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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Well we nearly came to grief last night

    The Missus had had a few Black and COKES.

    About midnight we left lucifers,went to walking st to get song kiew to soi 13 .

    quote ws 80 baht (vs 20)

    The missus was mao ,chak chaked the driver in several unprintable dialects all the way up the road.

    As you know you can walk faster in that area.

    Driver stopped ,got out of his car and menacingly said what her problem.

    I tried to be polite,but those of you who know a thai female with a skinful and in the right is something not to be reckoned with.

    Anyway it nearly got ugly.

    She maintains she is right,and is embarrassed for being thai.(shes and aussie now).

    Me in dogbox for being nice to driver and diffusing.


    Come on this is Thailand...it`s not a perfect world is it.

    I agree that some baht bus drivers will do these things on occasions...but not only to Thais but to farangs as well....if the driver feels he can make a few more baht by changing the route which people think that he/she is going to go down then the route changes.

    The point is that overall the system works, as we see hundreds if not thousands of Thais using the system which gets them from A to B at a reasonable cost with the convenience of not having fixed bus stops and therefore reducing the physical effort of walking too far.

    There will never be a perfect system but this one works for the majority of journeys.

    So... if it aint broke....don`t fix it. :D

  2. Went again to give the benefit of the doubt.

    Ws filling up.

    Music was deafening.

    Drones were suffocating.

    Feelancers were invading.

    Drinks were pang mak mak...one heine,one soft ,one gin 550 baht.

    Floorshow interesting,very fat girl,troupe of ladyboys,bad imitation hip hop band (asian).

    Should prob fly !!!!

    Well tonys is back....the bar specialising in service staff that are more pesky than a blowy in the outback.

    All white inside ,looks like an attempt to be part exzyte ,part old tonys etc.

    Biggest waste of space is the poser has six or so cars parked in the entry area,perhaps from his collection....what a pull.


    AMazing how fickle the market is I have looked in the Marine a couple of nights around midnight and empty ...a year ago chocka.

  3. Microsoft and Value??

    Must be a deal in the offing here.

    They dont wheel Bill into a country unless there are some BIG ops to close.

    Bill Gates ready to help Thailand develop ICT, says PM 

    BANGKOK: --  Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today disclosed Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corporation, was willing to help Thailand develop the information and communication technology (ICT) system.

    The premier gave the world’s richest IT mogul and a management team of Microsoft, who begain visit to Thailand, a reception and hosted a welcome breakfast this morning.

    He said he exchanged a vision with Mr. Bill Gates on the ICT development, particularly on how to use ICT to help developing countries.

    The Microsoft founder proposed to help Thailand develop the ICT system in three areas.

    First is to facilitate the implementation of the E-Government Program.

    Second is to develop a website service or Thailand.net, which could contribute to the inspiration of the software development.

    Third is to support the E-Learning Program by delegating the company’s staff to help train 20,000 teachers and 60,000 students.

    The proposed assistance is considered huge in value, he said, adding that the website service development is a concept he had proposed with Mr. Bill Gates’ representative, who paid great attention to supporting it.

    On the availability of Internet in schools around the country, Mr. Thaksin said all schools would be accessible to the Internet system within the next two years.

    Key hindrances to the system access are insufficient supply of computers, lack of IT literacy among teachers, and inaccessibility to the network system by some schools. 

    The premier said he was considering whether the communication network system in schools because the service is rather costly.

    --TNA 2005-06-30

  4. Well tonys is back....the bar specialising in service staff that are more pesky than a blowy in the outback.

    All white inside ,looks like an attempt to be part exzyte ,part old tonys etc.

    Biggest waste of space is the poser has six or so cars parked in the entry area,perhaps from his collection....what a pull.


    AMazing how fickle the market is I have looked in the Marine a couple of nights around midnight and empty ...a year ago chocka.

  5. Noticed the cops at bottom of walking street moving them from stopping,picking up on the corner.Good Idea.

    Some things they need to do.

    1.Provide strategic baht bus stops....get rid of those motorcycle rentals clogging the roads,for a start.

    2.Disable all Bahtbus horns....we can see them!

    3.Ban free flow exhausts on Diesel pwered vehicles.

    4.Ensure they have to service regularly.

    5.Enforce licensing and fares properly.


    Just an ounce of courtesy and they would move 5 metres so that they don't block traffic.

    "an ounce of courtesy" and "baht bus driver" - - two mutually exclusive terms...


  6. Nice rainstorm started 9am today


    Just curious. How's it going now? According to the CNN weather site, rain is forecast for the next 5 days. Is it beginning to help?

    As to the water shortage situation, is this year's problem unusual, or an annual concern for you in the East Coast regions? What are the right questions to ask regarding water supply when we are house hunting?

  7. Agreed

    Better they keep casinos out,although all the money is on Ambassador city in Pattaya becoming the first casino....right now its a 5000 room white elephant ,losing its connected shareholders millions of baht.

    Thais will gamble every last satang in misguided hope that their luck will change or they had a dream they won.

    If the govt cared about poverty and the people they will keep the casinos in cambodia,at least thats a small barrier.

    Yeah, and I'm sure there's much demand as well for opium and illegal drugs... Why not legalize that as well and bring as much misery to this country as you can while you're at it?

    Sure, a casino will create jobs and make some winners happy, for a while, but the misery and social problems caused by gambling is not something Thailand needs these days, especially with the unstable economy.

    He's promised to eradicate poverty twice by now and this is part of his plan?

  8. I know Daves a regular poster,but he has a diamond in the rough with his current band.

    Mary and Snowman and the band are a world class act.

    Gotta love the way Mary ribs the Falangs who bring in the really tacky bargirls.

    She has a fantastic voice and great personality

    Worth a look

  9. Niche marketing to gays and other groups prob could work.

    The nett of it is the Phuket operators are going to have to deeply discount,they can afford it,to try and lure the Euros back,the Aussies from Bali etc.

    By that I dont mean token lowering of Landing fees etc...that doesnt get passed on the the consumer who is going to weigh up risk of another wave vs a bargain holiday etc.

    Smart operators need to be creating outstanding value packages and keeping their rooms full and trying to make margin ops from value added services such as spas,food and bev,tours etc.

    Basicly Phuket had ridden high on the hog for an average experience for too long.

    Pattaya will own the sex tourist market with its plethora of nice new hotels charging under 1k baht a night.

    Samui is enjoying the people who used to go to Phuket now.

    Time they stopped whingeing and got their marketing strategy into gear.

  10. I wonder where that turkey was standing and what time he went to bed?

    Not from what i saw

    7.30 8.00 In the morn their was plenty sex on the beach!!!

    And worse in the pool of my hotel, at 9am much to other guests disgust.

    English slapper guest with some guy she had hooked at the party.

    The most annoying thing was the staff did nothing.

    Still who would bother with Phangan if they didnt have the full moon ,its a dump,the hotels are overpriced and the attitude over there is ambivalent to tourists at best.

    Oh, so they've stopped having "free sex" in public? Pity...  :o

  11. G the Kiwis for a little country of 4 mill they produce great athletes.

    Very boring second half thats for sure.

    Still at least they can still raise a team,...oh for the late sixties early seventys.

    Seems Soccer is the game of choice in Europe these days :o

    Yea, a little one sided and could have been a bigger margin. Lions line-outs lacking. Weather didn't help much.

    Yes.....not being able to play Rugby Union doesnt help....

    Bring on the Tri nations....

  12. Good shower this evening

    This water shortage is biting,we had dinner at ruen thai last night,prob one of the few decent tourist focused thai restaurants....no flush toilets at all ....what a mess!!

    Same Blues factory and others.

    Its just starting to rain in Pattaya. Hope to get a lot tonight.

  13. Having just experienced my first full moon party on Koh Phangnan ,(never again)and prob being the oldest person there(46),I would like to see them try.

    Walk to any quietish part of the beach and theres someone offering you whatever.

    roscoe, the next brother-grimm-tale is: "Pattaya will be made a prostitute-free-zone by end of 2005"  .......sorry.....off topic, I apology for any inconvenience   :o

    ..come on Wolfie....surely Mr. Txn can do it by September :D

  14. Yes seems to be a trend in the under 800 baht hotels

    Fair enough I suppose.

    I think talking to friends in the game its the pilfering by staff that costs them.

    How many times do you run out of toilet paper in your room in the lower budget hotels??

    One roll per day per room.

    My mate says before he started rationing it he was going thru 4-5 rolls a day per room.

    I would not want to use the soap spend 48 baht on some LUX and have a proper wash

  15. I noticed the new signs over the baggage claim clearly stating the limts, I was worried myself as I had 6 bottles of good aussie red and some spirits in my bag.

    Luckily no xray.

    Did you declare them??

    I am currently a little bemused with the customs here in thailand. I returned from the phils yesterday with my usuall 50 cartons of cigarretes of malbrough lights. I have been asked to put my bag through the x-ray which i have done before with exactly the same amount of cigs in, only this time they tell me i am under arrest for prohitited goods. I am then held in the airport for around 3 hours until they take me to some kind of big customs building i believe it was in bangkok, I am now a little worried as to what the ###### is going on. After some chap has told me that i am liable to pay 3980 baht per carton for fine i am even more shocked. The men then told me if i do not pay i will be taken to prison and wait until the judge can see me monday, this is friday evening so what am i to do, they take me with 4 men no uniforms in a car around to atm machines until i cannot draw any more out, they wanted over 200,000 but i could not get so they took 149,625, this was out rageous in my eyes, i have brought cigs before and they have never said anything. so a small fine would of been enough for me to realise not to do again. Now i know this must be a right long shot but is there anyway i can get any kind of money back, i am going back to england monday and all i have is a silly receipt that i cannot even read as its in thia, the british embassy was closed so there was not a lot i could do. Any comments/opinions welcome.

    One peed off brit in bkk :o

  16. I actually got a letter from management saying he would discuss the pricing with his front office manager.!!!!!! at least that part of the feedback loop worked

    My main issue was the fact that the prcing was not in the rooms.

    27 baht per minute sounds like a long distance call to me.

    Surely the hotel would choose a flat rate such as 10, 20 or 30 baht, not 27?

    BTW, Amari Atrium at New Petchburi Rd. charges a flat fee of 10 baht for each outgoing local call.

  17. Well trying to find some still living to make it an enjoyable evening of wine women and song

    Actor/tress Catherine Zeta Jones

    Politician Bill Clinton

    Comedian Rowan Atkinson

    TV er Mr G scamp

    Author John Mortimer

    Muso Blondie

    Just thinking of the interplay!

  18. Sleep in Economy

    Jeez what do you take?every flight screaming babies ,leadfooted idiots walking up and down the aisles to try and avoid what ever that flying thing is.

    My first time in economy albeit WTPLUS On Ba for some years....never again.

    Its biz or nothing.

    Well they have to make up for the shoddy aircraft somehow.  Old aircraft with no amenities.  Crew in my opinion are ok - better than average.  Food is also ok - better than average.  But I certainly would not rate them top.  Top 5 ok.  Just my opinion.  Personally I would rather travel BA only because of seats and amenities.  I can always bring my own drink and sandwich on board (which I do when I travel BA!)

    I certainly need more than a sandwich and drink for a 12 hour flight. I much prefer the food on Thai to any other carrier that I've been on and they keep the drinks coming all through the flight, again not something I experienced with other carriers.

    The seats in economy class are more comfortable than BA. Granted, entertainment could do with an update but then I tend to sleep for most of the flight anyway.

  19. Yeah Well,Just another way for the falang to try and look cool in thailand.

    Or look like a walking ATM!!

    Bit like the Rolex and Gold sov ring in Blighty.

    what is it all about - thai amulets ? How could that peices of sand stone give anything but "bad taste" look ?

    I just don't get it, really.

    P.S. Fat gold chain + fat golden bracelets + few thousand $$$ cell phone = make sence. Framed stone on the neck ? no, sir.

  20. Agreed

    Anyone got the list.

    Having flown BA world traveller plus last night i wouldnt reccomend the food to anyone

    THAI comes out top for economy-class cuisine 

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand's national flag carrier is among the world's top airlines for its economy-class food and its cabin crew, according to a survey of over 12 million airline passengers.

    The survey of 12,334,283 passengers of 94 nationalities, conducted from June 2004 to May this year by the Skytrax website, saw Thai Airways International (THAI) emerge among the top ten.

    Not only did the airline win second place for its economy-class food and its cabin crew, it was also accorded seventh place for its first-class lounges and ninth place for its first-class food.

    The biggest passenger satisfaction survey of its kind in the world, the Skytrax report this year saw a surge in interest among respondents, up from 1.5 million respondents last year.

    --TNA 2005-06-17

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