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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. You are right. Many of the Indians are Hinduists(some Muslims). And back home, they are known for the religious virtue called Backsheesh/Buckshee(Charity Donation to the poor). Equivalent of Buddhists' Tam Bun =Willing Giveaway Today, India is the 5th biggest economy in the world. While Thailand's rank is 26th. So they can be quite willing to make a big donation while here LOL.
  2. No security guard? So it was the Gated Community just in name. Without anyone watching the entrance 24/7, it is just the same as any other houses.
  3. More tourist dollars. So as the increased Persona Non Grata (unwelcome kinds).
  4. Thank these brave firemen facing the wall of fire...
  5. More Thais work from home? Food Delivery Service community get busier.
  6. Today's personal lunch set. Chicken Hamburger Steak on stir-fried vegetables, and cooked rice.
  7. Earning Crime Money. Still living in poverty. Broken down building and bare foot underage boy nearby. Where did their 'Profit' go to?
  8. And the Laminated Glass makes it difficult for the burglars to get in. 1,800+ Laminated Glass ภาพถ่ายสต็อก รูปภาพ และภาพปลอดค่าลิขสิทธิ์ - iStock
  9. One biggest risk of the non-cash transaction devices. Unknown thieves can crack you safe unobserved. No SMS alert/confirmation sent out from the financial institution for purchase/withdrawal with credit cards? While it is common in case of the Debit Card and internet banking fund transfer.
  10. Seemingly the Gated Community(supposedly safer due to its access control). No security post at the entrance?
  11. Spending so much for luxury. But very cheap on security...
  12. I,too, imagined it. As Thai law allows Out Court Settlement(even in crime case) in return for sufficient monetary compensation to the victims(or their remaining kin).
  13. Was it tasty and expensive(from Thai standard)?
  14. In Thailand, even homicide cases can be settled outside court. If the killer(or his family) can pay out sufficient compensation to the victim's family, the charge against him can be dropped. If his parents were wealthy enough, he might resort to it.
  15. Unless he is also busted as the accomplice. Or for some other criminal charges...
  16. she carried the cocaine after flying from Qatar to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now her destination set to be BKK Hilton...
  17. Hi, again, Thank you for sharing your experience. While you were in hospital bed, which kind of meal was provided? Can you request specific type of meal(Thai, Chinese, or Western)? Or it is set by the hospital reflecting on your medical condition?
  18. Another Drug High Idiot? Sudden Irrational Behavior. Seemingly, one typical phenomenon from the Methamphetamine dose.
  19. Hi, I have never believed their whole movement from the beginning. If they really value human lives, they would say Everyone's Life Matters. But they were only single outing One Color instead. That was my first impression and what felt odd. All they wanted is, not the Equality. But the Privilege(of the few among them) above other colors and ethnicities. So disgusting, even tricking the people of their kind.
  20. Hi thank you for your comment. Their price was also very reasonable. With all the check ups and treatments, costed me only THB600 on that day.
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