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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. You will always be a falang

    I know Thai gals that are aussie citizens

    They still call us falang

    loose interpretation foreigner

    My Fiance is submitting her Prospective Marriage application on Monday. I sent over a 2.2kg file of documents and photos already set out in the file as well as completed as much of  47sp and all of my support application for her as I could. She has spent the last week running around Bangkok getting her medical, police clearance and translating all her documents to english.

    Anyway my question is, after the interview is an answer given imediately or is there a further waiting period?

    Also where does the word "farang" come from? I hate when she calls me a farang.

  2. see any bands???

    I struggled

    I'm a 4 year pattaya resident and i've just arrived back from Chaewang after spending 5 days there with the wife. Beaches ok not in the same league as Phuket or surrounding koh's, bars ok, music average (apart from some bands at the concert of course). Also (as friends who live there told me) there are too many so called wannabe "Kings of Samui" as they called them. Mates warned me of funny looks in certain bars unless you dress right etc :o  :D

    As far as the law is concerned... :D Yes i've seen them but do they do any normal policing?

    The roads and parking are an absolute joke :D

    All in all an ok trip (my main reason was to look at the bands around the area) but other than that I could'nt see the attraction of Samui. I will go back but I'll stick to certain area's (namely those without loads of farang tourists). :D

  3. :D:D:D:D:D:D

    Well lets see how the erstwhile TV ERS can help solve this chafing problem

    Just wondering about the tights??

    Do you wear them whilst online or are they for static electricity??

    Both. I have to live with an inverse catch 22. The static charge produced from pedalling in the tights powers the internet and the aircon, the less static I produce, the warmer it gets and the warmer it gets the sweatier my thighs get, making it warmer still.

    The only side effect for my internet use is an eratic font size but I do suffer from incredible chaffing


  4. Just wondering about the tights??

    Do you wear them whilst online or are they for static electricity??

    Good to be back Doc, After collecting some tin cans, a pair of tights, a coathanger, a roll of foil, a blow up doll, a bicycle pump and 3000 kilometers of string I've managed to get myself back online fulltime. I've been reading TV like a bastard for the last 2 days trying to catch up.

    7 months without an internet connection, thats a lot of reading.

  5. Hmm prob need a price rider on this

    For 3k a night ya cant beat majestic suites soi4

    In/very near the action

    New rooms

    Big TVS

    Two restaurants.

    Budget around 1300 cant really beat the "new" wing of the Dynasty on Soi nana.

    Again clean functional rooms ,good water pressure,handy for everything.

    For those of you who reside outside of Bangkok, which hotel do you use when visiting the capitol and why?

    I used to stay at the Rembrandt on Suk Soi 18. Great hotel, lovely rooms, excellent value, and a wonderful buffet breakfast.

    But, now that I'm a fixed income retired geezer I have to watch my expenditures a little more closely so I've been staying at the Ambassador on Suk Soi 11. It's certainly a lesser hotel than the Rembrandt; the rooms are shabby and the amenities a little thin, but the location can't be beat, the breakfast is very good and the hotel's public areas have become quite nice of late. And, there are a number of fine restaurants very close by.

    How about you? Where do you like to stay?

  6. Might have been a bit early

    doesnt seem to jump until 11 or so

    I was down in Samui the other day to take care of a bit of business, decided to  check out the Reggae Pub for old times sake, been a while since I was there last. Anyway 10pm on a Thursday night and me and the missus were the only punters there, is this normal? The other bars around seemed to have punters even the "Homage to Portsmouth FC" bar had punters!!!!

    Last time I was at the Reggae was the straw place which I believe a tourist burn't down one New Years Eve!!  :o  :D

    Any ideas?

  7. The business needs help with image and marketing judging by this ad.

    I'm looking for serious partners to help in my biz expansion into Thailand.

    The Biz is now based in Singapore and Australia. High ROI and set to expand into the rest of Asia ( Thailand, Hong Kong, etc) within the next few years.

    If you want to be a pioneer and commited to bring this fantastic biz into Thailand, pls email your particulars to [email protected]

    State clearly why do you want to own a biz and your backgrounds.

    Only motivated and serious partners may apply. Training will be provided.

  8. Interesting ,specificaly what has doubled?

    I would have thought they would be trying to woo back the tourist.

    Just come back from Patong & cannot believe the influx of Indians & other none Thai nationals from when i was there 5 weeks before the tsunami !!!

    What a terrible place & prices have doubled ?

    Please make sure your hotel is girl friendly & owned by Thais or your in for a terrible shock !!!

    will never go again awful !!! :o

  9. This was 2 years back

    he had a thai wife and new baby and had been in thailand for three or four years so that went in his favor,but he was very nearly booted back to aus.

    I also think he may have paid some"fines".

    A mate of mine got busted for working on his own bar in pattaya

    He got sick of the shoddy work and lackadaisical tradesmen and being a builder put the toolbelt on and promptly got busted by immigration.

    What did they do with him?

    I know that immigration are particularlty sensitive to Bar owners working, especially if informed by an irate or jealous nieghbour.

  10. I am sure thats what some of the victims of this latest tragedy said too.

    Its the individuals choice,to ignore travel warnings.

    I for one am not concerned about them hiting Bangkok but PHUKET. Its a short 5 hour drive with no security at all excpet a little at the Sarasin bridge.

    What with the goverments terribale job after the Tsunami and the very poor efforts at helping those that need it the guys down south are sure to hit here to gain international awareness.

    Its only a matter of time before you see the same reports but replace Bali with Soi Bangla, Patong.

    I live in Phuket. I am also going to Bali on Monday. I am not changing my travel plans. I lived my whole life in England under the spectre of the IRA. I was in Manchester when they cowardly bombed that. I lived in Germany when they detonated bombs there. (Yes they did). I was in Karon Beach when the Tsunami hit. My girlfriend was in Madrid, Spain when the Basques bombed that. There are bombs going off all over the place, all the time. Look how many people die in Kashmir for example. A lot of the outcry comes from Americans and Austrailains who arent used to having bombs on their own turf. (Except 7/11 and Oklahoma i guess)

    As a previous poster said, you have to thing about the locals and their economy. After the tsunami, hoardes of tourists left Phuket and the economy died. The media were mostly responsible for this. Of course there was damage, but soi bangla was up and running after a couple of days.

    I am not changing my lifestyle or travel plans for a couple of mad muslims. A bomb could happen anywhere. F@@k them!

  11. Lot to be said for Detente .

    The bombers will be caught - Indonesians did a good job last time. My only fear is they will slap them on the hands as previous.

    I think its time we start taking these lot out, unfortunately the west doesnt have the stomach to do it. :o

    As for BKK - if the nutters bomb there - look for a mass slaughter in the south. From past experience Thaskin won't hesitate to do it and I think the nutters know that.

  12. A mate of mine got busted for working on his own bar in pattaya

    He got sick of the shoddy work and lackadaisical tradesmen and being a builder put the toolbelt on and promptly got busted by immigration.

    And the other problem is the work permit.

    Certainly a very real problem.... for both the OP employee and the condo owner as an employer . :o

    who would make such problems? In and finished within a week with few tools.. Hey I rent there! Contract and Payments are made in the US. Unless someone has had problems with this before please do not speak

  13. Its tragic this arab influence is polluting SE Asia.

    The arabs have been murdering each other in the name of religion for three thousand years.

    They will never stop.

    Plenty of countries,companies have made superprofits out of war,not just the Americans.

    It seems security may have lapsed in these Bali tourist areas,Police all too busy checking models handbags for pills.

    My fear is when this kind of action comes to Thailand ??

    This kind of (muslim?) terrorist shit. It is not only killing tourism but also a country's reputation and income.  I hope these <deleted> will pass Thailand with these kind f actions.

    spot on

    the bombings in bali also effect a country that has dwindling tourism, so they are also hurting their fellow muslims so we can now expect the moderates in this country to start informing the authorities where the terrorists are.

    will this happen ?

  14. Cant wait.



    The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is launching the website www.thailandhotdeal.com, where special-priced products and services are presented.

    Mr. SURAPHON SAWETSERANEE (สุรพล เศวตเศรนี), the TAT Deputy Governor who is responsible for public relations activities, said the TAT will initiate a 6-month online marketing project through the website www.thailandhotdeal.com, starting next month (October). This project will help restore the tourism industry in the six Andaman provinces. Special-priced goods and services will be presented to accommodate the group of tourists who favored finding information through websites. Mr. Suraphon believes this project will help create 180-200 million baht of tourism revenue.

    On this occasion, the TAT is also unveiling the Andaman tourism ambassadors, who were Thais and foreigners that represented travel-savvy people in this digital age, led by Mr. John RATTANAWEROJ (รัตนเวโรจน์), one of Thailand's celebrity. The Andaman tourism ambassadors said they were proud to have helped promote tourism in the Andaman region through the website www.andamanfans.com, where an e-card sending competition takes place to spread the beauty of the Andaman.

    Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันศุกร์ที่ 30 กันยายน 2548

  15. Nice apart from the access road.

    I thought a singaporean company owned it?

    130m baht suppose some loony will pay it.

    Jeez to think the hotel next door changed hands not long ago at a valuation of around 20m

    the 3/4 rai beachland opposite Maitlang Island is owned by a friend of mine and up for sale at 130m baht, if anyone is interested...

  16. News.com.au

    THE Thai-Australian model who gave up her Miss Thailand World crown after only 10 days says the beauty contest's sponsor forced her to step down by threatening to publish nud_e photographs of her.

    Angela McKay, 20, appeared on a Thai television program last night to show photographs of her posing nud_e for an advertising campaign that was used widely overseas, but not in socially conservative Thailand.

    One of the so-called 'raunchy' pictures circulating of Angela McKay.

    In one picture McKay is obviously nud_e, but couched with her arms covering much of her body.

    McKay, of Margaret River in Western Australia, said her troubles started after she tried to renegotiate her contract with the beauty contest's sponsor, BEC-Tero.

    She had asked for more money and a Bangkok apartment with a gym.

    McKay alleged that BEC-Tero executives responded by bringing up the photos that had been used in an commercial advertising campaign conducted before the contest.

    "They advised me that my pictures that I had taken previously (prior) to entering were too rude and were unfit for somebody to be Miss Thailand World. So they asked me to resign," McKay said on Thai television.

    BEC-Tero chief executive, Brian Marcar, denied the allegations.

    Earlier this month McKay originally said she was giving up the crown to pursue here studies and modelling career.

    Unable to read Thai and given only a rough translation of the contract on the application date she later found her contract as Miss Thailand World did not meet her expectations.

    Before the row erupted BEC World, the parent company of BEC-Tero and operator of free-to-air station Channel 3, had hoped that McKay - known in Bangkok as Angie - would take on a role as a TV anchor.

    However, BEC World Managing Director, Pravit Maleenont, said that this would have been a problem as Australia-reared McKay did not speak Thai.

    Of her resignation, he said: "It happens from time to time. It doesn't happen just here, you know. It happens all over the world. Its not that serious a problem."

    Faire play to her - dosh was the issue. However she might have taken it w/nice flat w/facilities. Then give her small stipen for personal expenses as well as the original million bht. She'd done alright. Obviously a face issue now.

  17. khun sanit 52

    new lady 22?

    Australian man caught up in love triangle case of domestic violence.

    A case of domestic violence now from the Pattaya Beach Condo in Soi 13. Police were called to room number 482/110 which is occupied by Mr. Jad Keegam aged 57 from Australia and his current girlfriend. He was paid a visit by his former girlfriend Khun Sanit aged 52 who was less than happy that her former boyfriend had company. A fight between the pair begun and eventually neighbors heard the commotion and called the Police. According to Mr. Keegam, who received a deep flesh wound to his leg, this has happened on at least three occasions. Police were faced with the situation of both sides wanting the other arrested for assault with the woman receiving minor facial injuries during the altercation. It was decided to finish the case amicably without Police intervention who would have only fined the pair and sent them on their way.

    -Pattaya City News

    Tuesday 27th September 2005

  18. I get my share of the mindless crap the missus watches on vid here in Syd.


    Really enjoyed the story of boo yen the man who lived on the boat.

    Lovely touching story...and got royal patronage after.

    Just caught another about another old man from Phitsanalok

    Planted hundreds of trees over 20 years ...not even on his own land.

    Kind of nice to see these human interest stories,away from the materialistic society.

    Seems to be one team thats seeking these kind of stories out.

    Makes the Missus cry every time.

  19. I think a lot of product like this on the market in the new year.

    Let me know if you find all the right elements.

    I know their is a thai startup thats done a lot of work but i lost my computer to a theif and lost the detail.

    I know group4 in thailand are marketing a tracking solution,

    GPRS boxes for that are cheap now in Sing etc around 400 usd but you need to interface into something at your server end.

    hello all...

    im looking for a GPS navigation software to run on windows 98 box....

    my intention is to create a car PC based on mini-itx from VIA...

    i would use any serial/usb port GPS reveiver for getting the location information.....and use a car LCD display as the monitor....but i need to know where can i get a software for navigation...

    i dont want a ready made system for many reasons (cost, no-fun, not many features)

    my custom box could be designed to do the following....

    1) car navigator...

    2) connect to net via GPRS....browse whiledriving.....

    3) mp3 player...using external USB disk/sd card....

    4) search for car if stolen....hehe

    5) DVD player....

    and many more features cheaper than an off the shelf car navigation system....

    so in case any one knows about/used a GPS software here in thailand do give me some pointers....


  20. Too true

    I am sure the germans would get them efficient!

    Just keep the Thai Stewardesses please.

    Those Lufthansa dragons are even rougher than United (well nearly)and Qantas

    Still might accelerate the talk of a lufthansa shareholding or other cross border ownership.

    I'd be surprised if that ever comes to pass. Whenever THAI has brought up this idea of taking on a foreign strategic partner, the share in TG that they are willing to give up has always been so small that it's hard to picture any other airline actually wanting to take up their magnanimous offer. Seems like all an outsider would do is put up their money and then have no say in the goings-on at THAI (which I am sure is exactly the scenario that TG pooyai would love).

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