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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Hehe

    Well Always a Kiwi,but Aussies been good to a lot of us.

    Gotta say Tama did the right thing paying tribute to George Gregan,Truly a consumate team player and nice guy.

    But still call Australia home

    Just love that anthem

    boo hoo

    and Im a Kiwi

    but k1w1 owned :o

    No worries mate.........som nom nah........you got shafted...Sorry about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't want to be rude.....but you guys got routed.........jing######ingjing :D

  2. Some interesting linkages developing here.

    Still smells bad though..

    Christopher Ronald White is behind bars in Chiang Mai Central Prison, accused of serious child sex offences. To hear him talk, the former West Australian policeman, 46, tried to help a poor girl and her family but he was set up, and his actions misconstrued. Behind the brave face is a bitter man.

    Just kilometres away, Pan, 16, lies in a public hospital ward. She wears a resigned half smile as she talks about her daughter, who died at birth this week.

    For more than three years, from age 13, Pan lived in White's Bangkok house, attended a local temple school - and, by her account, had sexual relations with him, a charge he denies.

    In an Akha hilltribe village in Burma, overlooking the far northern Thai town of Mae Sai, Pan's father, Aboya, is a happy man. Two of his daughters have foreign boyfriends, elevating his dirt poor life to one with a cement floor and colour TV.

    Sitting on low stools in the tiny cement yard, he serves tea in chipped cups without handles, with green bananas and hot peanuts. "I think my daughters have a better life living with the farang," he said through a translator, showing pictures of the girls in swimming pools, at the beach and in well-appointed apartments. "And I like it materially, because I can ask my daughters for things."


    AdvertisementAboya said the older girl's boyfriend gave him 3000 baht ($96) a month, and had paid for his cement house, but White had given little, saying it was enough he was caring for his daughter.

    White's story first emerged 10 days ago, when he was paraded for the cameras in Chiang Mai. The accompanying Thai-language news reports accused him of everything from holding a 13-year-old girl as a sex slave for three years to forcing her to perform sexual acts with him in pornographic videos for export to Australia to luring other young girls from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for similar purposes. The reports said 35 pornographic VCDs were confiscated in a raid on his Bangkok home. In fact only two had pornographic content.

    The claims were picked up by news agencies and widely reported in Australia.

    "My face is all over the West Australian newspapers. They didn't do an investigation; they just arrested me. My career has been destroyed," White told the Herald this week.

    He has been charged with having sex with a girl under 15, which counts as rape under Thai law, and sexual harassment and abuse.

    "I treated her exactly the same way I treated my own daughter," he said. "I tried to help her poor family; I tried to help her better herself." Asked if he had had sex with her, he said: "No, it would be like having sex with my own daughter."

    Pan has a different story. "I met him at the night bazaar in Chiang Mai. I was selling flowers and Ami [another flower seller] introduced him. He asked me if I wanted to come to Bangkok. I am Akha so I have no identity papers. He bought some for me and two weeks later I moved to Bangkok," she said in a mix of broken English and Thai.

    At first, she said, he treated her well. He sent her to a local school, once a year he took her to see her father (her mother is dead), and even sent her on a holiday to Phuket. Did they have a sexual relationship? "Yes, since the first time I went to Bangkok," she said.

    "I went to Phuket for a holiday, and Christopher told me not to get a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend, and he was angry to me. Then he was choking, beating me, rape. He throw something at me like a vase."

    She became pregnant, and the paternity of the baby that died this week is still unclear. DNA tests are being conducted. White said she had stopped living with him by last September.

    In the first half of this year she spoke with a social worker in Mae Sai and the investigation into her story began. Police say that a Thai housekeeper who lived at the house has supported Pan's claim.

    White's biological daughter, who also lived with them in Bangkok for part of that time, has reportedly dismissed it as lies.

    White says Pan is just an excuse and that it is his career that has put him behind bars.

    The former policeman has worked as a private investigator and security expert in the region for the past 15 years.

    Last year he was hired by Burswood Casino to serve a writ, listed in the West Australian Supreme Court, on Thongthip Aektrakul, a Thai woman with strong political connections in Chiang Mai, who led a high-rolling gambling tour to Perth in February 2001, then failed to pay the bill.

    He finally found Ms Thongthip and presented the writ in August last year, in Poipet, a gambling centre on the Cambodian side of the Thai border.

    "She said to me, 'Don't come back to Poipet or you will not leave walking'," he said.

    The casino bad debts story was published in Thailand on August 22. A day later Chiang Mai police raided White's Bangkok house and arrested him. "[Thongthip's] family certainly have connections here in Chiang Mai," he said.

    However, White's claims of a payback arrest are dismissed by Chiang Mai's police investigator on child sexual abuse, Jareewan Puttanuruk.

    "The investigation started on June 28, after the case was reported to us by International Justice Mission. The arrest warrant was issued on August 15," she said. "I have no information about him and the casino; I didn't know he was involved in that case."

    White has another problem. Last month and in June Australian customs intercepted two packages, with DVDs containing child pornography, sent by a "Ryan White" to an associate in Australia. He admits sending them, saying he was tired of trying to get police agencies in Thailand to deal with the child pornography problem, and hoped to "obtain an awareness of what was happening here".

    "I did it to make a difference."

    The courts, first in Thailand, and possibly later in Australia, will decide what difference White has made.

  3. Their offspring(mainly leb) cause more problems in Sydney than any other nationality combined.

    They are almost universaly disliked.

    Why? Violent,Arrogant,Lazy,completely disrespecting of women excepting their mothers and sisters....and the list goes on.

    My experience of them in Pattaya coming to my old bar a couple of years back,was for sure the girls would only go with them if they were 1.stupid or 2.desperate.

    The more experienced girls all had a bad tale to tell about them,mainly very stingey,and very manipulative and in some cases very hard to get rid of.

    come on still u cant call all of us like that

    should i judge all the americans on what i see in mury show?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    should i judge then on jerry springger show?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    or judge all the americans as if they all are (KKK)?!!!!!!!!!!

    none of the arab countries are ruleing by the religion and most  arabs dont practis it just like any other religion. they all cover there political needs with religion so they get the support and for the media

    we have bad people and we also have well behaived ones just like any other country

    i dont think u come fromt he city of angles

    Sorry - I have lived for 10 years in Libya - 12 years in Saudi - 2 more in UAE and 4 in Iran.

    The Iranis are far removed from the rest - a civilised, generous, friendly people.

    With regard to the Arabs, I have worked with the very religious (above ankle robe, no retainer on headscarf) as well as the non-religious. I have respect for maybe one in a thousand. No Palestinians, no Gulf Arabs. Just some of the Saudis and a few Libyans - basically the Aramco and Man-Made River people.

    Don't know many Omanis - although I did work out of Salalah about thirty years ago.

    No-one has given me any offence especially, this is just general observation of the habits and characteristics of thousands of Arabs in their home environment.

  4. Or another Crackdown.

    A few thousand Service girls showering 5 times a day must use lots of water...perhaps only once a day now :o

    Seriously its bad planning,Pattaya survives on the budget falang tourists and retirees,and has done for years.

    The development of the eastern seaboard and associated foreign investment at risk should be a major concern.

    Heads should be rolling in the Planning and Infrastructure departments,if such things exist.

    Perhaps a direct pipeline from the flooding waters of Chaing Mai down to Pattaya/Jomtien would be in order.

  5. SUV makes perfect sense in Bangkok. It doesn't in the rest of the civilized world, but in Bangkok it's a must.

    Your car will be destroyed after a few years. Everyone who has a Ferrari or Porshe here drives occasionally because the roads are that bad. It's basically for week-ends so you can show off at the local hi so bars

    Unfortunately true and both counts.

    My mates missus took the sump out of an m3 on samui.

    A canine would be fun,but why?Its no joy driving in Thailand.

    For the interest on that money you can have a car and driver!!

  6. Does Thailand want Pattani?

    It was the British who gave it to thailand after all??.

    Doubt that would solve the problem,the culture of greed that belief perpetuates will see to that.

    If this is not just a headline grabber.
    "Our struggle is for our own people, to get back what is rightfully ours. Pattani belongs to the Malays, just like Malaysia."

    This would indicate to me that Malaysia is not part of the solution but part of the root of the problem. This whole annex took place 100 years ago, and to claim they want back what is theirs seems they want to separate and 'become' part of Malaysia, would the Malaysian Gov. subscribe to this? Would they welcome this? Do they want just an autonomous state?

    The other questions are who governs, who will police, what type of system of government will they have, what legal system? Independent Islamic Republic state, Shar’ia law? Islamic religious police? :D

    Pulo said it is prepared to mount attacks in Bangkok or tourist destinations such as Phuket or Pattaya.

    "Thaksin is my enemy. If he carries on like he is now, it is going to get worse," the Pulo spokesman said. "I would like to tell Thaksin that we want back what belongs to us."


    Given the complexity of the problem, what would you do? I read a letter to the editor BKK-POST, that gave the "idea to pay them off at the land rate when they were annexed, and allow them to move to Malaysia, or become Thai and stay on in peace. If they want to be Malay move"

    If it is a headline grabber, then it is a real bad one that will only serve to make things worse.

  7. Interesting

    Have you noticed Thais do not sit in the sun at the beach

    The only thai girls I have seen tanning ,have been LBS or tatooed BGS looking to pull..

    My missus avoids the sun like the plague when we holiday in Thailand,I not like black colour skin and make my face look old.

    Its amzing how quickly she can tan though.I like the tan,its hard to see them burn though.

    Her older sis goes to the sun clinic here in aus.....but then shes much more aussified now after 12 years here.

    Daughter is Thai and 20 shes fully into the whiteface look as are all her friends at School here in Sydney.....The Thai Teen mags seem to promote it big time.

    When I first visited Thailand, I was watching Thai TV one night. A commerical for whitening cream came on. While I can't remember it in detail, I do remember "black face" make up being used. I was very surprised! I think it was like, when the light of the cream showed on the woman's face she was pale faced and beautiful and then when the light of the cream missed her face, she was black faced and ugly. It was really derogatory.

    That commerical was my introduction to Thai obsession with white skin. Since then, I've listened to the most stunningly beautiful dark skinned women say they are ugly because they are "black" or dark.  Another shocking experience the first time. Also, when I was a teacher in Thailand, one of my Thai collegues told me under her breath: "The Director, he's black on the face. Very black." She said it like she was embarrassed or like it really mattered to me, which it didn't.

    Now we learn this weekend, though maybe obvious to many for sometime, that many of the "whitening creams" are dangerous and cause serious health risks.

    If someone more experienced than myself has the energy, could you explain this obsession? Where is comes from? Who propagated it? Why it persists? And any other comments you might have. Thanks.

    Please post your comments here.

    Also, if you would like, post a comment on Radio Bangkok's listener comment line, please do. Leave a message of any length at: 02-207-2677.

    Thanks again.

    No differnce Felix to us white farangs wanting to be black/dark skinned. We too have an obbsession with being tanned. This is also very bad for the skin, but it still doesnt stop us from getting on the sunbeds before we go on holiday then lying out in the midday heat to get burnt to a crisp.

    I believe the saying is only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday heat.

    I personally think people should just stick with the skin colour they have. I am white i dont want skin cancer so i dont go out in the sun to get burned, i always wear protection, just like i think dark skinned people have beautiful skin and really shouldnt try and make it white. :o

  8. How COULD I have forgotten Dire Straights.


    I don't see the point of repeating well known names so here's a few who deserve a mention:

    Rory Gallagher, unbeatable rock\blues, catch his DVDs of 'The Old Grey Whistle Test', German and Irish tours.

    Man, a great band from Wales, the drummer, Terry Williams joined Dire Straits

    Tim Buckley's voice was out of this world, listen to 'Sweet Surrender', died so young from heroin, the silly fool, as I believe did his son.

    Nick Drake- unique album,'Bryter Later',middle class sensitivity at its best, his guitar tunings, completely his own, are a nightmare to follow!

    King Crimsom, great early albums.

    Spirit- great live, Randy California as a latterday Hendrix

    George Thorogood and The Destroyers, great foot tapping bar blues.

    Can from Germany in the mid70s, 'Future Days'was good for late nights in bedsits.

    Steve Hillage

    Kevin Coyne-His 'Marjory Razorblade' is a classic, as was 'The Eastbourne Ladies', there's not many fast rock and roll songs about grannies sitting in deckchairs!

  9. Slightly off topic,but the Russian thread was funny.

    I have had an apartment at the Versace In Surfers (au),which I spend time at now and then.

    Its just about a sport with the regs to watch the old russian mafia types squiring round these stunning russian daughters!!!!

    I live in the heart of Sukhumvit and enjoy it immensely. I notice so many farang ladies around here really having a great time. They are obviously mainly tourists but they are here and they love it. Sometimes I will see what appears to be a knockout farang girl; I will then walk by and hear the Russian accent. Of the times I have seen this, the girl is always accompanied by a customer

    You are a perfect example of what the people here are complaining about.

    As soon as you hear an Eastern European accent, You assume that woman is a prostitute.

    Are there no Russian tourists?

  10. fascinating ....ever so practical the chinese. :D

    I guess the secondary/other reason is they want to look more falang.

    Its not just whitening,its getting rid of the flat features,noses,chins etc.

    In a certain district in China amongst the indigenous people the black-assed women, with their tanned lower backs from stooping and picking tea,  are prized as good workers thus good wives.  I don't think the Chinese see it that way though.  :o

  11. HMM Interesting Demograpic on the TV membership,well the actives anyway.

    45-55 years old,predominantly UK,Euro .....The post war boomers,

    Now what do you all buy?What will you be buying in the future,apart from Vinyl ,and body part replacements.

    and prodigous amounts of chillie.

    Well anyway just another late forties party animal having a few flashbacks on some of those bands.

    Pink Floyd for me No1 but these in no particular order





    Split ENZ (im a Kiwi)

    Human League

    Van Morrison

    Fleetwood Mac

    Frankie goes to Hollywood.

    Blondie (my late teen Idol)


    Petshop Boys (Well it was the birth of clubbing as we now know it)

    Dragon (Are you old enough)

    Hello Sailor

    Roxy music

    Phil Collins

    Tried to think of some recentones,but for some reason the impact is less and cant remember the names.

    Hendrix would make it into band genre as he was with The Experience and The Band of Gypsies.

    Without the likes of  Mitch Mitchell, Buddy Miles, Noel Redding et al , I doubt those tracks would have swung quite so well. As a lead guitarist myself  I never underestimate the influence of a great Rythym section.

    Next ?

  12. Its a sun thing

    If you are very dark your work in the fields thus poor and lowclass.

    If white...pampered,wealthy,etc etc

    Same in China

    When I first visited Thailand, I was watching Thai TV one night. A commerical for whitening cream came on. While I can't remember it in detail, I do remember "black face" make up being used. I was very surprised! I think it was like, when the light of the cream showed on the woman's face she was pale faced and beautiful and then when the light of the cream missed her face, she was black faced and ugly. It was really derogatory.

    That commerical was my introduction to Thai obsession with white skin. Since then, I've listened to the most stunningly beautiful dark skinned women say they are ugly because they are "black" or dark.  Another shocking experience the first time. Also, when I was a teacher in Thailand, one of my Thai collegues told me under her breath: "The Director, he's black on the face. Very black." She said it like she was embarrassed or like it really mattered to me, which it didn't.

    Now we learn this weekend, though maybe obvious to many for sometime, that many of the "whitening creams" are dangerous and cause serious health risks.

    If someone more experienced than myself has the energy, could you explain this obsession? Where is comes from? Who propagated it? Why it persists? And any other comments you might have. Thanks.

    Please post your comments here.

    Also, if you would like, post a comment on Radio Bangkok's listener comment line, please do. Leave a message of any length at: 02-207-2677.

    Thanks again.

  13. Well thats the Marriott off my List.

    I was at the Grand Majestic in june.

    Place was full of them both looking down on my GF in the lift and common areas and perving too.

    They were on my floor and made a racket the whole time,leavng one room as some kind of common room with the security latch out so every time they went in and out which they did a LOT it banged.

    Whole hallway stank the whole time and many guests noticeably waited for the next lift,which strangely enough so did they,esp the women,I was in a lift a couple times when one of those daleks were waitng but did not get in ..prob as they cldnt be alone with another human being of the male gender.

    I hope the management are sensitive and keep them as segregated as they can.

    Where they gonna go after someone does a suicide attack here?

    You nong.....

    Countries like the Lebanon, UAE and Oman are pretty laid back countries, not by just middle eastern standards, but by world standards. Even the Iranians are known to be a pretty hospitable bunch of people, though you'd never beleive it the way the US goes on about it.

    Sure there is some conservatism there, but no more than you'd find in the bible belt in the US, or in Thailand. And, its not a strand of conservatism which is likely to lead any of them to strap a kilo of TNT to themselves and board a bus full of passangers.

    • Like 1
  14. Ahh yes the weekly trip to the Sydney fishmarkets,then its a thai feeding frenzy on sun for the missus and friends,who strangley seem to turn up.

    Good Prawns and bugs say two bout 60-70 bucks so a bit more.

    Now the closest to a thousand dollar day night in Sydney is our monthly boys lunch.

    Lingerie Restaurant food lap dances ,Pub,Girlie bar ,Nightclub.. and finally.......yep can get very close.

    Try buying a couple of kilo of live mud crabs (boo talay), a couple of kilo of live prawns (goong) and a couple of kilo of live morton bay bugs (kung) in Aust. for less than 1500baht  :o


  15. A thousand bucks for a night out in Phuket??

    For how many people??

    Australia is a great place to live for many reasons. Cant think of many at the moment though. But it is cheap to live, that is certain. I have spent more in Thailand on my new house, my food shopping and entertainment, than I ever would have in Australia. Here it seems easy to spend 30k on a night out, but the only time I would of done that in OZ, would be at the Casino.

    I would definately go back to live in Noosa in a heart beat - 24 degrees "everyday", better beaches, better food, not many fatties and understood at every turn. You can still buy a nice home in Sunshine Beach or Noosa Heads for around 20,000,000 baht. You dont get much in Phuket for that.

  16. I think you have to look at the stage of life you are at.

    For the burnt out 50 year old divorcee with his half the proceeds from the family home built,bought twenty years ago it looks pretty attractive.

    Say 500k AUD spend 100k buying a nice house in pattaya and you can get laid with young beautiful women that wouldnt give you a second look at home,play golf ,and slip into a lovely alcohol and boredom based delerium.

    For the young exec in his late 20s and thirtys,its vibrant nightlife and lots of fun and games.

    For the family man of course you would be crazy to leave Aus.

    You can still but houses in Queensland for 3-400k aud which in Euros OR pound is Not a lot.

    Cost of living is not bad.

    Education system is average but prob as good as UK ,Europe.

    Jobs for Tradeys in particular are abundant.

    Sure Sydney is Pricey but ###### what do you sell a shoebox in London for these days? ,its all relative.

    No problems mate... I wasn't having a shot at your post... more like thinking our Northern relatives might have a shot at us Antipodeans for having no class..  :o

    Who cares what they think anyway?


    Oh, I thought by saying "classless society" was clear enough to describe the absence of castes and non-porous social barriers found elsewhere, in Thailand before all (as this is a Thai related board).

  17. Yep sure any big city has its crime.

    Drugs and Alcohol play their part.

    Have to say the areas like SUK the only trouble I have ever seen us usualy caused by your drunken,tatooed,soccer hooligans....darned exchange rate is way too good to them.

    If there's a big rise in crime against farang you can pretty well bet it's across the board but Thais not so publicised... - well.. maybe just look at front page of Thai Rath.

    The world is in general becoming more violent (see BBC for chip throwing incident in Islington, London).

    BUT am I the only one to notice this? Doesn't it seem to be that half the populations of certain neighbouring countries have come to Thailand. I have lived in Chiang Mai for many years and you walk down any street and hear people  talking .. its not Thai or English and not even any of the more local hilltribe languages. There is a huge influx of people coming into the country, some legally and some not.

    The numbers are astounding. The next stop after Chiang Mai for many is Bangkok which pays slightly better for labour. I have seen and heard of case after case. Some of these people have Baat Dang Dao and some have nothing.

    This is certainly fuelling the crime situation.

  18. Yes that attendant system is an overhead thats for sure.

    Easy for a gang to get a man in there and start taxing.

    This is a letter taken from this week`s Pattaya Mail.

    I was in the Pattaya Tai (South) Road Shell station Aug 6 or 7. This station is next to the CAT Telecom Offices.  I observed that the employees are not resetting the pumps after filling motorcycles.  This type of sale is often under 100 baht.  They then proceed to fill autos with the previous sale amount still showing on the pump.  The auto driver pays the full total, but does not receive the full amount of petrol that he paid for and the attendant pockets the difference that was previously collected from the motorcycle sale.

    While I watched this happening, what appeared to be a senior employee collecting the money looked at me and rudely siad,  "What you looking, you have problem?"

    I would guess that this is very profitable for this money collecting employee.  I would suggest an undercover observation to see this practice happening.

    Shell did not respond to the above email.

    A Man.

  19. Yep Access to good Som Tam, is a major ,even before TV.

    Lek in the main says most of the local thai restaurants are no good.

    Thank god for some smart cookie opening an MK here...although for some weird reason its sited in the Italian center of sydney.

    She cooks herself and is very good,sometimes I feel like we run a takeaway service...still it keeps her busy.

    According to my wife there seem to be different levels of food problems. My wife comes from the far north and is not very open-minded about what she eats.

    We've lived in Belgium for over a year and although there are several thai shops and restaurants, it's just not good enough. She says that this might be OK for a person from bangkok because they can eat restaurant-style curry and the likes. She, on the other hand....

    This, combined with her tendancy to lean towards the above mentioned features (too reliant, little self-motivation,...) which lead to depression, practically forced us to go live in LOS. My wife went up there already. I am following next month...

    ALthough it's the consequence of some kind of failure, I am very much looking forward to living there. I hope it will work out...

    Sorry if I lower the optimism of some people with this story, but anyway it's no reason why you shouldn't try it. In my experience the visa stuff was not that much trouble...

  20. Most of the missuses friends like Sydney

    Plenty Thai food and ingredients.

    Plenty Thai video shops for the TingTong TV.

    Climate is ok.

    Boredom can be an issue.

    Family is an issue,they want money endlessly.

    Casinos and Pokies are your biggest danger....seen many a marriage bust over this.

    Regular budgeted shopping trips home important.

    Just wondering......for all those married to a Thai lady that you have taken back to your homeland either to live or long holiday, how did they cope?  Did you have to come back?  Did it end your relationship?  What were the pros and cons?

    I ask as I've got to start thinking seriously about my girl.  After nearly 2 years, I can't see myself living in Thailand for more than 2 more years, but when I think about it realistically, I don't reckon my girl could cope or be happy in OZ.  I can't bare the thought of going through both the expense and hassles of getting her in to the country, setting up a new life etc, for her to turn around and say "I want to go home!"


  21. It might have a positive affect.

    The accomodation is overpriced for what it is,because the Full Moon clientele are so wasted they dont mind.

    Maybe it would force the operators to clean there act up.

    Full moon party ban opposed

    ... The full moon party doesn't just benefit certain people; it brings revenue to the province and the whole country,'' ...

    --Bangkok Post 2005-08-24

    Don't know about the whole country, mainly brings money into the portal Samui, and IMHO probably is the singular appreciable revenue stream for Phangan,


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