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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. What a dump

    Stayed at the Intercon in makati last year.

    full on security,mirrors under taxis and search boots before allowed in the driveway.

    Cops carrying shotguns on the back of motorcycles.

    Food is rubbish

    One of the great dissapointments of SE asia

    I go there for a few days every 3-4 months (next trip next week) and love it, but I've only been to Manila.  Later this year, I plan a trip to the south for some R&R. 

    Never got into any trouble and always feel safe and welcome.  I think the people are genuinely more welcoming of foreigners than here and there is less a culture of 'what can we rip the farang off for next.'  than here.

    But whoever said the food is awful is spot on.  How do they stay so slim by eating pig fat all day?

    Yeah, the food is markedly inferior to Thai food. If you dig a little, there are some interesting dishes (not that I am expert) like Sinigang soup, fresh seafood, and vegetable dishes with salty thingies.

    Good idea to check out other areas. I was in Cebu City,Cebu and then went up to Bantyan Island, and then Negros. Bantayan Island was amazing, talk about primitive conditions for the natives though! I met some locals and ate their local food. Not fit for animals, grade D course rice (disgusting, the most atrotious rice I ever had) served with dried small fish. That was dinner. A cab driver in Cebu said something really funny to me: "the people in Bantayan are really backwards, they love all white people."

    Lived in Cebu and Mindanao for a while. Cebu bit touristy for me, but Mindanao is great. Have to ensure you're in the christian area, not the muslim however. People loved the idea that a foreigner would stay on their island due to the problems. Only disadvantage, they think everyone foreign is an american and keep shouting "hello johnny" :o

  2. The CEO of BHP came out and said he reckoned back under 40 buckks in 6 mths

    What do you guys think?

    STOP level might be lowered to 65.03 area -- observe market action for momentum -- if against me, then I'll consider closing out the positions @ around $65.

    Will attend to you chaps in the next 2-3 posts.


    Are you going to explain why you are still in the trade, and didn't honor your original stops?

    I am not being antagonistic; just curious how you handled the trade.

  3. Why would you want to form a relationship other than commercial with a local prostitute??

    Would you do that at home?

    My friend who has been in pattaya a long time says not to waste any time or money  trying to form a relationship with the local prostitutes  , as the vast majority of  them have thai boyfriends that they give all of their money too , also that nearly all of them take yaba . is this true?

  4. Wellington

    Yes the most boring place in NZ

    Like Canberra in AUS.

    Full of public servants and buearaucrats who think they have built the culture capital of NZ.

    Grow a beard,take your cardigan and sandles and socks. :o

    Wellington - on a nice day one of the prettiest places in the world. Lived there in 1992. Last time went in 2000 and it changed for better. However, in the street where theatres are (can't remember it's name now) there were 20 doner kebab shops. Before, there were none.

    Funny how one American tourist described the city: "Half the size of New Yourk city cemetary and twice as dead".

    But it's pretty. (Don't mention the wind.)


  5. Hear Hear

    A more documentary style with useful info on making a living or contributing to society would be great.

    Somewhat less controversial though....would people listen??

    I think you should realise that you have something of a unique opportunity to present the Farang view of Thailand to both Farangs and Thais here and consider how to use it to contribute - not just re-cycle the same old claptrap about the lives of bargirls, English Teachers or whatever.

    To say that your topics are merely an extension of what is discussed on this or other Boards is simplistic, especially when you select the salacious rather than the more thoughtful subjects.

    Nor do you have to produce 4 different Topics 5 days a week (or whatever the numbers are). Choose a long term project (or 2, or 3) and devote one section of your programme one day a week to following it, interviewing people involved etc.. NOT the old chestnuts of double pricing or Farang not being able to purchase land here etc. - you will simply sound like yet another whining Farang and be ignored.

    Something Nationally or Socially important, and interesting to a wider range of listeners .... maybe something like following the efforts of locals and residents of Kho Samet to prevent the place becoming another Pattaya, Phuket or Samui, or a campaign to preserve Thai National Parks or historical sites. (OK - Conservation is one of my personal bandwagons but there are dozens of other subjects worth looking at in some depth)

    Interview local Farangs in different parts of Thailand and tell their stories (NOT, for heavens sake, Heineke / Stickman / Boss Hogg / Trink et al, that's all been done to death). There are people on here running their own businesses, practicing medium scale farming in the North and North East, working as volunteers with orphanages or other social help agencies here - the list goes on and on.

    You have the chance to make a small but significant difference in many ways .............. or you can simply go down as the first Farang promoter of LCD Radio in Thailand - Lowest Common Denominator.


  6. For some reason I pick these books up at the airport with my last couple of thousand baht.

    The latest I bought was "My name Lon you like me?" penned by Derek Shannon and is meant to be a true story about the life of a very cute service girl called Lon.

    Usual story Issan gal lands in Bkk AT 13-14 and it all starts from there.(She is 25 now)

    Quite interesting read and sounds credible.

    Uuhh...I'd lay off the rhymes and stick to writing. I haven't read your book, but I'll get it and read when I've got a chance.


    I'm fairly serious about the book - as serious as I ever get :o

    The poems are (like me) juvenile:

    Here's another:

    I am the baddest of the bad men

    The sweetest of the saints

    I am the romance of romantics

    The slipperiest of the sly

    I am the biggest of the losers

    The smallest in the church

    I am the loveliest of the lovers

    The truth and the lie

    I am the way to darkness

    And the way to the light

    I love you in your glory

    I'll still love you when you die


  7. :D:D:D:D

    And not in Thailand


    My Boys always warned me about the "bloke at the end of the bar" you see one in every watering hole in every tourist area where falags settle down. He's the guy who's retired, unmarried, got money, and gets laid when he is sober enough to manage it.

    Only one stage after the above and thats sat in front of the computer logged into Thaivisa for 10 hours a day. :o

  8. Hehe Weaned myself back to a post 6pm start now too!!

    Bloody hard some days!!!

    I suppose what really drove it home to me ,was my last visit a couple mths back to the buffalo bar in Patts ,and thinking man I dont want to end up like those old barflies.

    I agree, great post snoopy.

    When I first retired I must admit that I would start drinking at noon until bedtime out of boredom, not good for my health or my marriage. It lasted about 4 months until I realised where it was gonna take me, now I rarely drink before 6pm.

    My Boys always warned me about the "bloke at the end of the bar" you see one in every watering hole in every tourist area where falags settle down. He's the guy who's retired, unmarried, got money, and gets laid when he is sober enough to manage it.

    None of us want to end up as "the bloke at the end of the bar"  retirement can be a wonderdul experience, but not for him!

    Go into any bar now and you will find him, in the busy bars in BKK where there is more tan one bar within a bar ,you can find four or so, don't let retirement take you down this road as so often happens.

    (Stern warning from TaiPauly :o )

  9. Tried it four years ago at 43....Pattaya

    Lasted 18mths ,wasnt short of money ,went crazy with boredom,did the usual buy bar for GF to run,earn some money,drank way too much.

    The main problem in Thailand is finding something useful to do,except whinge....just read the letters to ed in pattyamail.

    Most of my retired mates in Thailand are prob less happy than they would be in Aus,except for the fact they get laid more.

    I think the key factor in retirement is making sure you have things to do.

    Golf and Drinknig arent enough.

    Its a shame the Thai govt doesnt recognise theres a lot of talent going to waste in some retirees,and find a way for them to work in certain areas ,consulting etc and add value to the society.

    I'm thinking about early retirement. I'm 44 years old and I have around $400,000 altogether. $200,000 in retirement accounts and $200,000 in cash. If I stay another 5 years with my company, I'll receive $1200 a month in pension for life with COLA when I turn 60 but the problem is I hate my job and my boring life in the states. I'm in excellent health with no debt. I should also get Social Security at 62 with another $1200 per month, if SS still exists.

    My question is should I quit and move to Thailand or should I stick it out and suffer for another 5 years then retire at 49?

  10. Australia has the same rule.

    Good idea in principal.

    TPTS is owned by??????

    OBEC furious as massage parlour opens near school

    BANGKOK: --  The Office of the Basic Education Commission yesterday called for a review of a recent police decision to allow a massage parlour to open near a high school, despite opposition from teachers and parents over the move.

    OBEC secretary-general Phornnipha Limpaphayom said the Elina massage parlour was allowed to open opposite the Triam-udom Suksa Phatthanakarn Ratchadaphisek campus, despite an Interior Ministry regulation that stated massage parlours must be located at least 500 metres from schools.

    Phornnipha, who supervises all government high schools nationwide, said she did not want schoolchildren to be led by bad influences, adding that there were already many massage parlours operating in nearby areas.

    Chat Thai party-list MP Chuwit Kamolvisit, who had campaigned against Elina (owned by TPTS Construction Co Ltd) being allowed to open in the location, said he would submit an urgent motion to the House committee on police affairs over the matter when Parliament convened on October 8.

    Lt-General Thawatchai Julsukhon, a deputy police chief who heads the police panel that granted permission for the massage parlour to open, said the decision was based on the government’s zoning system, which favoured adult entertainment businesses operating in designated areas.

    On Friday, the panel voted 7-0 in favour of TPTS Construction’s appeal against being banned from operating in the location.

    Thawatchai said TPTS claimed it had lost Bt10 million a month since its first request to operate in the area was frozen by the panel after being submitted in June.

    According to Thawatchai, the company has already invested Bt300 million in the massage parlour.

    Despite admitting that Elina was located roughly 100 metres from the school, the deputy police chief said it could not be seen from the school and was located across the road from the school.

    Countering Chuwit’s concern over the matter, Thawatchai said he wondered why Chuwit had failed to criticise the existence of another massage parlour located near Elina.

    He denied any of the eight panel members had received money from TPTS.

    --The Nation 2005-09-07

  11. Yes New zealanders are definitely managing Australian business now,just look at David Kirk taking over Fairfax.Graham Hart with Burns Philp and Goodman Fielder etc.Ralph Norris New CEO commbank.

    Aussies need us!!! :D

    Hmmm as for the sheep thing,I am reliably told scotland has more sheep per head of population than anywhere else in the world and the men wear skirts to make it easier. :D (sorry Jockstar)

    Good point re kids a great place,couldnt think why you would bring up a kid in Thailand.

    Your friends need to know that it is a requirement for all New Zulanders to eventually move to Australia as part of a conspiricy to drive Aussies mad and boost the IQ level of themselves.  :o

  12. Any Translators in the house??

    SLEAZY CHAT-UP. Use these with discretion:

    a)    (Lick finger and wipe it on her blouse). “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

    b  “Hmm, nice legs. What time do they open?”

    c)  “Do you work for the post office?  I thought I saw you checking out my package.”

    d)  “You’ve got 206 bones in your body. Want any more?”

    e)  “Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?”

    f)    “I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I’m the only one talking to you.”

    g)    “I’m a bird watcher and I’m looking for a Big Breasted Bed Thrasher. Have you seen one around here?”

    h)    “Honey, I’m fighting the urge to make you the happiest women on earth tonight.”

    i)      “Do you want to play The Army Game?  I’ll just lie down here and you can blow the ###### out of me.”

    j)    “I’d really like to see how you look when I’m naked.”

    k)  “You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.”

    l)    “You must be the Limp Doctor because I’ve got a real stiffy here.”

    m)  “If it’s true that we are what we eat, then I could be you by morning.”

    n)    “You know, if I were you, I’d have sex with me. Immediately.”

    o)  “You, Me, Whipped Cream and Handcuffs. Any questions?”

    p)  “You know, those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.”

    q)  “My name is Colin (or whatever). Remember that, because you’ll be screaming it out loud later on tonight.”

    r)  “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past you again?”

    s)  “Do you sleep on your stomach. If so, can I?”

  13. Very true

    I have had highly qualified koreans driving cabs,Who cant get a job and just do it to get out of the house!!!

    My old company is one of the largest electronics manufacturers in NZ.

    A couple of the factory hands drive mercs and live in million dollar houses.

    I have to say without immigration from asia we would not have handled the growth we have had in the last 5 years.

    I always question the taxis I fall into in my drunken state,always interesting stories,bet my last buck they are all on the benefit as well.

    Thats what sucks about NZ.

    Well somethings amiss in Helens paradise.

    Just go to downtown auckland.

    Taxi industry is deregulated and all the drivers seem to be from India or west.

    Cant figure out how they all get in.

    It is unfortunately a typical migrant story. Highly skilled and qualified doctor, lawyer, IT guru etc migrates to the west to start a better life, but doesn’t get a look in locally to ply his/her trade. Are forced to drive taxi’s, wash dishes etc etc

    Ain't that the truth.on three taxi rides in a row in NZ I had a dentist from Manila, a Physiatrist from China and a Doctor from Sri lanka :o

    As for the op's orig question, I believe it will be a cold day in ###### before NZIG let in ladies to be maids for you.They do not like unskilled Thais, as they believe that the chances for overstay is huge and that they are probably prostitutes...in the eyes of NZIS anyway. :D

  14. Hmmm

    ok from an expat Aucklander living in Sydney.

    Nice place to retire!!!

    Nice People

    Rains a lot

    Best Rugby team in the world

    Auckland one of the most beautiful harbours in the world.

    Bay of Islands,fantastic and great fishing.

    South Island....simply spectacular.

    Quiet living,nice restaurants,great food ,clean green scenery,clean air,not too crowded.

    Work ops limited unless you want to buy yourself a job.

    Labour Govt !,political correctness gone overboard.

    450k of us living in Aus!!!

    Hmm prob Queenslands better

    Three months a year its beautiful....feb march and april.

    Xena comes from NZ.

    HI , Ive had an e.mail from a friend in the USA, who is thinking of moving to New Zealand,  or may be Thailand , he's been to Thailand but not NZ, and he's asked me if I know any one who has lived  in NZ , to try and get some feed back as to the way of life there...? any forum readers who have lived in NZ  could you offer some " comments about life there..? 

    Thanks .... Mumbo

  15. Well somethings amiss in Helens paradise.

    Just go to downtown auckland.

    Taxi industry is deregulated and all the drivers seem to be from India or west.

    Cant figure out how they all get in.

    I may be wrong in terms of NZ, but working holiday schemes in other countries only permit entry to certain nationalities (generally those countries from which there is no pressure to emigrate) and Thai may not be one of them.


  16. Met one perched on a bar on SUK a year or so back.

    Youg guy about thirty,sitting on the same beer all night,all the girls all over him,and he was lapping it up.

    The owner who i knew well laughed and said all the girls like him as they get free engreesh in return for....

    Not sure whether he would be the type a nice thai family would want teaching their kids.

    Still ,its a vocation and some take it seriously,utmost respect for those who do.

    <snip> I know plenty, and have had many coming through my doors looking for jobs.<snip>

    Was that work to wash your car, or as a security guard ? :o

  17. I guess the test would be could you not employ a person with PR in NZ for a housekeeping job??

    Sounds very altruistic.

    I am not sure how NZ immigration would look at importing non skilled workers.

    It would be an interesting test.

    I suspect they may feel this kind of work may be open to abuse.

    Hi everyone,

    I had a question re: posting, or going about advertising a job, and screening prospects for a house keeper to come out to NZ to work for 6 - 12 months.

    The gists of the requests, is, I know that you can bring out other girls from other countries to work in New Zealand for a working holiday - but these girls have to pay fees to be matched with families, and I don't forsee how someone in the domestic industry could pay the high fees to come out.

    So, I would like to look privately for a housekeeper to come out from Thailand for 6 months to a year. 

    We would pay her a comparable wage.

    Work visa to work in New Zealand.

    Her return airfare from Thailand to New Zealand.

    Show her some of New Zealand.

    Her own guest house, with kitchen, and bathroom.

    My mother would also like to have someone come out, and in our own conversation thought a pair of girls that know each other might like to come out together so they wouldn't get lonely.

    In return, the girls would be live in housekeepers, with Sundays off.

    They would be expected to do chores such as vacumming, laundry, dusting, and other domestic duties, but would not be expected to work more than 5 - 6 hours per day.

    Could someone please put me on the right path as to how, or whom would be interested in such a working experience ?



  18. And of course Expats never drink and drive.

    Careful what you wish for,this case may look like a recidivist offender who deserves it ,but who trust the thai justice system?

    Death penalty for Accidental death?

    Wait a minute.

    This guy went out and mowed people down, one of whom was in the same class as a friend of mine. I know about this story well.

    What if a guy goes out and mows people down without drinking?

    Should he get the death penalty?

    Jus because someone is drunk and commits a crime doesn't neccessarily mean that they wouldn't do such a crime sober.

    Not up to me to decide if he should die or not, but I am very angry.

    If I were on the jury, I would probably say life in jail.

  19. What a compendium of stories we could make on this Falang Ghetto.

    OK I am pissed cold, Not in Thailand ,and need a beer in Tim bar a shooter in Daves bar and a dance in lucifers and then ....

    Police in Pattaya were called to the View Talay Condominium Building A room 339/296 to investigate the death of a Norwegian man inside the room. Police inspected the room and although it was strewn with refuse, nothing that would lead Police to thinking this was a suspicious death was found.  The dead man is Mr. Jens Tomas Dragoy aged 60 who died clutching a Bible.  Police spoke with the Thai owner of the condo, Khun Nin, who mentioned that the man was a heavy smoker, often getting through 5 packets of cigarettes per day.  For now the exact cause of death is unknown and they are waiting for the results of a post mortem examination before they close the case.

    Pattaya City News.

    Saturday 3rd September 2005

  20. A gracious Aussie

    Thats a good thing.


    Well Always a Kiwi,but Aussies been good to a lot of us.

    Gotta say Tama did the right thing paying tribute to George Gregan,Truly a consumate team player and nice guy.

    But still call Australia home

    Just love that anthem

    boo hoo

    and Im a Kiwi

    but k1w1 owned :o

    No worries mate.........som nom nah........you got shafted...Sorry about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't want to be rude.....but you guys got routed.........jing######ingjing :D

    George is the enemy...&lt;deleted&gt; him....bad luck.they lost again.

  21. Never experienced such a diversity of Highs and Lows as living in Thailand for a year or two...Maybe thats the attraction..

    I think the reality for me its like anywhere its great if you can retire and live like a King.

    The good news about Thailand is you dont need a lot to do it compared to any of our worlds large citys.

    Its a "where you are in life" thing as well.

    The biggest fundamental mistake many make is think going to Thailand is going to solve your problems with a new start.

    Best to go when you are in control of your life.

    I know many pass these threads off as trolls,but its so easy as a Newbie to Thailand to start believing the dream and wanting to live it.

    Personaly my 18mths was a lot of fun a lot of girls ,a lot of golf,a lot of mates,a lot of girls,a lot of drinking,a lot of girls ,but intellectualy zero.

    Kind of glad to be back in the real world.


    BOY OH BOY I wanna come back.

    Missus is Thai and No way go back except for shopping and family visits.

    She love Sydney

    I dont that's a well known fact, but what is your point jockstrap

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