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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Good Idea

    Big Noters are the first to be fleeced.

    I would say you could live very well on about half a mill :o

    Thanks for the replys, even the cynical ones have taught me something that I will remember when I need to.

    I think my best bet is to fly up to bkk and do a reconosaince mission for a week or 2 to get the answers first hand.


  2. Might just scrape out an existance.

    Although I have thai citizenship, I haven't really spent as much time as I should have in thailand over the years,

    and my lang skills are about at the level of the inflight magazine phrase section.

    So I am thinking about spending at least 1 year in LOS(with my wife too).Sort of like a mid-life GAP year.I have family members there, but not in BKK where I want to base myself.

    So I would need to find a nice apartment w/broadband.

    We would intend to live a completely serviced lifestyle (apartment,furnishings, car etc...), rather than purchasing these items for keeps.

    That way we can up and go, no strings attached when we want to.

    With my passive income + work I can do remotely...we'll have around 900K-1M baht a month disposable income......

    Would this be ample for :

    1) top of the line fully serviced, full furnished large apartment/penthouse with shared broadband,best location

    2) car + driver

    3) sports club memberships (golf,tennis...)

    4) meals

    5) frequent regional air travel (kl,sing,hk,samui etc....)


  3. [attachmentid=3026

    ]The only people who make money out of timeshare are the promoters.

    Has anyone ever made money on selling a timeshare week???????

    Has anyone ever lasted more than a few months selling timeshare??

    Jeez ever been to a pitch and seen the desperate bottom feeders working?

    Why would anybody with self respect want to sell timeshares.

    The major qualification is that you are a #@, who wants to rip people off. I'd rather starve to death than lower myself to that.

    Whats wrong with selling timeshare ? millions of people, the world over have bought timeshare, I know loads of people that are very happy with the arrangement because the quality of the accomodation is far superior or on a par with 5* hotels.

    Generally, do you not think most people can spot a tout on beach road in Pattaya/Phuket ? the ones i've come accross are only doing their job at the end of the day.

    Anyhow, these guys on this forum that are looking for work and if they can sell, should give it a go, what they got to loose ?

    As long as the company in question are providing a work permit, what real harm can it do ?

    People get sold products every day, no matter what it is.

    Sales is what makes the world go round, is it not ?

    I might even give it a go myself and I don't consider myself to be a ##@ !


  4. Well put Prof ,All too true.

    Even if you pay them offf the problem is they dont know how to hold on to it.

    We have a mid forties friend who got a 200k aud settlement and Star City got the lot over three months.

    For some reason when a Thai lady is sad in Sydney they have to go to the casino and end up sadder.

    This is not all together surprising.

    Quite often when biffing around Pattaya, I see old Western guys sitting at some little roadside drinking joint, staring into space. Next to the old Western guy is his equally old Thai lady looking equally vacant and disinterested.

    Empty beer bottles litter the table and their eyes never seem to meet. All sense of affection and attraction seems to be strangers absent for too long.

    Its not an uncommon sight around Pattaya especially for some reason on and around Soi Buakhao.

    I often wonder why he doesn't giver her a nice tidy sum and send her off as it would probably be better for the both of them in the long run.

    Its obvious they probably haven't had a meaningful conversation in years if indeed they ever have. Her dreams of riches and happiness never materialised, her prince charming who was to be her passport to a new and better life is now but a mere shell, fading fast into alcoholic oblivion.

    His dreams of happiness and an Asian sex fantasy evermore with a stunning Thai woman have faded to flab, wrinkles and dirty looks and he watches the bars with too keen an eye these days....

    The sad truth is that people in Pattaya do get together in relationships for reasons apart from love. Then after the passing of years, they never know when its time to let go and they hang on until its way too late.

    Unfortunately for this lady (and those like her) the odds are stacked in the man's favour in Thailand. As soon as the man decides to let go there is nothing the woman can do. She has no skills and her looks are often long gone too. She faces a future of nothingness. The man can head out and find a younger model at the drop of a hat.

    Life can be cruel in Pattaya when people get together for reasons apart from love. The scene described in the OP is a graphic example of such a tragedy.

    Just before I get flamed, I'm not saying that all relationships in Pattaya are not based on love!!  Many are and have lasted the test of time. I'm saying that some are based on other criteria which inevitably are not enough to hold a couple together once the expectations and hopes have vanished and tend to come to tragic ends like this.

  5. Its not a Joking matter really.

    And not unique to Pattaya

    My lady and I had to go and collect a very bedraggled friend from the Bondi police station last year,who had decided to end it all on Bondi Beach.

    Because husband an alky falang kicked her out,she was mid forties and thought she was too old to get a new man.

    I've seen the PCN website photos of her. She's an absolute abomination.

    For a nice girl exposing herself on the Pattaya beach, check out their piece on 27th September.

    It's rather sad! :D What a breakup and being legless will drive you to!!! :o

  6. As they say

    "Whats yours is mine and whats mine is mine".

    I have experienced some curious rationales from people who have Borrowed things in Thailand.

    And I agree re the face thing....it what makes life to the newbie so wonderfuly confusing and frustrating.....but who are we to whinge and moan and cast judgement,we are visitors and often uninvited.

    Siam one Quote
    weird! humans are the same the world over, so why these statements. Maybe many farang do not consort with prostitutes back home and find their behaviour different? I don't know.

    I do know that PIs exist in many other countries and do the same sort of "work" as in Thailand. So the same sort of behaviour and lack of trust exists there too.

    *deleted by mod*

    What a sheltered life you must lead..... you should get out more. :o

  7. **Watch the language please(mod edit)**

    Jeez I know girls who are on the fourth or fith ATM there in three years.

    One I know is grossing 100k a mth from on Aussie ,One Swede and one English.

    he should know better.

    Must be the climate....dulls brain cells.

    I don't usually read or recommend the Kiwi's Crap, but a friend pointed me to a story he ran on October 16.

    Take a look.

    If that relationship lasts 3 months, I'd be very surprised after lover boy got hit in the face with insulting behaviour by the girl's parents in the co. of the Kiwi & wifey. :o

    Remember, the guy with more $$$'s than brains has only known the girl for 2 months. :D

  8. Hear Hear

    Sometimes I think many of this forum delude themselves as to why they are in Thailand.

    Ah terdsak!  You stole my fire! :D

    Fully agree with taxexile,

    "most of us , despite out pretensions of intellectual superiority are drawn to sleaze and the sleazy , and the closer to the gutter it is the better.

    so , keep posting britmaveric , those stories about swedish drunks , thieving bargirls , yob brits , corrupt cops and taxi drivers and dumb yanks."

    It's the slow moving cars across the turnpike from the traffic accident.  You know you shouldn't stare, but you just can't help yourself! :o

    Most of us love Pattaya in some fashion whether we admit it or not.

    But the grimy underbelly is always facinating to us.

    Keep up the good work Brit! :D


  9. Name the resort so we can put it on our ripoff lists!!!

    We're all set for a wedding on a resort at Jomtien, but the resort has quoted silly money (like you say 28 000 seems to us at least to be plenty!) As it's a beach wedding we need a flower arch to get married under and button holes for the 20 guests, bouquet for the bride and some flowers for the venue.

    As for the DJ, well it was again the resort who quoted that figure and we KNOW that is over the top and simply wont pay it.

    Any suggestions ?? :o

  10. Hmm

    well,you really notice it here in Aus.

    Where there are major emerging problems with kids and diabetes,due to inactivity and diet etc.

    What you do notice from an Asian perspective is the amount of weight the chinese kids are putting on here.

    They arrive skinny but..now Seriously getting fat on junk food and lying around in front of gameboy or tv all day.

    I was curious as to what the underlying causes for diabetes are and why the propensity for it in Asia?  Are there steps one could take to reduce the risk?

    just not enough exercise . they sit around too much on their butts.

    the hot climate doesnt help.

    I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you on this. I think Thai people are more active than many westerners. However, I do agree with Ben@H3- Digital in regards to Thai culture adopting McDonalds and eating more Bread like the western countries. I don't believe The Sugar in the food or exercising causes diabetes, but i'm sure exercise helps eliminate just a little (very little). I think its more in your family history.

  11. hmm can Thai vias morph into a media co?

    Seems has the falang readership and correspondents??

    Maybe an op for some smart people to create a new business leveraging Thai visas distribution.

    Plenty of what were good brains going to mush in various parts of the kingdom.

    Brit's postings are a damm sight better than having low quality audio blogs and off centre photos of cheap red cars plugged here. :o

  12. I was there in June

    They have a phone jack for dial up in the room and comfortable desk.

    No high speed

    Can someone who has stayed at the Sandy Spring tell me what the internet setup is in the rooms? Their website states:

    In the room, enjoy a full range of services designed for your convenience and comfort such as Flat-Screen Color TV with Cable Programming, Individual Air-conditioning, Refrigerator, Telephone, Wake-up Call, Internet Connection, Room Service, and Bathroom with full range of amenities such as hairdryer, bathtub, and cold-hot water supply.

    Is it the high speed lan type, etc?  Thanks.

  13. Worlds ugliest watch

    Cant understand why people buy them.

    Fake or not fake.

    Zes maanden voor dragen namaak Rolex

    Zes maanden cel en 1.000 euro boete. Dat is de straf van de correctionele rechter in Dendermonde voor Gunther R. (33) uit Aalst. De betichte droeg twee keer een nagemaakt merkuurwerk van Rolex. Rolex diende een klacht in.

    Het parket vervolgde R. voor heling en een inbreuk op het merkenrecht. Rechter Bart Meganck oordeelde dat R. wist dat hij een namaak uurwerk kocht. Namaak is een misdrijf. Wie bewust goederen bezit afkomstig uit een misdrijf maakt zich schuldig aan heling. Bovenop maakte R. zich schuldig aan het bedrieglijk gebruik van een merk.

  14. Seems like no more or less of a problem than anywhere else in the world.

    Jeez just spent the weekend in Surfers Paradise for the Indicar racing.

    Never seen so many drunk teens and that was in the early evening,by midnight they are puking everywhere,girls staggering around blind drunk,asleep on the beach ,etc etc etc

    So what next? A crackdown on booze anyone??

    forget cracking down on the Booze, how about cracking down on the parents.

    They obviously need to do a better job at teaching these kids.

  15. Really cant understand why anyone could rate Mince and Refried beans AND maybe an avocado as something you really want to eat when you have all this beautiful Thai food.

    As for T reef...well i suppose if your American its the same as going to all those aweful English pubs on Pattaya because you just miss the home countries non cuisine.

    "Au contrare," my tongue argues...

    I think the former owner was American though. Now, America's a bit closer to Mexico. Does that help any?  :o

    But really, what does it matter what nationality the managers/owners are, as long as the food comes out great (as can be seen by testimonials above)?

  16. Hoary old chestnut

    Whats interesting is the Burnt vs the Preburnt vs the No NEVER could happen to me?

    So any real Thai legal advice on this site?????

    During my long relationship and marriage to my previous wife I spent many, many 'millions of US dollars' on her behalf to 'try' and keep her happy! Result - divorce after 35 years (she found someone 'younger').

    Thats the funniest thing i've heard all day ! Nice one, you pillock!

    You've put a smile on my face :o

  17. OP

    Cant for the life of me think why you would want to bring wife and kid to live in Thailand??

    Why?is she Thai??

    £1550 take home pay,

    That's awful money for IT , I was earning that about 15 years ago, Why not knock the perm job on the head , do contracting for a few years and establish contacts whilst you are at it? I can put you in touch with some decent accountants that will make you IR35 proof and hopefully help your present situation before you make the leap.


  18. Is that PHD from anywhere credible??


    Education is not all it takes to battle it, the corruption is surely as rampant among foreign-educated Thais - just look at the bidding processes for new construction works, the Suvarnabhumi Airport problems, etc. The people running the show there have received enough education to know what they are doing - but it still does not seem to help much.

    Notably, Dr. Thaksin's Ph.D. in Criminology posed the question whether education helps to stem corrupt practices, and the answer was along the lines: "It does, but to an almost insignificant degree"...

    Apart from that, I agree. The pee-nong system does not rhyme with meritocracy - they are fundamentally opposed concepts. How to solve it? I don't know.

  19. Plenty

    Just go to MBK shopping mall.

    Get a new one for that and good selection.

    I would like to purchase a mobile phone for exclusive use in Thailand on my next trip to BKK.  All I need is a simple phone - no bells and whistles required.  I do, however, would like to stick with a Samsung, Nokia, or Sony Ericcson.  Are there models available for under 4,000 baht?


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