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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Wrong. The bill allowed for 5,000 illegals a day.
  2. GW isnt a big problem for 200 years. I just used Musk figures.
  3. Wake war hero and an Indian woke. How embarrassing.
  4. 8m deaths under Hitler. Shameful comments.
  5. Desperate and no idea.
  6. Fake ware hero and fake southern accent. What a pair.
  7. From a coward who ran from war.
  8. Walz vacuum comes with a portable battery so when you run from war you can take it with you.
  9. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), a Navy veteran, slammed Walz in a post on X on Thursday. “I proudly served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, with multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq – retired as a Master Chief,” Gonzales said in his post. “Yes, that makes me the highest ranked enlisted service member to EVER serve in Congress. A claim Gov. Walz has falsely paraded around. It’s important to call out DISHONESTY. Tim Walz should immediately be WITHDRAWN as the Vice President Nominee.”
  10. Polls are left wing biased. Add 2 to 4 to Trump he wins. Stolen Valor Walz is a gift.
  11. Vance is a winner. Walz is a proven liar and a 3rd rate politician.
  12. Proof Tim lied. Guy that stepped in for him confirms he lied. Video of Tim lying about using weapons in war.
  13. Lots on Youtube.
  14. Google
  15. For a lefty the truth is always painful.
  16. In 2016 95% said he can't win. He is polling better now. Michael Moore said he could and a small number of others. A polling group gave him 15% chance. That same group puts him 2 pts down. Margin of error is 4 pts.
  17. What a long winded load of bunk. Walz was a part time boy pretending to be a hero.
  18. Studid ignorance. Hitler killed 8m and was an idiot. His Soviet Union invasion was one of the dumbest decisions ever. Trump no wars and no murders. It is so dumb to compare a modern western leader with Hitler. Confirms no knowledge of anything.
  19. Dumb voters believe it. Trump delivers, Harris talks.
  20. Lefties are all told by Democrat bosses what to do
  21. I doubt it is on all goods. Be like luxury goods.
  22. US debt holders https://www.visualcapitalist.com/which-countries-hold-the-most-us-debt/
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