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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Having been arrested and jailed twice without guilt. And his money and valuables stolen both at P.D and his hotel room. Looks completely like a Set Up; intended to rob him systematically, from the beginning. The worst possible travel experience I have ever heard of .
  2. What an Idiot. Arrived as a Dreaming Holiday Maker. Ended Up as a Fugitive only for THB10000(less than U$300). Certainly not an amount worth risking own future(freedom). Perfect example of the pea-brained low life. That's why he committed a silly crime that easily...
  3. Earlier lunch today. Soy Sauce Ginger flavored Pork with seasoned onion and salad on rice.
  4. Hello, IssanT, Thank you for your detailed advice with which I could update my knowledge. I didn’t know they still do... Even though I have heard of the case some unusually overweighted passenger met airline's rejection when she demanded 2 seats for her, at the price of one... Larger-bodied airline passengers forced to pay for two seats prompts call for clearer anti-discrimination laws | Airline industry | The Guardian 'I'm Fat, I Should Not Have To Buy Two Seats On a Plane' - Newsweek
  5. Chiefly, Brain Rejuvenation/Revitalization. Also Reducing the Effects of Aging. Positive curiosity and learning something new spontaneously, will often have positive impacts on us, refreshing heart and mind. It is also scientifically proved. does learning new thing vitalize our brain? - Google Search Good Luck, to the ageless challenger.
  6. Thanks to the Cold Wave staying here, early hours of the day below average temperature yet to continue. Filling and warming breakfast on such an occasion. Porridge with a poached egg. With: (Cold) rice, onion, pumpkin, potato, bean sprouts, shredded garlic shotts, and water. Seasonings: Chicken and Bonito stocks (same amount each), soy, fish, and oyster sauce, plus small amount of soy milk.
  7. So the users need to have a proper net literacy; ability to check out what is true and what isn't. It is often up to the level of viewers' knowledge.
  8. Very fortunate that jet thrust is a lot more powerful than reciprocating engines'. I have heard that pre-WW2 era airlines needed to check passengers' body weight as their engine power is limited.
  9. First: Subject to rescue and medical attention. Then: Subject to apprehension. That is why ambulance and squad car now come together? For One Stop Service.
  10. TAT's expectation for Quality Tourists. Increasingly becoming Impossible Dream day by day.
  11. Yesterday: Today:Pattaya is on track to become a global tourist hotspot, with a significant 40 billion baht investment aimed at boosting its hospitality and attractions... LOL.
  12. Thaksin, a significant figure in Thai politics and father to current Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, to temporarily leave the country... ------------------- Temporary can be as long as many years.
  13. Good morning. Today's breakfast with market fresh ingredients. Marinated Steamed Chicken & Vegetables. And Chicken Stock Soup with various vegetables. Flavored with dressing(soy sauce, vinegar, and grated ginger). Eaten with this; steamed Sticky Rice fresh from the local morning market.
  14. Once they have become naturalized, like in any other countries...
  15. That is the meaning of the plural engines, isn't it? Already at the time of WW2, some B-17 bombers came back alive to the base in UK on single engine(3 others destroyed during air-to-air combat over Nazi air space).
  16. Apart from the legal technicality, they will be banned from future entry for certain period of time IF They Faced Deportation on the ground of criminal conviction. Quite easy to find out Thai immigration's standard(re:Deportation and re-entry prohibition period). Refer to the info shown below link. I have no need to hire any lawyers as I am not in any trouble. Why you looked so puzzled? That is something I can't understand. Deportation in Thailand criminal offence in Thailand and deportation - Google Search
  17. Are they going to be Blacklisted; future re-entry denied on the ground of high risk aliens?
  18. Urinating outside toilet at the international airport? SNS captured A Dog that walks on 2 legs. He is actually less than dogs. Even strays don't pee just anywhere and everywhere; they also have discretion and rule in their term. E.g. not within someone else's territories...
  19. In Thailand, immigration is the subsidiary body of the Royal Thai Police. So those in uniform at immigration office all over the kingdom, are all cops. There is one thing I am puzzled with. They are sometimes in brown uniform(criminal police's). But on a different day, they(same people) are in black(administrative police's). Does anyone know why? They are supposedly 2 separate organizations though.
  20. Good afternoon. Today’s lunch set: Fried Rice with Bite-Sized Chicken Fillet Steak and Salad. And Milk Vegetable Soup(with pumpkin, okra, and potato).
  21. Thank you for your kind reply. This whole world has both Good and Bad Guys, among any counties/colors/majority and minority groups. Same applies to the illegals; certainly in their Human Qualities. But the laws often don't take account of that factor. While some few countries give illegal aliens a chance(in case of being a Model Citizen). I have heard US immigration act have some remedy clause: Cancellation of Removal(spared from deportation and made eligible to apply for Permanent Residency). Conditions: If the Illegal Entrants/Overstayers have stayed there for 10 years during which they have continuously worked and lived in the law abiding manner(no offences). us immigration remedy for illegal aliens after 10 years stay - Google Search After my settlement here, I started feel we are very fortunate. Born in the country of strong economy. Brought up with sufficient level of education. Paid salary/wages in the wealthy country's currency... What first world people take for granted, is often a kind of luxury to others on the other side of the world. The very first start line of life is determined by sheer luck; where we are born. Often makes all the differences throughout the life...
  22. Try to gain entry with the Fake Visa. Quite a silly thing to do now days. Unlike half a century ago, visa business is all online and linked to the central department's data base(supposedly). The immigration can instantly check out its legitimacy. It is not like getting a false birth/academic papers at home(foreign immigration unable to clarify). Looks like the bearer of such international counterfeit document was tricked into believing it works(by the malicious Black Market broker back home). The poor guy...
  23. I have absolutely no sympathy with low life Rif Raffs or dangerous vicious (foreign) criminal gangs feeding on, and harming the innocent. But feel in a different way for those Illegal Workers not committing any common crimes other than immigration violation here. Some are forced into the situation where they had to flee home countries. Because of the war, persecution, scarcity of job prospect while willing to work...ended up as the victims of circumstances. I noticed something while reading about those Illegal Aliens busted while working without permit in this kingdom. They often find their living space in a rather Niche Market(=field), not covered by others(or having shortage of the labor).
  24. five Russians, two Ukrainians, and five Myanmar nationals... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ They have something in common; war is going on back home.
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