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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Jeez I wish our useless embassy would employ expat staff.

    I am sure plenty would love a secondment to Thailand ,instead of these underpaid undereducated bimbos.

    I am sure the fee base could sustain some Aussie staff.

    Pref Straight males who would be a bit more empathatic rather than Pathetic.


    My gf and I are in the process of applying for a spouse de facto visa for Australia(we were supposed to have applied last week - but don't get me started on the misinformation given to us by the VFS - helpline)

    My question is, has anyone heard of or been granted a spouse DE FACTO visa to Aus before?

    The reason I ask is that Thailand doesn't understand de facto (the word or the principle). It's not a normal thing in their culture (as far as I know).  I am concerned that if it's processed by Thai nationals they are going to ask a lot of questions as to why we aren't married.

    Maybe a backgorund story will illustrate my point better.  When applying at the visa application centre in Bangkok the counter lady asked us why we weren't applying for marriage.  I told her we were applying for de facto as could clearly be seen on the application form.  She then for the next 10 minutes asked around for the meaning of de facto!!!!

    I have a feeling the word 'ongoing' in the 'relationship must be proved genuine and to be ongoing' is going to be key.  Marriage is proof of 'ongoing' but to a Thai person de facto is a bit confusing and possibly gives them an excuse to say the relationship in their opinion is not ongoing.

    What do you think?

  2. Wow

    and what happens when they get home?.

    Do they have to serve the full sentence or are they entitled to the usual remissions??

    I would have thought five years in a thai prison vs the oz holiday camps would be like a 20 year sentence.

    The prisoner exchange program between Thailand and Australia reqires that five years prison already has been served as a pre condition to the exchange taking place.

  3. I agee,and I think its Asian Women given a chance generaly.

    I see a lot of Asian Students and grads in AU and NZ in various businesses and courses.

    I think by far the women are smarter and more focused ,than the overly spoilt sons.

    I think its because they have to work harder as the Number one son gets everything on a plate, and the girls are usualy left to struggle.

    Actually, I work at two companies and have Thai women bosses at both of them!  It's true that one woman is the number two person in her husband's company, but the other started her company from scratch (with some seed money from her husband).

  4. Kiwi butter best in the world.

    With Vegemite...well it was the trad school lunch in a sandwich in my day.

    Hated and bored with it then.

    Love nice crusty bread with butter and vegemite now...mmmmmmmmmmmmm

    no offence taken, but I don't agree!!

    You can buy French unsalted butter, but it isn't the best from there. President is the maker, and it is good

    Still better than any Kiwi stuff, no offence :o

    but how much Kiwi butter have you tried?

    You should try some other brands from a clean green country that leads the world in Dairy farming inovation. :D

  5. Too True

    Never believe a degree from any asian institution,or some of those dodgy american unis.

    At least in Aus and NZ now all the offspring of asias finest have to do is cheat to get their degree,in between the partying.

    Normally, as an employer, one would ask for the propective employee to sign a permission form to ask the University to release the information.

    The main thing is the quality of the paper and the watermark and also the aspect of the degree.

    So many of hem have this huge seal on them done in the wrong colour, and the aspect is just wrong.

  6. He probably was blind and dumb not seeing,reading or understanding the dirty great signs over the baggage claim when he arrived.

    I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

    He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

    So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

    If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

    Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


  7. Desparate types.

    Some of the routines they try are hysterical.

    They run the old filter scam where the guy pretends to give up ,then goes and talks to his boss who comes in with an "amazing offer".

    The margins they have must be huge.

    Last time we went to a presso for a bit of sport the price went from 900k baht to 350k ....boy were they pissed off when we walked.


    Still they must be making money.

    Usualy the sales scum at the closer level have the scars of spain and that delightful and so credible cockney accent etc.

    Has anybody been approached by Thai Guys in suits handing out instant scratch prize tickets in Patong?

    Last month a Thai guy in a suit approached me on Beach RD Patong and handed me a instant prize ticket and told me that "the local hotels in Phuket in conjuction with VISA/AMEX where giving away cash and prizes to lure tourists back to Phuket post Tsunami". Anyhow when I scratched the ticket to my surprise I had revealed 3 super prize icons which meant I had won either of the following:

    1) A holiday to the value of 20,000 BHT

    2) 20,000 BHT in cash

    3) Sony digital camera

    Anyhow the guy advised me that he would escort me to the promotion office to pick up my prize and that the promoters would pay him a fee for taking a major prize winner back to the office and on collection he would get 200BHT. Anyhow I must admit I was a little sceptical so I asked the guy "Where is the catch here?" He told me QUOTE " Sir it is 100% legimate there are no catches it is your lucky day""havent we heard that phrase before?" Anyhow after arriving at the Hotel where the promotion was being held I was ushered into a room alone with the so called Prize C-ordinator thinking I was getting a prize.

    The cordinator congratulated me and asked me if I would kindly take a tour of the hotel while they where processing the paperwork to release my prize "20,000bht". Anyhow a so called Tour guide "English Fellow" tried to befriend me as we where walking upstairs to a room of discussion tables. At first I didnt get wind of what was about to evolve It simply looked like a bunch of people chatting over coffee!

    Anyhow after 15 minutes or so with this fellow he started to demand I give him 450K for a TIME SHARE APARTMENT as it was QUOTE" The opportunity of a lifetime".

    Now I had exposed the motive I looked around and to my delight (NOT) I discovered about 15 other tourists getting hammered by Farangs on the same deal. Never the less I held my ground and said I am not interested which was not good enough for the persistant salesman.

    When he realised I was hard work he then brought over the manager another "farang" and he had a crack at me as well. So now I have 2 guys hammering me to depart with 450k this went on for a whole hour or so going back and forth and round in circles. Finally they gave up and told me that they would escort me downstairs to pick up my prize and thanked me for my time.

    At this stage I am just about at boiling point becasue I have been worked to the max to buy into this "Once in a lifetime opportunity!"but I kept my cool because I was about to recive my 20,000bht prize.

    When I went to collect my prize I was told by the co-ordinator that becasue I didnt officially complete the tour with the guide after I had greed to it I was not eligible to collect my prize and the B..tch handed me a promotional T-Shirt and said I hope there are no had feelings. I refused to accept the Tshirt and gave her a piece of my mind and said "this would not be the last of this!". It gets better it cost me 120bht to get back to where I started from on Beach Rd and by this time I had wasted nearly 2 hours.

    I was wondering if there are any Thai consumer protection laws against misleading conduct by legitimate business operating misleading marketing SCAMS?

    This would be detrimental to the image Phuket has post Tsunami no doubt! when I was in the CLOSING ROOM so to speak I witnessed some people sweating immensley by these Farangs that where hammering them un relentingly to make a decision on the spot to pay 450K. I swear it was a room of nervous holiday makers and no different to some "USED CAR SALES LOTS come in sucker!"

    Some of these people especially the ones that survived the tactical on slaught of cunning high pressure sales tactics will never return back to Patong. I think what these companies are doing is criminal the last thing I want to do when I am on holiday or visiting friends is to get verbally hammered by cunning non relenting sales people its a real shame that people can take advantage of others in this way! and I believe it needs to be stamped out all together there needs to be a line drawn in the san so to speak!

    I have no doubt some tourists where forced into buying something they wouldnt either use or didnt even want but hey I bet the salesperson can sleep at night while he is counting his commission. Its a ###### shame you cant be left alone to enjoy yourself without some cunning sales person be-friending with you with a hidden agenda!

    Where is the line here? When does it get to the point when you have to be either rude, threatening or blunt to be left alone. I would like to know what others think about sales ethic and what you would do in this situation? i know one thing if this went on in Australia and other countries the materminds behind this scheme would get fined and even possibly arrested for misreprentation there business would be closed down.

    Dont take me wrong alot of my mates and friends are sales people but the difference is they have a conscience not like these ass h..les selling Time-Share.

    Thoughts Please!

  8. Had niece and 17 yr old neph for a few days on route to a holiday in europe.

    At the time I was living there with a business at the time.

    17 yr old nephew was VERY popular literally girls were leaping out from the bars just wanting to touch him.

    It was a bit same for my Niece as she is tall with curly blonde hair,more curiosity from the girls as they dont see many young falang girls.

    It was a memorable weekend for both of them.

    But not appropriate in retrospect.

    I think the kids will tire very quickly of Phuket, all you have is the beach and last time I was there (Patong) the water was not very clean. There is also just as much sex trade there as in Pattaya.

    At least in Pattaya you have hundreds of things for the kids; tiger zoo, open zoo, aquarium, dolphin show (used to have swimming with dolphins, not sure now), croc farm, elephant riding, submarine ride, island trips and most kids never tire of Pattaya Park with all the water slides for all ages.

    Would also suggest 3-4 days on Koh Samet, beautiful island with white powder beaches, no waves or currents and shallow at the beach, perfect for kids. Leave Pattaya about 7 in the morning and be on the beach before lunch.

    The sex trade is mostly good fun and the girls in the beer bars are great with kids.

    Yeah! - Wot he said!!!!!

  9. Took my kiwi 13 year old niece a year back.

    She couldnt work out why so many white guys had thai daughters.

    I wanted to BS and say it was the vietnam war.

    Anyway she thought it was disgusting.

    I'm new to the forum and after opinions on Pattaya as a family destination.

    I've heard differing thoughts from it's sleazy and the sex trade is rampant to yes it's there but they leave u alone.

    Will be travelling with husband and 3 kids all girls, (13, 9,4)



    I'm of the latter school....The sex trade is here but they don't go chasing families.

    I think there's actually quite a lot of stuff for kids in Pattaya.Parks, zoos, watersports etc. The sea leaves much to be desired but there are beaches nearby that are OK. Some hotel resorts have their own beach.

    Pattaya is good for shopping, eating and hotels - all cheap! It's also a good place if you want to travel on to the islands of Koh Samet and Koh Chang for a few days. It's only a 2 hour drive Max from Bkk and the airport. You an fly to Samui friom the local airport, U-tapao.

    As far as the sex trade is concernned, you won't be confronted with lude acts or sreaming brawling women. It is mostly centred round small open clusters of bars where men go to chat up the girls and drink beer. The Go-Go bars may have suggestive dancing etc, but that is behind closed doors. Thais are in general quite modest and hanky-panky is kept behind closed doors. the girls themselves are in general very well behaved, you will notice them leaving the hotels in the morning. They often keep a customer for the duration of his holiday, staying at his hotel and accompanying him on trips.

    If you decide to have a massage, be sure to go to the right kind of establishment.!

  10. The two viagras you swallowed are just cutting in???

    Hmm I dunno how bout the gals?,the missus is always horny when hung over too

    You had lots of drinks. Your bladder is full, requiring your sphincter to pull more tightly to hold it in. That happens to also slightly restrict blood flow out of the penis. I assume you know how an erection works.

    Sex drive works both ways. If you have an erection, you tend to get horny.

  11. I do notice some men are patronising and sometimes solicitous to the female posters.

    Still no forum is without ,healthy and not so happy debate,flames etc.

    I wonder how many of the Ladies who post on this forum feel the same as you men??? Frankly, I for one, am extremely tired of the constant need to be defensive on this forum because of men who cannot just butt out of something but have to end up in a slanging match. I could see it coming from this guy and gave him a nice warning, I could have upped his warning level and chose not to but instead gave him a chance to, as he like to put it "play nice". Flaming of Kat was unacceptable. Perhaps I used the wrong terminology but if you men would bother to re read my original post I said he was off topic and made an inflammatory remark about  Kat. I am sick of the double standards practiced by the men on this forum and if you don't like the way I moderate it, too bad. Somehow, I doubt the women would agree.

    Now that the men have successfully hijacked this thread with their own personal opinions and attacks, lets try to get back on topic.

    I will say one thing that has changed in me is I am less tolerant of fools but then that probably has more to do with age than Thailand.

  12. Yep

    Unless you book one of the four or five star resorts,with full facilities.

    The beaches are not nice.

    Prob Samui or Phuket more suitable.

    Pattaya is one of those places that people either love or hate.

    As a family destination I personally wouldn't recommend Pattaya. That's just my opinion. I think there are more suitable destinations for families elsewhere in Thailand. As you said in your post, there is alot of sleaze in Pattaya which is probably not the sort of thing that you would like your daughters to observe.

    On the plus side there are several good hotels offering entertainment and there are plenty of places to go with the kids during the daytime.

  13. I think that depends on where they are from.

    Most thai girls from the lower end of town if you like,have no real love for thai men.

    Unreliable,gamblers,after anything in a skirt is what many of my friends tell me.

    I do agree,many thai girls like to see money and material things as demonstration of love.

    "i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc... "...the fact is, money is the major issue. I'd like to know myself where love comes into it. love..."love"..."life long partner"...I wish

    For some people, Thai and otherwise, security = love and security = money, thus love = money. Do you really think that the farang men going to Thailand are so much better looking, or treat women so much better than Thai guys?

  14. "We want a treaty and we want it fast," O'Rourke says. "But it is not a short process. With the best will in the world, that treaty might well be 18 months away

    "The treaty recognises that these people have done something wrong and are serving a sentence but the humanitarian element is that they are able to serve the sentence closer to their families, and in a culture that they are familiar with."

    It is uncertain whether such a treaty would apply to prisoners sentenced to death. But, says O'Rourke, we only need remember the 1986 execution of Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers in Malaysia to imagine the effects that even one execution in Indonesia could have on the Australian psyche.

    So the overburdened aus taxpayer gets to fork out the 200k cost per year for these morons.

    I think if the perps have a fair trial and are found guilty,the aus public have had enough.

    I think the courts in these countries may need to pay more attention to detail and mitigating circumstances ie:some of the bali nine are plainly patsys.

    Theirs been enough publicity now about the laws in these countries and the signs when you enter Bangkok and Denpasar are frankly disconcerting.

    I wonder what kind of ignoramus could ignore them.

  15. Well mods

    How about a relationships thread?

    Seems to be a demand???.

    No job no money ?   I'm wondering how this girl is gonna live.

    No, she will work in the shop in which she was working before. Actually I was with her while she was signing the contract. She is going to start tomorrow.

    But you said at the start of the thread you don't want her to work in the bar anymore and that was one of your main worries. Snoophound even suggested you tell her to work elsewhere and you agreed. Now the story has changed?

    TROLL :o

  16. AHH Bambina

    Someone told me the reason men are always on the hunt is a "primal instinct'.

    The arguement was that the male species must always be watchful and vigilant for survival of his species.

    He must plant his seed where ever he can to keep his species thriving.

    Good excuse huh???

    Seriously no logical explanation.

    And Men get betrayed too Bambina.....I later discovered my ex wife had been screwing her boss for some time before our divorce!!!

    i dont really understand guys

    when  u have  a relationship aleady ..why you want more??

    what  the  1ST girl  does wrong??

    i wish she  had  plenty toyboy there when u shag with a  skanky HO ..

    one  day u will understand  how  u feel when  some1 u love  betray on u

    ohh yahhh .. i really hope so

  17. Yep Icemaiden

    Its too true

    First time I went to Thailand on business 10 years ago ,I was married.

    Got the drug in the vein.

    Got Divorced,

    Do I regret it?

    Very Rarely.

    At least he told his girlfriend,that shows some Backbone.

    "Well theres a lot of hard bitten krusty old know it alls on this forum.

    Prob I am one.

    Many have been there and been done too,just cant admit it.

    You need to put things into perspective.

    Holiday romance you will remember for a very long time or True love at first sight.

    If you believe in the love at first sight aspect,and it seems she may not be the usual bargirl,its a lot of hard work and heartache ahead.

    I suggest you keep the dialogue going,toll calls are dirt cheap now from Aus to Thailand....just buy a phone card and you can talk for hours and regularly.

    The more you communicate the more you will be able to work things thru.

    You must try and put the working in bar out of your mind as she needs to survive,... try and encourage her to get a real job.

    Book another hol at xmas to see her.

    Then you can see if it really was the "Real Thing".

    I it was your first trip to Thailand you will also have been caught up in the surrealty of the place.

    Its all fantastic ,but nothing is as it seems.

    I know heaps of guys young and old that have fallen in love in Thailand.

    My ladies extended network here in Sydney is over 50 gals,couples,some have great relationships but many havent lasted more than a year or two.

    Focus on the study ,Stay in Touch ,Talk things through,Get back there at Xmas iif you can.

    And above all try and let the head rule the heart."

    If this guy thinks the girl may be the real deal and he is going to do as you've said Snoophound then I urge him to split with his current girlfriend because it is plain and simple - not fair.

    And something had to be wrong with the relationship with the current girlfriend if he found happiness (or thinks he has) elsewhere. So why he thinks she may be "The One" as he quoted is far beyond me.

    I'm not against the love at first sight stuff but I am against cheating. And like I said in my previous post. What was he doing in a bar in the first place? Some business venture that was.

  18. Well theres a lot of hard bitten krusty old know it alls on this forum.

    Prob I am one.

    Many have been there and been done too,just cant admit it.

    You need to put things into perspective.

    Holiday romance you will remember for a very long time or True love at first sight.

    If you believe in the love at first sight aspect,and it seems she may not be the usual bargirl,its a lot of hard work and heartache ahead.

    I suggest you keep the dialogue going,toll calls are dirt cheap now from Aus to Thailand....just buy a phone card and you can talk for hours and regularly.

    The more you communicate the more you will be able to work things thru.

    You must try and put the working in bar out of your mind as she needs to survive,... try and encourage her to get a real job.

    Book another hol at xmas to see her.

    Then you can see if it really was the "Real Thing".

    I it was your first trip to Thailand you will also have been caught up in the surrealty of the place.

    Its all fantastic ,but nothing is as it seems.

    I know heaps of guys young and old that have fallen in love in Thailand.

    My ladies extended network here in Sydney is over 50 gals,couples,some have great relationships but many havent lasted more than a year or two.

    Focus on the study ,Stay in Touch ,Talk things through,Get back there at Xmas iif you can.

    And above all try and let the head rule the heart.

    Thanks guys.

    I know you are right. But I just cant forget her. And if I think of her working in a bar again.... this really makes me feel sorry.

    I would at least like to have the chance to get to know her more so that I can decide whether I really like her (for a longer time) or if it was just the "new" feeling.

    I mean, even if she did not work in bar for a long time (she did not even know where to send me to. She sent me to the wrong place. Was hard to find for me to see her again) and even if she really fell in love with me: I dont know if she is the right one for me.

    But it drives me crazy that I do not have the chance to find out.

    If you get to know a girl in your country you can just get to know her, then start a relationship and then decide if you want to have her for a longer time ("to have her" is not to be meant rude and refers to "stay in relationship with her because you have strong feelings". Sorry, but I am not a native speaker).

    I'm going to be blunt here.

    Get a <deleted> grip! You are cheating in your girlfriend and this new found Thai beauty. You carn't have your cake and eat it, choose one :o

    And I thought you'd like to know most BG's are taught to say they haven't worked in the bar a long time and all that love you long time crap.

    Actually I told my current girlfriend about it. At least I told her that something was going on. I am not cheating on her. And if (but this is not going to happen I think) I will see the thai lady, I will tell her before that I was not honest. I dont want to cheat on anyone since this is not the base of a relationship for me.

    And to the "most BG's are taught to say they haven't worked in the bar a long time". I even read this before I came to LOS.

  19. They are certainly annoying at exzyte

    but the shoulder massage does sober you up :o

    As other people have said, if you are going to pay 20 baht everytime you piss on a night out, it could end up costing a few bob.

    Usually I will go for a piss in one of the cubicles if they are available. I've had the guys give me a massage before when pissing but it annoys me. I would rather be left alone to do my duty.

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