
  13. Well then it is rather embarrassing you don't know basic figures.
  14. Total winner. He isn't living in a cheap Pattaya condo talking about nothing.
  15. His posts are interesting. Nice guy.
  16. True my mistake. Harris has never won a debate.
  17. They used to believe in Greek like gods.
  18. Harris hasnt won a debate since school.
  19. 6 years ago. This website has 500 hatefull posts daily from leftists.
  20. Trump has 20 good policies. Harris has none.
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