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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. That is One Major Strategy of China's ruling class. Make as many as other countries dependent on PRC money and products(e.g. becoming a major holder EU and US bonds. And main supplier of the cheap merchandise to Walmart; America's retail giant). Even though it is also the Self-Binding String to them. While today's China is the 2nd largest economic powerhouse in the world. Still, heavily reliant on the western consumers(the biggest is US) while they supposedly have 1.4 billion population.
  2. As the nature of most dictatorial regimes, rulers have installed layers of mutual watch system that encourages tipping off any rebellious move among their military.
  3. Why obscuring this Scumbag's face? Better show clearly. Hit & Run criminal deserves no mercy.
  4. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Creamy Mild Chicken Vegetable Curry and rice with salad. Curry's Ingredients: Chicken breast, onion, carrot, potato, grated garlic, flour, and water. Seasonings: Chicken stock, curry powder, ketchup, tomato paste, soya, oyster sauce, BBQ sauce.
  5. That is the information given both by immigration lawyers and visa agent I contacted over a decade ago. That was the question purely out of my curiosity(nothing serious). Since I had no real interest in it, no further research/probe done ever after...
  6. In ancient China, always a war broke out when one dynasty falls; massacre and mass destruction took place then. And it has been repeated over and over and over again... Why China's Post-Dynasty wars are regarded worse than the rest? Simply because of its scale of deaths and destruction were far greater than any others. Even though both the west and the Asian country like Japan had sometime war-torn age in their history, theirs were a lot smaller than China's. China has often been regarded as the place where "Everything is counted by millions". So as their casualties caused by their internal conflicts...
  7. 20m fall. But no one got killed? Looks like a Miracle. The native vegetation(seemingly bamboo forest) might served the cushion to reduce the impact.
  8. Brutality of China's regime. That is often the topic The Leftists in the West hate to look at(or talk about). While they demand the govts of their country to be "More Humane"(further intake of even Fake Refugees who are only interested in sucking 1st World's Welfare Money.
  9. It takes little efforts to find out how bad Chinese administration is... Starving 35 million(or more?) of own people to death in 1960. Mass killing of own people in 1989(Tiananmen Massacre; armed suppression of the pro-democracy rally in Beijing). Currently, rounding up minority races into forced labor at garment factories. Just a few minutes of finger tip search will get you heaps of such info...
  10. Hope she has kind and affluent relatives willing to take care of her...
  11. An Ultimate Noble Sacrifice. His body perished in a tragic way. But he will forever live as the Hero. In the hearts of his remaining family. Rest in peace.
  12. Any countries have both Good Guys & Bad Guys. Even though the Latter more frequently makes a headline...
  13. Looks like demonstrating chronical cannabis dose lowers their intellect. https://www.google.com/search?q=does+chronicak+cannabis+use+lower+your+intellect%3F&sca_esv=4c9a190fb2c6033a&hl=en&sxsrf=AHTn8zrTNw4N7AezaM00Osoyps7KUFUtWw%3A1738561
  14. You want to be a Permanent Resident of Thailand as a retiree? I have heard that it was almost impossible for old non-working foreigners, after some time; even though it used to be possible(until earlier 21st century). Since then, the hurdle has been quite high to get one. Must have: Work Permit, and minimum monthly labor income THB100000-(or more) on regular basis. In other words, need to demonstrate your active contribution to Thai economy. That's all what I have heard about(from a couple of reliable sources, including immigration law office) by now. I have never become interested in getting one. One Year Renewable Retirement O is just enough to me...
  15. Having been arrested and jailed twice without guilt. And his money and valuables stolen both at P.D and his hotel room. Looks completely like a Set Up; intended to rob him systematically, from the beginning. The worst possible travel experience I have ever heard of .
  16. What an Idiot. Arrived as a Dreaming Holiday Maker. Ended Up as a Fugitive only for THB10000(less than U$300). Certainly not an amount worth risking own future(freedom). Perfect example of the pea-brained low life. That's why he committed a silly crime that easily...
  17. Earlier lunch today. Soy Sauce Ginger flavored Pork with seasoned onion and salad on rice.
  18. Hello, IssanT, Thank you for your detailed advice with which I could update my knowledge. I didn’t know they still do... Even though I have heard of the case some unusually overweighted passenger met airline's rejection when she demanded 2 seats for her, at the price of one... Larger-bodied airline passengers forced to pay for two seats prompts call for clearer anti-discrimination laws | Airline industry | The Guardian 'I'm Fat, I Should Not Have To Buy Two Seats On a Plane' - Newsweek
  19. Chiefly, Brain Rejuvenation/Revitalization. Also Reducing the Effects of Aging. Positive curiosity and learning something new spontaneously, will often have positive impacts on us, refreshing heart and mind. It is also scientifically proved. does learning new thing vitalize our brain? - Google Search Good Luck, to the ageless challenger.
  20. Thanks to the Cold Wave staying here, early hours of the day below average temperature yet to continue. Filling and warming breakfast on such an occasion. Porridge with a poached egg. With: (Cold) rice, onion, pumpkin, potato, bean sprouts, shredded garlic shotts, and water. Seasonings: Chicken and Bonito stocks (same amount each), soy, fish, and oyster sauce, plus small amount of soy milk.
  21. So the users need to have a proper net literacy; ability to check out what is true and what isn't. It is often up to the level of viewers' knowledge.
  22. Very fortunate that jet thrust is a lot more powerful than reciprocating engines'. I have heard that pre-WW2 era airlines needed to check passengers' body weight as their engine power is limited.
  23. First: Subject to rescue and medical attention. Then: Subject to apprehension. That is why ambulance and squad car now come together? For One Stop Service.
  24. TAT's expectation for Quality Tourists. Increasingly becoming Impossible Dream day by day.
  25. Yesterday: Today:Pattaya is on track to become a global tourist hotspot, with a significant 40 billion baht investment aimed at boosting its hospitality and attractions... LOL.
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