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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Too True

    Its called manipulating religion to your own ends.

    I agree that there are some issues in the middle east, such equality in rights between men and women, that should be addressed. These are due to some historical factors that I will not go into today. However calling these people names or insulting them will not make the situation any better.



    Equality in rights between middle east men and women, that should be addressed.

    Ha Ha, That will never hapen in our life time.

    The men dont want that to happen and thats very bad for the ladies of the world.

    Have a nice day.

  2. "Thais are adept at opening beer bottles and mixing cocktails'

    Never found a decent cocktail in Thailand.

    Usualy a very poor imitiation of what you get in the west.

    Biggest problem always a lack of ice.

    Thanks for your responses.  I have friends that moved to Costa Rica and are bartending and making a livable wage.  I was just wondering if it was possible in Thailand also.  Doesn't sound like it.  It's not that I want to bartend but I have a lot of expierence in it.  I make a better bartender than a English teacher.      



    Costa Rica irrelevant to Thailand.

    Costa Rica=Costa Rica Thailand=Thailand not samesame.

    You are not allowed to do work in Thailand that can be done by a Thai.

    Thais are adept at opening beer bottles and mixing cocktails.

    Just come to enjoy a holiday and leave it at that.

  3. Allah said this kind of thing is ok?

    Tourist Police arrest Arab accused of producing pornographic movies here in Pattaya.


    Police Lieutenant Colonel Wootishart, the Chief of Pattaya’s Tourist Police Division called a press conference on Wednesday to announce the arrest of a man from UAE aged 47 who we cannot name because of new reporting regulations. He was caught after an arrest warrant was issued in his name because of a complaint from a Thai woman who worked in a beer bar who refused to be part of a pornographic video production allegedly produced by the suspect.

    Acting on the warrant, Tourist Police located the man and arrested him inside his room at the Maree House Apartments in Soi Asia Hotel off the Pratamnak Road. Inside his room was video production equipment, woman’s make-up, sex toys and mini-dv tapes which revealed previous video productions which as you can see through the necessary pixilation of this picture they are of an explicit nature and contravene obscenity laws here in Thailand. The man will now be charged with a variety of offences related to the case and he is now on remand awaiting his court appearance.

    -Pattaya City News

    Thursday 24th November 2005

  4. I dont think many bars in pattaya are "Managed".

    They just sell beer and spirits.

    Jeez even in the five star hotels you cant get a decent cocktail.

    Answer re making a decent living.

    Highly unlikely.


        I was just wondering if it is possible to get a  bartending or managing job in Pattaya.  I curently manage a successful bar here in the US.  I don't speek Thai.  If it is possible what kind of money is it possible to make?  Will I be able to make enough money to support myself?

                                                  Thanks for your help,     


  5. Bambi

    Depends what you are used to.

    Yes you can get a bed with big hole in the middle of the matress for 800 baht

    Yes you can have ugly room.

    If you are wasted and dont notice all cool

    but the place is geared towards people who are too trashed to care.

    That may be a bit too much of a generalisation but....

    Its stupidly expensive compared to Samui

    really .. i heard the diff . way .. I went to Koh Samui , its pretty expensive

    but i heard at Pha Ngan is cheap ..(i have never been there)

    and also heard some beaches at Koh Pha ngan are lovely :D:D

    i will go there one day :o

  6. Dont believe the pics you see of places on Phangan

    Most are far away from the reality.

    Its stupidly expensive compared to Samui

    If you are fussy that is.

    Go for the night and dont sleep is best bet

    Get a fast boat out in the morning before the riff raff wake up.

    I am planning to go to the 14 January fullmoon party at Koh Phangan. I will be going from Phuket. Can anyone tell me which is the best way to go. I can also use information on accomodation when at Koh Phangan.

    Thank you.

  7. He seemingly has no fear of an enforced holiday,courtesy of the Boys in Brown?

    Take him for a vist to Bangkwan.

    Basically he needs to have a large change in lifestyle simply as his current one is revolving around binge useage.. New environment and mates for a while..

    As he isnt short of a bob or two why not book himself a 2 - 3 month journey style vacation anywhere but south America.. I have got a bit of a travel hankering in the last couple of months and 2 months to do a tour around some part of the globe he hasnt explored yet changes your social scene, changes your environment, changes your access to the drug and gets that first bit of recovery underway.

    Of course the drink is a great (or terrible) precurser to coke.. Most cokeheads like a strong drink and balance the two against each other therefore going on for ages.. I would say if he stays in his current environment and current drinking patterns it will be very very hard to give up for him.

    I know it took me totally changing my life and leaving Holland and all of my social circle there to get control of my issues.. Another risk is simply substituting another problem (eg I drink far more now than I did then) so perhaps advising against journeys anywhewre near the golden triangle would be on my list..

    An intial long vacation to a new environement and then really strong willpower not to fall in with your old mates..

  8. Surely you can get a similar quality suit in the UK for 60 quid??

    Why do people bother.

    Its all pretty shabby fabric and workmannship unless you find a real established tailor with a good rep.

    i cant figure out why all 4 of the farangs all took cuts and bruises against 1 indian bloke

    Ya that's kind of weird,there strong looking guys..........we all know this ###### down from kiss foods,,,,, he desivers more......100% theif,, seen his action for years and not the first time I've seen violene there, it's regular ,the boys in brown are well pieced off...........all sio 10 falangs (long stay) know this......UN :o

  9. Leave the family in Sing if the moneys the same

    Get an apt in bkk and mon-fri and fly back and spend weekends with the kids

    We do love the lifestyle in SG, and I guess BKK is a little more 'gritty', so just wanted to hear from families who have moved to BKK. What are the pros and cons (enough of the traffic already!) and what are the main differences to expect?
    It sounds as though you've never been to BKK. I suggest you come visit, alone or with the family, a couple of times prior to the move.

    Compared to Singapore BKK

    1) is filthy, smells bad, and everything is in varying stages of disrepair;

    2) has very few parks and very little green space, so fewer places for the kids to play;

    3) is very cheap, but also lacking in many of the cultural offerings of richer countries;

    4) has a lot fewer Chinese people; and

    5) no one can speak english.

  10. Just shows the mistake the Thailand Educators made in not making English mandatory 10-15 years ago.

    India and Phillipines has most of the call center work,because of a larger space of english speakers.

    Now they have to buy english speakers on the cheap to get into the game.

    Living in Sydney I get 20 calls a week from VOIP call centers out of india selling everything from holidays to telecomms.

    Sounds like an advertorial for www.launchoffshore.com

    The website is big on India recruits but no mention of Thailand. Smart players really, keep the costs down by hiring at local rates.

    What is it that they actually sell to British punters anyway?  :o

  11. A fine balancing act he has done

    Definitely to be admired as a true leader.

    Subtle as he may be

    The King of Thailand is a wonderful kind and caring man, head ans shoulders above many politicians from around the world including the USA. Read the wisdom of what he says and understand that he truly cares about the people in his kingdom. If more people were like him the world would be so much nicer.

  12. hmm

    Wears Safari suits

    Sandals and Knee socks.

    Sweats a LOT

    Florid complexion.

    Likes Pin Gin

    Has hanky tied in four corners on his head.


    Have you ever considered what makes you an Ex-Pat?

    I've never had any trouble calling myself an Ex-Pat, but then I lived out of my country for over 30 years; married a native; speak the lingo; my kids were borne abroad; they went to school in our new land; my son was even called up to do his national service but declined choosing a UK passport (as was his right); my daughter chose the opposite ; I worked and paid taxes in my new land; but I retained my passport considering myself - despite the above - still English and therefore an Ex-Pat.

    But what is the definition with respect to Thailand? What makes you identify yourself as an Ex-Pat on Thaivisa Thailand Ex-Pat forum?

    What is it that distinguishes you from a tourist on an extended holiday or a backpacker taking a year out?

    It must be more than the type of luggage you use.

    What makes an Ex-Pat an Ex-Pat?

  13. 144 tailor shops??

    Thats almost the same as the number of bars in Patong isnt it?

    Yep Patong

    Cheap suits and SEX thats about all its got going for it.

    I for one have never seen anything worth buying in those tailor shops,its all so out of fashion and tacky.

    Now the bars...........

  14. We watch American TV.

    The Lies.....Baywatch

    The Truth

    Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry

    The weightwatcher candidates spectacular.

    March on Fatbastards, march on! Again please, what is the percentage of obese Fatbastards in the USA? :o Refering to yourself in the third person is annoying as #### to read. :D

    Since you appear to be attuned to popular American culture (your reference to Fatbastard) I am surprised that you are annoyed or even perplexed by the The Dude's use of the third person, or even his reference to shovels and constant digging. However I am annoyed that The Dude never mentions where one can find the best White Russians in Bangkok, or where the best bowling lanes are or even where we can find decent rugs?

    lomatop digs The Dude's posts, except when they stray into the political arena. :D

    Fatbastard was a Scottish character, so perhaps the linkage to McDonalds is apropos :D , and was portrayed by a Canadian actor whose family was from Liverpool.

    Thais like fast food. The bulk of the customers are Thai. The franchises are owned by Thais. Thais profit from the selling of fast food. The buildings are leased from Thais. All of the people who have jobs and work there are Thai. The menus have been greatly modified to address local tastes. Nearly everything, from the food to napkins, is sourced within Thailand (my guess). Thai advertising agencies create ads for fast food restaurants and Thai actors act in them.

    This is yet another example of a thread where farangs bash Thais, in this case for their choice of food. It's their country, they are free to sell and eat what they want. If you are genuinely concerned about their health and welfare then do something about it(other than whinge here).

  15. Too true

    I think we had another thread like this a couple weeks back

    Older Thai women,and in particular over 30 ....35...40 have an unhealthy view of their value.

    Thats because they see the young ones getting the men.

    I feel for this girl,was it honor,shame or fear??

    I know plenty of older Thai women ...and I mean 40 s that regularly in a dark moment talk about ending it all.

    quote=Jai Dee,2005-11-15 09:29:13]

    OK J D i have visited the bar in question and told them you  ( YOU ) are willing to go down and give them money towards the family's in the Thai villages so that this does not happen again , so good luck to you

    but please do not flame me in the future as i find it very offensive , but unlike you i cannot turn to my mates for help as i live here in Thailand and would not have the cheek to offend people the way you do , once again aim sorry if i offend anyone put please stop threaten me and put it on this web site what you are saying to me

    Poppa, I did not flame you... I merely pointed out that we collectively do not know enough about this woman to say if she's a drunken mother or not from the report.

    For the record, I too live here (in Pattaya actually) and am well aware of how the girls regularly send money home to their folks to take care of their kids and the rest of their families.

    She was obviously in a sad predicament... and it got to her in such a way that she turned to the booze and tried to kill herself.

    It's a shame... and I sympathise with her situation.

    I say all of this as a regular ThaiVisa member, and not as a moderator, so please do not feel threatened by my comments.

    I still prefer to remain sympathetic to her situation and give her the benefit of any doubt.

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