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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Forget the in car ones,they are overpriced.

    buy a portable

    I think garmin are sold,saw them on samui.

    Also a thai brand

    Just look in a good bookshop or electronics shop

    As titled. I've tried searching the web for a SatNav system for my Fortuner, but without success. Is SatNav available in LOS, and if so, can anyone recommend a system (Thai & English)? If there's nothing out there, I might try and construct my own using a laptop and plug-in GPS antenna but obviously that would mean drawing the map from scratch so not a perfect solution...

    Cheers all.

  2. More what does the Father do!!hence the comments.

    Mother does everything in my experience.

    When Thai people see me with my son for the first time, they often ask him where his mother is. It seems to be quite rare for a father to be seen alone with kids never mind taking care of them. I have seen many instances of kids here being looked after by the mother's mother / extended family. In fact, it seems to me to be more common than the mother taking care of the child.

    So I would like to ask - just what is expected of the mother? What does a "traditional" Thai mother do?

  3. A sad day for Aussie getting up a soccer team :D

    Hopefuly never happen in NZ :o

    1-0 result for Uruguay, pressure on Oz now.

    It's weird , all the Oz press is making this out like a good result.

    We're in a tough position now, if we concede an away goal it's all over. Uruguay can stick 11 players behind the ball and look to hit us on the break. They used similar tactics 4 years ago in Melbourne and we did manage to break them down for a few clear cut scoring chances.

    Best of luck anyway. Maybe Harry Kewell can get rid of that poofter hair do and stick a couple in the back of the net.

  4. Stick ,Provides good balance in my view,barflies,old men who cant get laid at home come on......sure

    Seen plenty of people fall victim to the dark side among our community here in Aus.

    The life of the Thai Gal expat in Falangland aint as perfect as the dream back in LOS.

    Its a real shame we dont have some really literate gals who can write their stories.

    Hansum man,big money ,love me thailand,look after me,look after family,stay nice hotels,many bacardi breezers,get to Falang land and the reality is not pretty in many cases...Hansum man ,no money,cheap job,no more holidays etc etc

    For you who want some good examples I have found reading reader submissions on http://stickmanbangkok.com is very enlightening as to how relationships go. Last count there are over 2000 entries.

    Dont advise this poor person to that site all he will get there is a bunch of bitter old twisted individuals belittling Thailand and its people.

    Fair enough we make fun on this board, but the type of person you get on here is far more understanding of the culture and people, than a bunch of old bitter bar flies over on the dark side :o

  5. Well Said.

    They Joy of a lazy life in Issan.

    Thais concept of time is based a a continuum of life.

    Time means nothing.

    They eat and sleep when they feel like it.

    No Rigidity like the falang world ,of breakfast and eight lunch at 12 and dinner at six.

    I don't wear a watch - it's uncomfortable.

    I'm not into fashion.

    I live in Isaan - "Bo Dton Faaow".

    Get up when the sun rises.

    If I need to know the exact time I can look at my telephone.

    My work has clocks on the walls.

    Watches are a thing of the past, for me.

    Rolex, fake or not - I don't need or want one.

  6. Nice ROLEX


    To match the gold sov ring and the amulets right???

    So out of style and bad taste now.

    I was given a "real" LV wallet.After using it for about a 18 months, It was starting to fray and come apart.Infact it looked like it was about 10 years old!!I took it to the LV shop in Auckland.They told me they would repair it for a fee..I told them to go and have sex with themselves....So I went out and bought a new fake LV wallet.The fake one is 4 year sold and still looks better than the real mckoy.(Which I keep in a draw at home..)

    This was one case where the turd was polished so well, that you could almost see you face in it. :D


  7. Great day

    Good turnout

    Usual bad planning

    1.Thais hate the sun.

    It was outdoors on a hot Sydney day.

    The person making the most money was the one selling sun parasols.

    My Missus burnt face not happy!!

    The organisers need to either move indoors or hire sun umbrellas.

    2.Foodstalls were mainly from the local restaurants...all in all average food.

    3.Entertainment was great for the teens

    The kids always have a great day.

    4.Many Sweating and stressed looking husbands standing around gasping for a beer.

    God knows why they dont get a Liqor license for the day and set up a bar.

    They had one three years back,but I am told the teens got a bit mao and ruined it for all.

    All in all amazing to see how many Thais in Sydney.

    Someone told me about 20k in greater Sydney area.

    Seem to be lots more Falangs with new girlfriend in tow this year.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    We'll be at the Sydney venue. Great weather too.

    We'll be looking forward to pigging out on a mountain of food.  :o

  8. Well I will be patrolling tumalong park here in sydney tommorow :D .

    More than likely fending off the dirty old men that seem to strangely materialise at these events

    I suspect I will be carrying the Missus home having gorged herself and twenty or so different Thai Food stands.

    Last year alchohol was banned there although,quite a few families had a discreet eski.

    Can I volunteer for such patrols? Do they provide night vision goggles? :o

    I'll partner you :D

  9. Wonderful story about Poo Yen lives on a small boat on the Petchburi River

    Age 105, was a great tv doco which is now avail on cdrom I am told.

    The thai queen was so touched by the story she bought him a new boat.

    Worth a look,It would have been nice if they had sub titled it in english

    You see so few nice human interest stories in Thailand.

    Whats the record........... this budda man is 102


  10. Yep

    Go to the most PC countries and the weird thing is the presumed victims of racism are the worst at getting on with each other

    EG ask a NZ maori about the tribes other than theirs....they all hate each other.


    However you could also say they are honest, and by that they don't live in a rediculous PC society that convinces itself it's not racist.

  11. OK you Sydney Aus TVERS

    Loy Krathong is Sunday in Tumablong Park

    Darling Harbour

    yes i have been a few times , good selection of thai foods on offer. it usually gets busy if the weather is fine, allthough its usually a bit chilly for the dancers and boxers on stage.


    Can you give me anymore info on the wimbledon loy kratong

    What time to get there? Etc or any good web sites with all the info?

    Thanks Ash

  12. No Question

    Just take a good look around

    Thai women in the main run the businesses here in Sydney that I know of.

    Men as hard working managers do exist but they are the significant minority.

    If I were a Thai woman, sbk's comment about a superiority attitude might mean something.  Since I am a farang, I am only writing about what I see every day, and read aboout in the newspapers.

    I disagree, the worst attitudes towards Thai men I have seen have invariably come from farang men who have somehow decided that Thai men are inferior and farang men superior. Often these are the same people who like to post that farang women are inferior and Thai women superior. What most fail to realize is that everyone has a different experience in life and one cannot judge another person or entire group of people by a few people's bad experiences. And, of course, if I based my entire experience on farang men from what I see every day and read in the newspapers I might come to the conclusion that farang men are generally piss-heads and drug dealers.

    The Thai men I have worked with are not inferior but they do seem to be amazingly touchy, moody and occasionally lazy. I had one chap who slept at this desk and another who would throw a temper tantrum when asked to do work. They were both significantly older than me.

    The women, on the whole, are more willing to adapt and knuckle down.

    And I do not blame you if you think farangs are all drug users or hooligans. In England a large percentage are.

  13. Yes but dont you think so few carry so many

    and thats without the luxury of granny state.

    Thailand's standard of living has also increased sharply for so many Thais - there's a huge middle class now whereas 15 years ago most people were at one end of the wealth spectrum or the other. Of course they don't want bog-standard jobs if there is an opportunity to be employed in a profession that earns them more money with better conditions and more prestige.

  14. Best part of SUK

    Those Sisters that ran Brownies bar down the back were a hoot too. :o:D

    it was a bit of a mixture , part meat market , part beer garden , part tourist gift type stuff. 

    it always looked out of place there and i wasnt sorry to see it go.

    although the way it went was incredible.

    he just sent in his stormtrooper mates with hammers and they razed it to the ground.

    unbelievable !!

    ...I agree, it was a bit of a pisshole but I do miss the 3 sisters who run a little coffee shop right in the middle of the place. Their after hour service was a little special and for sure they made best Irish Coffee at 3am. Memory tells me they had fairly rich Italian BFs :D

  15. Thai Students studying Theology in Turkey

    Oh Well ,marginaly better than Iran I suppose.

    Keep Thailand Buddhist.


    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinnawat (ทักษิณ ชินวัตร) is planning to create an export market in Africa for Thai goods during his visit to Kenya, while expressing confidence that trade between Thailand and Kenya will double within 3-4 years.

    Prime Minister Thaksin will make official visits to Kenya and Turkey during November 8-12, to strengthen relations with leaders of the two countries. He will use this opportunity to forge closer cooperations with the two countries on economy, education, social and security.

    The premier commented on his visit to Kenya, saying that he will attempt to open market for Thai products to African countries, focusing on agricultural products especially rice. He aims to increase trade value between the two countries by 200% within the next 3-4 years. The premier will also discuss alternative energy, academic cooperation on wild animal and agriculture. Thailand will also provide know-hows to the African country on sustainable economy, based on His Majesty the King's idea, to set an example for poor countries in Africa.

    As for his visit to Turkey, Prime Minister Thaksin said that Turkey wants to study Thailand's economic development and want Thailand to invest in hotel business and Thai restuarants. Thailand will request that Turkey, which is moderate Muslim country, provide opportunity for Thai students to study theology there.

    Prime Minister Thaksin and other delegates will travel from the military air base at 1 PM and will arrive in Jomo Kenyatta airport in Nairobi, Kenya, at around 5.50 PM local time or 11.50 PM Thailand time. He will deliver a speech and dine with representatives from private sectors in Kenya.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 08 November 2005

  16. post-3741-1131434103_thumb.jpgWOW

    Now I am A kiwi and just got back from a weekend in akld.

    Never saw anything I would take a risk with.....

    Off topic, but important "consumer info":

    New Zealand women big sexual risk-takers, survey finds

    Wellington, New Zealand: -- New Zealand women are among the world's biggest sexual risk-takers with two-thirds of them admitting to having unprotected sex with a stranger, according to the Durex global sex survey published Tuesday.

    The global average for women confessing to have had unsafe sex was 45 per cent, according to the survey by the condom manufacturer.

    As far as both sexes are concerned, 65 per cent of New Zealanders admitted having unprotected sex with someone whose sexual history was unknown to them, well up on the global average of 47 per cent.

    This ranked New Zealand fourth in the "Let's do it and to hel_l with the consequences" stakes, behind Norway (73 per cent), Greece (70 per cent) and Sweden (66 per cent).

    The lowest risk-takers were in India, where 21 per cent confessed to having unprotected sex with someone they did not know.

    Globally, New Zealanders rank third for the highest number of sexual partners at 13.2, behind Turkey (14.5) and Australia (13.3).

    The survey indicated New Zealand women were more sexually active than men with 18 per cent claiming to have slept with 11 to 20 different people against 15 per cent of males. More than two-thirds of New Zealand women also confessed to faking an orgasm.

    A total of 64 per cent of New Zealanders admitted having one-night stands, second only to the 70 per cent of Norwegians who said good-bye to a new lover in the morning.

    The average New Zealander has sex 114 times a year, ahead of the global average of 103.

    Durex New Zealand manager Victoria Potter said more than 317,000 people from 41 countries took part in this year's survey, thought to be the world's largest study into sexual attitudes and behaviour.

    --DPA 2005-11-08

  17. Staggering concept

    Thailand having to import workers.

    Seems a large part of the thai population do not need or want to work.

    Does anyone have any firm knowledge on the wage paid to these labourers & the cost for their work permit?

    What does the term immigrant worker entitle these workers to??

    Labour shortage looms

    Published on Nov 07 , 2005

    The Labour Ministry plans to import a further 200,000 immigrant workers from Laos and Cambodia and allow for the registration of another 300,000 illegal workers already in the country to cover a looming labour shortage next year.

    An initial survey of labour demands for this year had projected a need for 1.7 million immigrant workers, prompting the Labour Ministry to give the go-ahead for 1.2 million immigrant workers.

    Due to the large number of mega-projects planned for next year, the Federation of Thai Industries has predicted a severe labour shortage, leading to the ministry's decision to bring in workers from Laos and Cambodia, Labour Minister Somsak Thepsuthin said yesterday.

    "Employers need 500,000 more workers and therefore we need to import from Laos and Cambodia via government-to-government contracts," he said.

    For the remaining 300,000 workers needed, the Employment Department and Immigration police will allow employers of illegal workers to register them under a Bt1,000 per head deposit scheme, he said adding that the workers would have to get work permits.

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