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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Yep

    Its disappointing that airlines are hiding behind fuel surcharges,when many have pretty advantageous hedging programmes.

    Still a lot of fat in Thai.....I have flown Thai in First a lot ,AU-Europe,using upgrades of course.

    Always Thai freeloaders up front.

    Still might accelerate the talk of a lufthansa shareholding or other cross border ownership.

    And conviniently blaming Thai Airways' problems on foreigners, in this case Singaporeans.

    You beat me to it! :D

    There may well be some merit in this charge of undercharging but on the other hand, THAI lost a significant amount of money this year and I'm sure that the TG pooyai are anxious to point the finger of blame anywhere other than at themselves.

    And if they dont do something about their SKY HI ticket prices and re-instate the FULL milage programe for their last few faithfull F.F.Roc-i club supporters they will lose even more money this year.

    Whatever you think of those new upstarts ..Etti and Qatar with their brand NEW super duper budgies with Full inflight services they are and will give the pride of LOS a very good run for thir money and at almost 1/2 price.

    Singapore Air aint doing anything "unethical" they are simply true pros in the business and understand the market and more so market forces.

    Their planes may be up in the clouds but their brains (unlike...) are well and trully on the Ground. :o

    Over "ere" the el Cheapies have held back on fuel surcharges....and are booming...English word meaning....................get-tit..

    Read the other day also that BMI one our other majors have CUT their fuel top up additions (by about Eu 5 a sector) due to the stabilising oil prices......not a case of CRISIS management........good judgement...TG ....Cmon krup.. :D

  2. There once was a girl from Mae Sai ....

    Who was known to enjoy Tom Yum Gai....

    Word has it that local Forum members are seeking new and interesting topics to discuss.  Since I have been referred to as “venerable” (revered, dignified, honourable ???!!!) under another topic I realize that the situation has become perfectly muddled. 

    Anyone interested in pursuing a more cerebral thread might contribute the next line to the following verse.  In due time we could end up with a poem, limerick, ode or ballad for Our Moderator to present at a future gathering of the Chiang Rai Expat Performing Arts Club also known as the OBC (Old Boys Club).  Rhyme would be appreciated.

    homealone :o not

    . . .

  3. Way too pratical and stuck up chinese gals.

    Working gals far more mercenary than TGS.

    So there I am in this bar called Maggies, somewhere in Beijing, and I get chatting to a hi so looking working girl and I'm explaining how I've had very little time to get out and see any of China and that my colleagues, three of which are over at the bar checking out the talent, suggested I come out and get myself laid.

    I would have been willing to pay the price she was asking but all she was offering for her price was sex and I wanted somebody to hang out with on my day off, somebody I could have a two way conversation with and somebody who would enjoy the full benefits of a Scampy back, head and neck massage.

    She informs me that she turns most customers down and that I am lucky to have been offered a discount and I inform her that maybe she rates herself a little too highly and that she could learn a thing or two from the Thai's and show a little interest and vulnerability.

    Now I may be a little nieve here but I would have though that a nice guy, albeit a horny one, who had gone to the effort of dressing and grooming well before going out would have been a refreshing change for a woman in that kind of work but obviously I was wrong.

    So I returned home alone, read half a chapter of my book and had a tug.

    The only female action I've had in China is being dressed as one, and funnily enough that landed me a kiss and a cuddle with a sexy law student who was at Suzi Wongs last week but it didn't go any further because I passed out in the flower beds when she was in the loo.

    Anyway, here's the moral: You can pay for sex but not for somebody to like you.

    It's true, Thai women are the best, although Australians, Czechs, some British and Danish are pretty good too and they can all be found in the wonderful land of smiles, and even if some of the smiles are fake, they are still smiles and that little bit of extra effort is just there...  Same with confidence, a woman can fake confidence and still be attractive as long as she isn't obviously faking it.

    ALL women of ALL nationalities are better in Thailand because they are affected by the positive atmosphere and the lovely lovely people.

    I could go on all night but I'll stop here and have a look at the replies in the morning, I am expecting the inevitable barrage of orgasm innuendo's following that last 'faking it' paragraph and probably one or two comments telling me I should have posted this in my blog but hey, what the heck.

    I'm off for a beer.

  4. Ok

    Lets look at this from another angle.

    Why would a Thai company want to hire a falang grad?.

    Many of the senior execs in these companies would have kids being educated at great expense overseas.

    They will be pressured by their mates to hire these kids on their return.

    So you will need to be able to offer something more.

    I know many Thai kids studying here in Sydney through my Stepdaughter who is 20 born Thai and lived here for 12 years.

    Her boyfriend is what I would call a good thai boy.

    He is 21 putting himself thru an IT degree and working 7 days a week cleaning and helping to support his family.(rare most are spoilt plonkers partic the chinese boys)

    If you were Thai who would you rather give the job to on his return?

    Perhaps the most annoying thing with these kids is the way they pretty much socialise here with exclusively Thais,and still speak English as their second language here in AUS.

    I keep telling him to turn it around to english as he will never forget thai,,that he will be worth more back in Thailand as a strong english speaker able to make sure the consultants from the multinational vendors cant gain the upper hand in negotiations,project mgmt etc.

    Do what I did.

    Study at home - maybe do an semester exchange with a Thai university. Only study something which you really enjoy...otherwise you won't do well.

    Come to Thailand during your summer breaks to do work experince getting paid 8K-10K per month.

    Learn to speak, read, write and dream in Thai.

    Then after graduation work in your home country or somewhere in the EU for a couple of years.

    Then come back around 30 (after you can't be conscripted) and see if there is a niche in the market for you. Sky is the limit then for earnings potential. Only then will your little brown book be worth its weight in gold.

  5. Hardly newsworthy

    Happens all the time out west sydney eh udon!

    I sure not uncommon in UK or US either

    Ho hum, nothing special here.  I have not met a Thai that was smart, let alone be able to tell the difference from fake jeans and shoes. Hehehehehehehehehe.  What a world that we live in and it is really one of the lowest things a person can do is rob you of your own clothes.  This tells me the intelligence of these thai idiots.

    You can post me this quote to ###### or high water, but this is one for the tit for tat things we all should be aware off, cause these people here will do most anything to strip something of what you own.  I am surprised they did not ask for his underwear!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I am sure that the victim did have the real thing right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    Geez, DY, so Thai pilots and engineers out at Don Muang aren't smart!

    You should get out more Dave.

    I wonder if your fellow Thai workers get the same impression of you that we get reading your drivel.

    Have a nice day Smarty. :o

  6. http://www.r24.org/res24.com/bangkok/ambassador/reviews/

    Have I stayed there? Certainly not and never will.

    Then, how can I talk about it?

    A gf's friend from her village had a shop in that cluster of shops next door that got flooded or burned down 3 years ago, can' remember. There is a construction site now.

    She was staying at the Ambassador with another 2 shop owners, 30m from their work. Went there, what a sad place the "hotel" was.

    Have they renovated in last 3 years? No? Than it's a dump as it was then.

    They have a tower too, don't know what it is like but the core is on the ground, can't be that much different, at least their service and biz practices.

    I would say something about 5* hotels but it can't be on the same page where the Ambassador is being talked about.

    A sex tourist cheap hotel, that's what it was probably built to do serve for , like the Nana hotel.

    Come from Khao Sarn road dormitories, it may look like a palace.

    So its basically your own opinion then although a bit narrow minded.

    Just to fill you in on sex tourist hotels, my mates from Iraq come here every 2 months for 3 weeks so as they can shag their <deleted> off, Where do they stay?

    Marriott, Plaza Athenee, Landmark etc :D

    Does that mean that YOU stay in sex tourist hotels?

    Ps I've stayed in the Marriott Resort BKK and the Siam intercontinental before it was flattened and they are all guilty.

    Good point Dave.

    Think to mut, I think you think too mut already but here's a thought:

    With all your ranting about sex tourists, you've perhaps overlooked a key point with distinguishes The Ambassador from The two Marriott hotels and the Landmark. :o

    The Ambassador wanted to charge our friend Dave a joiner fee of 500 baht, whereas you could march half a dozen of NEP's finest into the reception of any of the luxury hotels in this thread and the reception won't bat an eyelid. Very friendly to your average sex tourist, ler?

    If you are going to play the comparison game, try a different angle because the sex tourist line is flawed. Didn't think too mut there eh?

    Comparisons aren't the point anyway. Noone could deny that the Marriott is better than the Ambassador. I'm sure the General Manager of the Ambassador agrees with you. But that doesn't make The Ambassador a s***hole.

  7. Same as anywhere

    Stay clean

    Be nice

    Be ethical

    Pay your bills.

    No problem.

    Unfort not too many of the above qualities in the game today.

    Now lived in samui for almost a year and have enjoyed the beautiful island. The shooting of a property agent today however spells out the danger for anyone involved in property here, which frankly to some extent is nearly everyone. The end of the dream?

  8. Nobodies with a few quid have become big wheels in Samui

    Some big money been made by some early entrants,along with some very dodgy deals.

    Bit like the old wild west really.

    Not a nice place anymore,its all about how high they can all piss these days.

    Briton critical after gun attack


    Shot: Mr. Gary Pearmain, resident of Koh Samui

    KOH SAMUI: -- A British man and his Thai girlfriend have been seriously injured in a gun attack on a popular Thai resort island, apparently because of a land deal dispute.

    A gunman entered the victims' house on Thursday night and pretended to ask the woman for directions. When the Briton came downstairs, the attacker fired on them, said police Lt Col Somphong Krutsuwan.

    The Briton, who has been living on the island of Koh Samui for more than a decade, was shot twice in the chest and once in the arm. His girlfriend was shot in the leg and arm.

    "The British man is in critical condition, but his girlfriend is still able to speak," Somphong said.

    Police did not have the victims' names. An initial investigation showed that the motive was a business dispute.

    "The victim has a conflict with fellow foreigners over the land brokerage deals on Koh Samui," Somphong said.

    Koh Samui, located 330 miles south of Bangkok, is one of Thailand's most popular tourist destinations.

    --The Press Association 2005-09-23

    Gary head hunted me for a Project Manager's job with Cocount Land, salary not that hot and I would definately need danger money as well now.

    The Thai Police were stating that Gary was not in a serious condition, is this so as not to put off the Tourists? If having a severed artery, and being in ICU is not serious, what is?

    I hope that Gary and his girlfriend make a swift recovery.

  9. Friend of ours sis named kai was bargirling down there....chang mai gal?hot looking with some silicon ?have a sister in Aus?

    Was going to marry a swede but he had a heart attack so now just married a german and off to germany.

    Dont ya love the bargirl stories!

    well as above im looking for a girl i met in phuket last year. the bar was in soi seapaerl and the bar was called the fire rose bar. the manageress was called nin but the girl im looking to contact is called kai and she worked in this bar.

    anybody know who im talking about


  10. Huge old relic from the late seventies....long queues for checkin checkout and service due to the volume of rooms and guests.

    Due for a renovation but the family who own it are fighting and bleeding it dry.

    Seen better days,all depends what you want to pay.

    I stayed there about 18 months ago with the wife, it was ok after I sorted the security guard and porter out. As we got into the lift he stopped and grabbed my wife very rudely and demanded money, she and I explained that we were married and he said that he did'nt care and wanted 500bht, This is the only time i've done this but i forced him aside and got in the lift with my wife, went to the room and called the reception to speak to the manager. :o

    That evening he was very polite. :D

  11. OZ embassy

    Doesnt deserve the title

    Badly organised

    Arrogant condescending staff.

    No focus on servicing their employers....ie aus taxpayers.

    Goes for the whole Dima operation.

    Thanks Soi OZ for your time and help in this matter. :D  I did exactly as you stated, BUT I think Curt is correct in his summary of the situation. I SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN MENTIONED!!! But you are correct in stating that it is easier after the first time. Ozzies never give up  :o See ya in the soup.

    One big difference that I didn't consider... I live and work in Bangkok which would make the embassy people happier. Also, my G/F owns and operates a substantial business so that gives her more ties to return to. I guess every case is different so my experiences may not be much of a guide to anyone else's.

  12. The pic says it all

    Prob been there long enough to know the penaltys.

    Fake Cialis indeed ,I could have been most embarrassed :o

    Give them a few months in Bang kwan to teah them a salutory lesson,on being a couple of pratts.

    then ban them from thailand for life.

    Gotta wonder at what point you think that its a good business idea to start selling drugs in Pattaya.

    Selling icecream to eskimos or coal to Newcastle.

    Fine looking english gentlemen. If they've enough money they may be innocent.

  13. Needs more icons on how to find it.

    or maybe i am just not seeing them.

    Agree on promo stuff,pick a controversial event or news item and schedule a chat sesh!!

    pref when everyones sober!!!

    I have an idea to get more people in there. Perhaps posting a time when a subject matter expert can be there chatting about a particular topic. Like Monday night at 7pm would be Visa night, Tuesday night at 7pm  would be Thai Business night, and Wednesday night at 7pm would be Thai teaching night etc....

    Perhaps people would make time to log on and contribute to the discussion.

    Richard, please feel free to coordinate some "scheduled events" with jayenram. We could certainly test it out and promote it! Sounds very intersting.

  14. agreed

    min 100k 150k good a mth for a good lifestyle...ie:do what you want to do ,party,play etc.

    Just remember you may want to head back once or twice a year.

    A lot less if you are settled however and leading the retired couple life.

    Forget disadvantaging your kids,you will put them back years if much more if over age 12.

    ...expect to pay 3k USD a month to live comfortablly ...

    3k USD / month = 1,400,000 baht / year. That sounds about right.

  15. Sincerest Condolences.

    A tragic tale.

    Cammillian Center is an awesome place.

    Please support them,with a few spare baht if you can.


    As an worriesome aside,I once asked the girls in my old bar how many guys ask for no condom.

    More than two thirds was the answer......go figure

    Richard  i've  got  no  appropriate  words  mate.............my  heart  goes  out  to  you.

    Take  care  yourself...... :o

  16. Troll or no Troll its a common thread.

    Their are many on this thread who are experiencing similar or have in the past.

    Most thais will always overspend,paticularly if you make it easy and if they have other relatives on their gravy train.

    How much you send is a very relevant question,tons of info on this on the forum.

    Perhaps you can send weekly rather than monthly.

    If she gets short and ends up on the borrowing treadmill things become very messy.

    One good piece of advice if you can arrange it is to pay all her major outgoings yourself,like rent,power,etc then give her pocket money balance.

    - gets my vote. :o

  17. Just a pointless posting of an old news clip.

    Common knowledge that a "hit"in thailand can bearranged very cheap.

    Seem to remember a kiwi conman/boileroom operator getting shot for 20k baht a couple of years ago.

    So little time so much to do.

    Shiracha John you are next if i can arrange it.. snicker snicker snicker :o

    Just for the record and clarity sake... You are threatening to arrange the murder of a TV member?

    Just how crazy a lunatic are you????

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