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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. A good idea as long as there is easy access via escalators for the benefit of older people and for those with walking disabilities and for people with young children. A lot of these walkways could be attached to the underside of the sky train structures as they are in some places already. The greatest need for the these new walkways is on Sukhumvit between Asok and Nana. Try to walk there at any time from mid afternoon and you are lucky if your walking speed wil reach more thn 2 km per hour.

    Why such a hurry from Asok to Nana?? :whistling:


  2. <br>What a load of bs this magazine should be ripped up, when tourist are  being assaulted and extorted on beaches they should not be worthy of this type of award.<br><br>look at the complaints on facebook thailand jet ski scams.<br>

    You are obviously either very narrow minded or naive. These scams happen in all countries. Contrary to popular opinion they are talked about more openly in Thailand because of the freedom of press here. Many countries would not allow the openness that Thailand allows.

    On another note here in Thailand they are mainly talked about in the English speaking press. The press has no credibility in truth telling. Do you really believe that all the accusations in the press are true. Do you really believe that the press reports the final decisions if they are six months in the making. They do if there is enough people interested but as you well know people are not interested beyond the headlines. Unless they can use it to push there own prejudices. ":("

    And finally this is not a universal statement it is only one organization in Sweden's opinion.

    Just out of curiosity what country would you rate as a top tourist destination. Many of the western countries rule them selves out with there tough visa regulations. Where as Thailand lets any one enter for a holiday. That fact alone should tell you that Thailand is a friendly place to come to.B)

    A best tourist country would not allow two of it's most popular tourists beaches Phuket and Pattaya to be run by mafia thugs , for people to be assaulted , and robbed daily , with no support or very little from police and I don't just rely on press reports I i have seen it dozens of times with my own eyes.

    And as far as ranking different countries I wont get into that without personal experience but I am sure that other countries with less corruption would have to rank better.

    Puket & Pattaya, are mainly popular as sex tourist destinations.


  3. I wish I could say unbelievable, but there are evil and desperate people in the world...and the evil reference regards the people arrested.

    if ever having surgery here should go check after, if both lungs , kidneys and the liver is still complete........:unsure: ....or they are not doing that business yet ? :ermm::D

    I don't know how true it is but an ex g/f told me , that in the wilds of Korat, people take children, kill them and take their eyes, to sell, then dump the bodies.


  4. I love it,and am the most laid back guy you could meet.


    I agree and I will hold your coat for you :D


    Forgot to mention we eat the root as well. :whistling:

  5. Sorry, there is no such thing as coconut water. You can have coconut milk, which the Thais call Nam Ma Plow. or you have coconut cream , which the Thais call Gratii. Coconut milk ,the best comes from Ma Plow Hom, Or small drinking coconuts. Thais, in the main, do not drink the milk from the large coconuts, they use the meat to make coconut cream for use in cooking.So the component parts are Milk.Cream and Meat

    afarang, If you google coconut and open wikipedia. You will find that there is indeed such thing as coconut water As a bit of useless information. It has been used, in emergencies as a substitute for blood plasma, during operations.


  6. I eat raw egg yolks almost on a daily basis here. I did also in the US. Never had a problem. I don't worry about getting sick, I am young and healthy. The sicknesses that can be passed to you from eggs are normally only a concern for children and old folks. Healthy people will show no symptoms or only mild effects.

    Are you sure? I personally would not knowingly want to eat raw egg yolks, at all. But then I am the oldest teenager in town? :sick:


  7. "a plan [by the Ministry of the Interior] to force thousands of people suspected of using drugs into detention centres and keep their names on official registries for future monitoring."

    Does this mean that all tourists addicted to the drug "alcohol" can expect to be rounded up any time soon and hustled off to a boot camp?


    And what about all the Thai dogs who go around badgering and harassing good citizens after a rough night out?


    Will they be rounded up as well?

    They bloody well should be. The dogs that is?

  8. Mate you don't want to worry about the rule in Thailand. As it says in the film, run Forrest. :cheesy:

    Seriously though. Find a nice B/G.

    You could also go to the top of general topics page, go down to the 5th topic Sin Sod an explanation. It might help you.


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