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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Hard to beat the Evason

    Far from the madding crowds and tackniess of Chaweng,wonderful views,


    12 years in LOS and never been to Samui..haha.

    so I am flying  to samui for a few days break....

    what is the best upper end luxury hotel on the island ? we want somewhere private(away from the madding crowd) with first class facilities,service,cuisine,airport pickup etc....

    Santiburi Dusit ?

    Appreciate any advice.


  2. Hehe

    Deskjobs might.

    Afterall the revenue raising potential will be severley limited,lifestyle could be curtailed.

    Programmes planned for overweight traffic police

    BANGKOK: -- The Metropolitan Police Bureau plans put 85 traffic policemen who have waistlines over 40 inches on weight-loss regimens.

    “Being overweight hinders their operations and hurts the image of the traffic police. Being overweight is also harmful to their health,” said Maj-General Montri Jamroon, deputy Metropolitan Police commissioner in charge of traffic.


    “If any officer remains just as fat after the two-month programme, we will assign that officer to a desk job instead and not have them working on the roads anymore,” Montri said.

    --The Nation 2005-06-16

    Deskjobs ´ll help them to loose weight...


  3. hmm seems like a business rather than an expat club.

    maybe a few will be desparate enough.

    You could always form samui expats club.

    Thats a sure way of getting to meet some people.

    ....I checked out the Network Samui, It has a membership fee of 6,000 baht a year, guess they don't want many members either..

    I guess they realise there are a lot of desperate farangs trying to find somewhere interesting to go. :o

  4. Go to New Zealand

    Thanks to Helen Clark ,its the home of middle class PCness.

    Gets worse every time I go back.

    Agree re the middle easterners,not sure why but they can be very rude and aggressive...if challenged perhaps its the climate.

    Freedom of speech is one of our human rights, yet government try to restrict this with 'politically correct' terms, you are still implying the same ######ing message, it's just sugar coated.  I can't see any positives in pc I think it just drives people to be as un-pc as they can to piss the government off, rightfully so!

    Actually it increases the amount of terms of expression you have

  5. Secret Garden..Nice place.

    The reality is Samui doenst have the numbers of long term falangs that Phuket and Pattaya have.

    The expat circle is fairly clicky.

    Some pubs draw a reas group ,some not bar owners,if you are from the UK FAWLTY TOWERS seems to do ok if you like the UK style pub, pool ,cig smoke,tatoos and sausy and mashy peas scene...a lot of Uk expats who have done well in property on the island drink there.

    The Billabong in bohput gets a few aussies and is aussie owned and a nice clean bar.

    Cocoboncos on the corner of the road to reggae pub is also owned by an aussie who seems to get a of the local drinking school in some nights.

    Most of the expats seem to move around the bars,rather than frequent one and many I know have even stopped going and stay home with the missus...must be getting too old :o

    I went for the first time to the secret garden , had a great time .Lots of expats & their families.

    Also coincided with the launch of Network Samui , maybe worth a look for you.


  6. Ok


    But anyone wearing two amulets or more with three bar gold in public anywhere in thailand is looking for a motorcycle snatch.

    Just see more of them in Pattaya for some strange reason.

    Yes I too have one from the family.

    Its only those pratts in pattaya with two around their neck with 3 bar gold that look like the tryhards they are :D

    That's a bit harsh.... I'm sure not all farang in pattaya are "tryhards" and "pratts" as you put it.

    I agree there are some, but they are not all based in Pattaya.. :o

    totster :D

  7. Yes I too have one from the family.

    Its only those pratts in pattaya with two around their neck with 3 bar gold that look like the tryhards they are :D

    I was given one from a brother inlaw in Bangkok and another one from a brother inlaw in prachin buri. Depending on where I am at determines which one I wear.

    I wear it as a sign of respect to them.  One is of the amulets is suppose to make me rich. I have been waiting about 9 years for this to happen :o

    I think alot of farangs are given these amulets from wife/tg families.

    I get alot of complements from thai people when they see me wearing the amulets.

    It's not a badge of courage or trying to make me fit in as a local, just pure respect for the person who gave it to me.


  8. Not indulgence perse.

    More expedience,....give them what they say they want rather than supporting them in sport,outdoor hobbies etc.

    Especialy where today both parents work and lavish the indulgences as salves to the guilt trip etc.

    I just think its more noticable with the asians.

    You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

    In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

    Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

    They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

    Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.   This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

    After reading your reply I wasn't sure if you were considering tv, playstn, and computers being allowed in unlimited quantity to be indulgence just as unlimited junk food is indulgence.

  9. Easy


    Do the trade shows,conferences.

    Or you could lower yourself and work for accor

    I am sure managing 4 star resorts in aus will make you better qualified than most thai mgrs...aside from local knowledge of course.

    Right thanks for your reply.

    I don't manage 12 stars????? I manage 3 resorts that are a 4 star standard in Australia.

    I know all about the hotel industry in Australia but don't have any ideas on the Thailand hotel/resort industry.

    Therefore if someone can point me in the right direction in securing a good job with a hotel company company that would be much appricated

    Many Thanks

  10. I just think its more noticable with the asians.

    You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

    In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

    Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

    They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

    Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.  This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

  11. Was waiting for a cab the other day on soi 23

    lots of schoolkids on the soi.

    The missus who is 40 kilos was saying how pom pui they all were.

    Same as the asian kids back in aus,many are starting to resemble sumo wrestlers at 12 yrs old

    Definitely the inactivity and falang junk food doing the damage.

    There are definitely more fat Thais around these days than in the past. When I first came here six years ago, I couldn't get over how slim the average Thai was...even the cops were slim! The cops in Florida where I come from are overweight, donut eating machines who must have slimmed down just to make it through the police academy.

    Imported junk food from the US and other western nations has certainly made a lot of Thais fat, but I don't think it's only western food. A lot of these artificial snacks/drinks produced here in Thailand are no better than the stuff you get from the US. All these new milk products which are designed to make your kids "smarter" are loaded with tons of chemicals. Thai kids today are fatter and crazier than they were in the past. As with American kids, many of today's younger Thais get little or no exercise and that certainly plays a role in their weight gain. Many of the kindergarten children I teach are overweight....and they're only five years old. This is the time when eating habits are established so if they're this heavy now, just imagine when they get to be adults.

  12. The good news about this one is they have a deal with one of the thai baks to finance falangs into these.

    Watson builds in Phuket

    Perth-based firm sells units for under Bt4 million each

    PHUKET: -- Putting last year’s December 26 tsunami behind it, an Australian-backed project is going up in Phuket.

    Called Bel Air Panwa, the deve-lopment is the first offshore endeavour by the Watson Property Group from Perth.

    Comprising 82 apartments with freehold titles, Bel Air Panwa is situated in Cape Panwa, 10 minutes south of Phuket town.

    Offered for sale are two and three-bedroom apartments varying from 106 square metres to 212 square metres. Prices are set between Bt3.9 million and Bt12.5 million.

    The condominiums are set in a gated, secure estate that includes two large swimming pools, a fitness centre, reception area, Jacuzzi, sauna, steam and games rooms, and a mini market.

    Watson has appointed Knight Frank Phuket as its property management and rental consultant.

    “This is our eighth estate management appointment in Phuket and we are delighted to associate our brand with Bel Air Panwa,” said O’Brien. “We are confident the apartments will rent very well, more so to the long-term market given the lack of quality apartments with sea views in this location.”

    “On average, the three-bedroom apartments [139 square metres] with a sea view are approximately Bt53,700 per square metre, with the smaller apartments offering an entry point at Bt49,400 per square metre,” he said.

    “We have sold a number of apartments to investors in Paris and Hong Kong who saw great investment and capital gain potential,” he said.

    Dr Johan Marckx, director of Watson was keen to work with a creditable firm.

    “We chose Knight Frank,” he said, “because they had international and local creditability, expertise, experience and knew what we needed from the outset.”

    O’Brien said since the tsunami struck, most areas had suffered a fall in rentals. But signs do point to a recovery ahead as arrival figures are rising.

    Dr Marckx said that extensive research was undertaken prior to the development and a master plan was drawn up. “The research shows there was a lack of affordable apartments with sea views and that demand remains robust.” Medium-priced sites such as East Coast Ocean Villas, Villa Santi, L’Orchidee, Surin Heights and the Breakers have sold well because of their impressive sea views, said O’Brien who added that Bel Air Panwa should also appeal to first-time as well as seasoned buyers.

    “The type of owner occupier buyer will typically be someone who works in Phuket town or in the south of Phuket and who wants to enjoy the benefits of living in a resort style development,” Marckx said. Interested buyers may contact Knight Frank at (076) 318-151.

    The company’s founder Mark Watson said his firm was responsible for marketing more than a thousand lots of land last year, raising capital and project managing developments for various clients as well as their own projects.

    Watson has now been developing large parcels of land, apartments and detached homes for more than a decade.

    --The Nation 2005-06-06

  13. Believe me the boys wouldnt be so elegant

    Its acid in the face at least.

    No body looks at them ever again.

    What would happen if it was the other way around?

    "Angry Hubby Snips  wifies vagina"

    i did meet a girl in Pattaya that had one of her labias missing ,presumed amputated by some unkown person.

    i would post a pic here of it but i would be banned .

    You could e-mail it to me... just curious.. :o

    totster :D

    If he posted it you could get a proper look :D:D

  14. GPS ON CELL uses triangulation

    Accurate to around 30m

    The New assisted GPS phones will be more accurate.

    You then need to tie it to a web based mapping system.

    All will be commonplace by end year for a small sub fee.

    I am pretty sure Thaksin has this on his radar.

    What about this mobile phone tracking software? I read something about a website in the UK that can be used to find the exact location of any mobile if its turned on. You have to reply to a text message to the company to allow them to track you. Would sell well over here, perhaps a hidden voice activated mic.

  15. Fascinating spudsy

    What else is she missing,enjoying?

    Very interested in the diary,blog....

    You will be able to write a book on your experiences.

    GF is with me now in the uk. struggling to find some ingredients, Pappaya!

    just cant get it Any ideas where to get it from?

    Also i am sure i have read you can cook sticky rice in the microwave. Can you if so how?

    Or can i cook sticky rice in a steamer? how?

  16. I dunno a short time hotel with rubber sheets,Plastic walls,DVD Players in every room that dispense condoms and lube for 300 baht a night would go well.

    Services wld incl

    1. room service doctor.

    2.Viagra ex reception.

    3.Western Union franchise.

    4.Papaya pok pok restaurant.

    5.An indian tailor because everyone needs to have one.

    6.A band to play Stairway or Hotel calif outside your room.

    7.A resident tatooist to make sure your esteemed name or initials are engraved on you new loves butt.

    8.An immigration agent to make sure it all works getting her back home.

    come on guys

    Toungue in cheek not check,what else would be the ideal hotel in Patts??

    I'm looking at settling somewhere in Thailand and do some small biz like a budget hotel... I was looking at Pattaya where it seems like a tourist crowded area with beaches...

    I dont really want to be in a place where sex trade is all about the live...

    Well, at times Pattaya does have beaches crowded with tourists (high season sometimes), but they don't stay there all night.

    So when the sun goes down, they like to PARTY !! And where there's a party, there tends to be GIRLS.

    Some of them (so I've heard from DaveThailand) might even offer their "services" for a price, in some of the 2,999+ bars (except the Blues Factory).

    Some of those innocent farm girls might even take their new-found boyfriends to a cheap (i.e. Budget") hotel, to get to "know" them a little better.

    If you don't want to be around the sex trade, I suggest you think about places like Krabi and the Phi Phi islands (just make sure your hotel is waterproof !).

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