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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Good afternoon. Today’s lunch set: Fried Rice with Bite-Sized Chicken Fillet Steak and Salad. And Milk Vegetable Soup(with pumpkin, okra, and potato).
  2. Thank you for your kind reply. This whole world has both Good and Bad Guys, among any counties/colors/majority and minority groups. Same applies to the illegals; certainly in their Human Qualities. But the laws often don't take account of that factor. While some few countries give illegal aliens a chance(in case of being a Model Citizen). I have heard US immigration act have some remedy clause: Cancellation of Removal(spared from deportation and made eligible to apply for Permanent Residency). Conditions: If the Illegal Entrants/Overstayers have stayed there for 10 years during which they have continuously worked and lived in the law abiding manner(no offences). us immigration remedy for illegal aliens after 10 years stay - Google Search After my settlement here, I started feel we are very fortunate. Born in the country of strong economy. Brought up with sufficient level of education. Paid salary/wages in the wealthy country's currency... What first world people take for granted, is often a kind of luxury to others on the other side of the world. The very first start line of life is determined by sheer luck; where we are born. Often makes all the differences throughout the life...
  3. Try to gain entry with the Fake Visa. Quite a silly thing to do now days. Unlike half a century ago, visa business is all online and linked to the central department's data base(supposedly). The immigration can instantly check out its legitimacy. It is not like getting a false birth/academic papers at home(foreign immigration unable to clarify). Looks like the bearer of such international counterfeit document was tricked into believing it works(by the malicious Black Market broker back home). The poor guy...
  4. I have absolutely no sympathy with low life Rif Raffs or dangerous vicious (foreign) criminal gangs feeding on, and harming the innocent. But feel in a different way for those Illegal Workers not committing any common crimes other than immigration violation here. Some are forced into the situation where they had to flee home countries. Because of the war, persecution, scarcity of job prospect while willing to work...ended up as the victims of circumstances. I noticed something while reading about those Illegal Aliens busted while working without permit in this kingdom. They often find their living space in a rather Niche Market(=field), not covered by others(or having shortage of the labor).
  5. five Russians, two Ukrainians, and five Myanmar nationals... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ They have something in common; war is going on back home.
  6. Honestly, they should be captured and exported to other countries(e.g. Vietnam and China) where they consume these animals as food. If they do that, they can turn the nuisance into usable resource. As well as new income and employment opportunities will be created.
  7. I checked it out after your post. Soi Dog Foundation urges governor to reopen Phuket Stray Dog Shelter amid welfare concerns
  8. Mistreatment of the wealthy criminal? Providing super luxurious conditions, unlike common ones behind bars?
  9. Thank you for your reply. So already some failed attempt to curb their population by sterilization?
  10. 5 guns on the table. 3 of the .45 Colt(at the front). 1 Beretta M92(left). 1 Glock(right)?
  11. Or at least desex them. So their overall population will not grow. And start to decline. But they often hate it either.
  12. They often hate to put them down. Even after some viciously attacked and killed people. Such do-gooders approach only makes things worse, than better. As they simply cannot continue to feed and support them endlessly.
  13. She better stay alert. In Thailand, thieves sometimes seek revenge when their catch turned out to be junk. And bear a grudge against the owner of the goods. That is something I read decades ago, in a Thai text book(written by Thai).
  14. Tourist Police, local police, and the US Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) teaming up for a major safety operation aimed at protecting visitors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Navy MPs among them. For watching own sailors?
  15. Unsung hero of the day. A good Samaritan to the less fortunate dog. It is quite upsetting it is often gentle friendly dogs that suffer most(while vicious dangerous ones often thrive).
  16. Pattaya eerily quiet... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This is the Dead Quiet Pattaya LOL. Youtube footage just from yesterday...
  17. The DTV is effectively a five-year tourist visa... ------------------------------------------------------------- Just like Retirement O(12months' validity, no need of 3 monthly border trip) is the technically One Year tourist visa.
  18. The much-hyped Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) is proving to be more of a bureaucratic headache than a dream ticket. While Bangkok Immigration (Division 1) has published criteria for extending the visa by six months, these guidelines aren’t binding on provincial offices, leaving holders navigating a minefield of uncertainty. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thai bureaucrats' Empty Pride & Public Stance demonstrated again. When the government does something 'Too Nice' for aliens, they feel Obliged to Do Some Form of Harassment to spoil their joy (simply to show They Are There). Or they do it for their expectation for Kick-Backs under the table in Brown Envelops from the Visa Broker? The kind of scenario I can easily imagine: Individual application for its extension: May be Denied. But different story if Visa Agent comes between them(foreigners and immigration office). Just like China's military, Thai immigration often runs on Unspoken Profit Motive.
  19. Hello, BritManToo, Thank you for your advice.
  20. Good afternoon. Another cool dish for today's lunch. Bite-Sized Steamed Chicken and Tossed Salad on Chinese Noodle, with Sweet & Hot Dressing(in a cup between tomatoes).
  21. Hello, rice cooker is the very versatile device, isn't? A lot more than many people thinks. I also like beans very much. Your post encouraged me to do it at home. I currently eat peanuts each day(as the easiest bean to eat; can be taken without any further processing) though. Thank you for giving me a good inspiration.
  22. Thank you for your kind reply again. As it is a very dense bread, do you slice it thinly when you eat it? So when you eat it, do you usually thinly slice it?
  23. Thank your for your speedy reply. 17x12cm and 700g? Is it a high density bread? 17cm is shorter than the length of one loaf bread(700g). So I felt it might feel heavier when picked up.
  24. Hello, KhunLA, What is the size of the bread you baked today? Diameter, height, and weight, please.
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