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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Quite an Irony: One of those people denied own future bloodline by Choice. 100% Spontaneously...
  2. United States of America, often regarded the Land of the Freedom & Opportunity from the time of its foundation. And that certainly includes a kind of Freedom to make herself Infertile By Choice. Nothing more, nothing less...
  3. Good morning. Today's breakfast: Mild Red Fish Vegetable Curry. With Chunky Milk Vegetable Soup. Curry's Ingredients: Mackerel(canned), egg plant, potato, onion, tomato paste. Seasonings: Curry powder, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, grated garlic, and (tiny amount of )chili powder & sugar. Soup's Ingredients: Milk, potato, pumpkin, okra, pak choy, and tofu(bean curd), Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce,
  4. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am posting a fun footage taken yesterday morning at Chiang Mai Gate Market(in Chiang Mai, Thailand). I also posted it on YouTube. Hope you like it. If you have recently photographed/video taped) something funny/interesting, please post.
  5. Are these Beach Sleepers deemed Close Cousins to the Beg Packers in SE Asia?
  6. Which is the actual issue to the writer(SNS viewers) of this article? Those sleeping on the beach(not paying for hotel accommodation); not contributing local economy? Or their litter bug habit?
  7. At least, not built as the Sacred Site, in the first place. Originally, sleepy fishing port. Then developed to be the town of Booze and Sex Trade for military R&R during the period of Indo China war...
  8. Drunk men defenselessly sleep in on the beach at night. Well reflecting on Thailand's (relative) safety. Better not to do it in many other places of the world. Wallet, credit card, camera, and phone, likely to be gone by the dawn.
  9. Supposedly Middle Class(or above) Indians back home. Playing Homeless in the Land of Smile. Another Quality Tourists TAT sought LOL.
  10. If foreign nationals/commercial entities are granted land/building ownership here, it could happen. Property speculators will flock here and this kingdom will soon end up as bad as the rest of the 1st world(skyrocketing housing price and rental cost). Locals will certainly be enraged when it takes place. At this moment, Thai government is still clever enough; No foreign Land Ownership(as stated in their national anthem). Land is the primary meaning of "Production". If it is taken over by foreign interests, the people of any countries will end up as the "Tenant" in own nation.
  11. Title of this thread reminds me of a Hollywood movie from late 1980s... My Stepmother Is an Alien - Wikipedia
  12. Yes, certainly a Legal Alien in this kingdom. But not from Another Planet.
  13. Sounds pretty much like the case in Japan. When a man sponsors a foreign woman on the ground of marriage, he needs to pass strict income and assets test. But when a woman does the same for the foreign man, no such assessment; paper-works are pretty much like passage formalities(almost 100% accepted unless either their woman or a foreigner was blackmarked). And in either case, the foreigners' income and qualifications are not critical issues when applying for (long term temp) residency visa on the ground of marriage with their national. Their country usually won't give any foreigners PR status straight away; commonly needs 10 years or so during which they need to demonstrate they are very beneficial to their country(including tax payment etc).
  14. Good morning, Today's breakfast: Stir-fried Ham and vegetables and Sunny Side Over on rice with Bonito Stock Soup. Ingredients' of the stir-fry. Ham, bean sprouts, carrot, garlic shoots. Seasonings: Pepper, pork stock, soy, oyster, & fish sauce, grated garlic. Ingredients of soup: Okra and tofu(bean curd). Seasonings: Bonito stock, and Miso(soy bean paste).
  15. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Mild Red Curry and Potato Pumpkin Salad. Curry's Ingredients: Chicken, egg plant, potato, tomato paste, grated ginger. Seasonings: Ketchup, curry power, soy & oyster sauce, chili powder(tiny amount), sugar. Salada's Ingredients: Potato, pumpkin, onion(cooked) and fresh cucumber. Seasonings: Pepper, mayonnaise, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, vinegar. Left: Curry Right: Salad
  16. I would say, it is more likely a rule observation issue, rather than cultural matter. Wherever they are, (attempt of ) illegal entry into Restricted Area will be penalized. Even if they did the same in USA(supposedly their closest ally and biggest military & political backer). It won't give them any immunity just because they are from Israel.
  17. Worrying about injured comrade, the reasonable concern. But must be discrete not to disturb doctors and nurses; other people's lives rest with them.
  18. After USA’s withdrawal from WHO, another big one (in Sout America) followed. Will it be the New Trend among the OAS(Organization of American States)?
  19. the foreigner borrowed Moss’s ID card for a parcel delivery service, claiming he forgot his passport. Concerned that his name might be used to deliver illegal goods, Moss requested to check the contents of the parcel box before handing over his ID card. The foreign man refused, insisting that the box contained Lego toys. ------------------------------------------------------ 100% sure that contents must be something illegal(in own country or here, or both).
  20. Thanks. If that low-life was from Islamic region, that is the Worst Possible Humiliation; to be devoured by dogs after death.
  21. Release the full face of that Bastar*. Why obscuring it? A fugitive has no such thing as Privacy.
  22. The aggressor looked like an Arab though. Judging from the facial characteristics(dark, both with beard and moustache; often common among the men in the Islamic regions).
  23. Even better if Drop Dead there, fed to the hungry strays, and skeletonized...
  24. Hefty fine isn't just enough. That SO* deserves hellish time in Hotel Bang Kwan(AKA BKK Hilton).
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