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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Ran away from FBI, but busted by Thai immigration. Bastar* Child Molester deserves max jail terms(average 16 years?). Fugitive Shi* Out of Luck in the Land of Smile... How Long Do Child Molesters Go to Jail For? | R. Scott Magee, Attorney at Law
  2. Good afternoon. Today’s lunch: Pork Hamburger Steak and Egg Potato Salad Bowl, with Chunky Sweet Tomato Soup. Ingredients & Seasoning for hamburger: Hamburger: Pork mince, grated garlic, and flour. Shredded scallion on rice. Pepper, pork stock, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, BBQ sauce. Ingredients & Seasoning for salad: Coleslaw, (cooked) carrot, onion, and fresh cucumber. Mayonnaise, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, and pepper. Ingredients & Seasoning for soup: Tomato paste, onion, potato, spinach, tofu(bean curd), okra, and water. Ketchup, chicken stock, soy & oyster sauce, plum sauce, and sugar
  3. If you post a criticism reply, better do in the reasonable way. My text is in response to one man's joke below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, without quoting his at the same time, it doesn't make sense.
  4. Special Negotiation Room? This is my first time know about where the famous Brown Envelop Transaction takes place. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  5. Is THB15000-2000 they robbed from him not enough to provide him any meal?
  6. Brown Envelop Transaction under the table. It is well known and often silently approved. But beating up and robbing otherwise innocent man(accidentally giving a petite property damage?) is far beyond acceptable range. Man gotta know his limitations...
  7. Reminds me of the popular Thai joke. Same Same, but Different...
  8. So do I. As he is not any benefitted by spreading around BS about the place where he visited. If he got a present time while there, he won't badmouth about it.
  9. Open Secret among expats who have been here Long Enough. Just like Prostitution is Illegal in this kingdom. But in some areas, it is the Key Industry itself; tens of thousands of people directly or indirectly dependent on that. And its industrial capital is P-A-T-T-Y-A...
  10. Notoriously Corrupt Police VS Sensation Seeking Tabloid. Bit looks like a match of Pro Wresting.
  11. There is something interesting. The Islam also regards part of the Old Testament as the holy book. And the Christ is deemed one of the saints in their religion. So these 2 religions are not as alien each other as many people commonly believe. A bit like twins
  12. Not a problem. They only have to prey their god and ask for forgiveness. That is part of their rituals.
  13. And some of them pay truly hefty price for that; losing their limbs while here. From Dream Holiday to Nighgmare...
  14. Money is often the best meaning of communication. Especially, in their PD.
  15. Every time they do it(in the land of aliens), they pray their god and ask for forgiveness. That is part of their religious rituals.
  16. Drunk. Hit & Run. And he successfully landed in Hotel Bang Kwang(AKA Bkk Hilton)...
  17. Just like: The World is Flat. Pig flies. And the Nuke is Safe...
  18. How can they worry about losing something that didn't exist in the first place, LOL.
  19. Was it (very) touristy place? If so, makes a perfect sense. Often common perception of the 1st world tourists among Thai people(especially those in touristy business): They are wealthy and hang the price while their holidays. So such people display quite high price(targetting Farang temporary visitors). The same happening in some part of Chiang Mai(limited area of high concentration of short term visitors). The level of food otherwise sold at 40B or so, often priced at 80-90. Or even more. Such establishments are usually for the foreign travelers who will stay here only for a short while. While locals and street-wise expats often avoid these overpriced shops. Nearly 20 years ago, I have drunk a glass of orange juice priced at B240(in Bkk's Khao San Rd area). Fortunately, it was on my friend a lot wealthier(earning $5000/month) than me...
  20. Certainly the Very Last Thing they ever admit. Even if Money is the Best Meaning of Communication to some cops here...
  21. Still something in common. Could well be one of the Fake Refugees. Their traffickers advise their clients to throw away their passports overboard while they are in open sea; to make it impossible for foreign govts to pinpoint their origin after their arrival.
  22. As the former high-ranking East German Communist Party member, it might have been her Retaliation Against the West(which brought her home country down in Oct.1990). If so, it makes a perfect sense; she very successfully sabotaged her former enemy from within. Because of the policy she implemented, the NATO's core member states are now suffering; their overall sovereignty has been rapidly and dramatically eroded. From her perspective, Mission Accomplished... merker, from east germany - Google Search
  23. 2 of the Digital Natives demonstrated significant Lack of Forsight. Prospective Buyers of their merchandise were not to only ones watching their SNS...
  24. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Soya Ginger Chicken Onion Bowl(rice underneath).
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