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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Hello, KhunLA, I just read your post. Very unique form of Massaman indeed(have never seen it before). This one comes with no potato?
  2. Hello, is this Kaeng Massaman, smooth and soupy southern Thai curry? I often see the very similar food at the food stool on the road nearby.
  3. Great to know you are happier here, than back home. Home is not always the same as own birth place. That's where our heart and body wish to belong to. Very much same to me. Wish you have anther good day...
  4. Hi, thank you for your reply. After all, those hostile settlers are taking advantage of the leniency of their destination countries(often the 1st world) one siidedly. In other words, they are simply capitalizing Multi-Culturalism; as a Free Rider without any positive contribution to the country they are allowed in. The host nations often show friendly stance toward them(giving them residency, housing, healthcare, and other welfares, allowing the construction of their religious buildings). But once in, in, they usually refuse to become part of the community. Instead, they are so eagerly build their Closed Quarter only the people of their kind are allowed into. They are greatly benefited by Multi-Culturalism of the country they settled. However, they have no such sense among themselves; highly exclusive and aggressive toward the people outside their religion and way of life; Human Version of Invasive Alien Species. In contrast, this kingdom seems to have mostly Positive multiculturalism. Different religions peacefully co-exits(except for the separatists terrorist activates in 3 southern provinces). Hate crimes based upon different face and color are not common. Not at all. People in modern and ancient attire passing each other without any needless/unfriendly attention. My observation: That is because Thailand still strongly retains National Sovereignty; able to set own internal policy themselves. Not so much vested in foreign interests. Neither governed by any outside bodies. Still able to arrest/punish outlaws by their laws/rules; increasingly difficult in some parts of the 1st world. That is why things looks mostly Under Control Here while some aliens make headlines each day.
  5. I didn’t say anything about the case where they vote to join US of A; by own choice. As far as reported regarding Trump and G/land & Panama, he suggested he doesn't rule out the possibilities of military strikes. And that is what I referred to. And you are making a silly mistake; looks like you believe as if I am one of the (Extreme) Left. Wrong. Better refer to all of my posts by now. I haven't mentioned a single pro-left word. I hate Extreme Left. I evenly hate Extreme Right as well. Simply because they have something in common; doing more harm than good. Chiefly, taking away people's right of free speech. Once ended up as the fundamentalism, that is evil, whatever it is. As it relentlessly pushes own tunnel visioned dogma at the expense of everyone else. When I sense it, I simply post against it. As simple as that.
  6. Sorry to hear that you had to leave home because of them. Their biggest problem, they often defy the laws of the country they settle. And obsessed to build their own Ethnic Ghetto spontaneously (eventually end up as the Off-Limit area/criminal safe heaven even police hesitate to step into). I have heard of it all the time from my British friend. Back in 90s, I have heard the same story from a French man. Now looks like happening all over Europe(except for Poland; they are smart enough to be careful whom they allow into their country)..
  7. I am strongly with you. Some instant solution for you to keep yourself safe. I have been carrying this for the past 6 years. And busted over 250 mean dogs came for me, on over 160 occasions. Super High Capacity(over 100shots), rapid fire(4 shots/second) and long range(7m).
  8. Hope that first world trash and his stupide dogs will eventually face street justice.
  9. If Trump really tries to take over Panama and Greenland by force , the world see another Poo-tin, this time under the Stars & Stripes.
  10. All of those busted in this case, got Muslim-like names. Messing with UK, and here, too. Not knowing the system here is lot tougher to bad guys than 'Back Home'.
  11. Good evening, One Dish Meal for tonight. Teriyaki Chicken & Tossed Salad(cabbage, carrot, and onion) on rice. Dressing for the salad: Soy sauce, vinegar, and oyster sauce.
  12. Everything is on location as it happens... Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? The Extreme Left will certainly go crazy. Yelling, "The Most Politically Incorrect Documentary".
  13. Some of the locals might take matters into own hands. Taking out these stupid dogs. Apart from the common Do-Gooder public stance toward the killer dogs, Thailand has also got a long standing tradition of Village Justice. AKA, secret elimination of the vicious dangerous dogs
  14. Especially when one member state wages the war of invasion for territorial gain. And the rest of its system unable to take any realistic direct action against it(other than economic sanctions). Useless Numb skull, that's what it really stands for.
  15. Reminds me of the similar incident 20 years ago. It happened just after Sumatra Quake and resulting sea surge disaster on Dec 26, 04. When one of my friends came home(while in the country of his origin), he saw his mother and brother were busy preparing his funeral. They thought he was killed by that Tsunami while he was in the south of Thailand. The Foreign Department reported his death to them. Looks like description of his proposed stay place on Thai Arrival Card(TM6) was passed onto the govt of his country. And he was presumed dead. Back then, quite a few bodies remained unfound. So he was deemed deceased while his whereabout wasn't pinpointed.
  16. One-Off measure. Just like their occasional small money handout for Vote Buying. The most guilty party for ever worsening air quality in the capital of the kingdom: Pheu Thai. Encouraged more people to buy cars(even to the low, during its previous administration before military takeover in 2014). Resultingly, once eased smog(and road congestion) situation reverted back to the state before BTS and subway came into service(to reduce air pollution and traffic jamming).
  17. How can they trust the complete strangers they just met(other than online)? Very hard to believe...
  18. The diabetic is known to be more vulnerable to physical attack than those without it. Shock of pain can trigger fatal heart attack(by the rapid increase of blood pressure).
  19. The dog, initially thought to be a Pitbull, was later identified as an American Bully and has now been taken in by an adoptive family. ------------------------------------------------------ For its further Kill Counts? Who the hell wants the dog savaged(biting off one hand, crunched half of the head) of his previous owner? Can't believe it.
  20. A Thai monk in Nonthaburi province near Bangkok died from a congenital disease rather than a dog attack... . He had bite marks on his head, and one of his wrists was missing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever his direct cause of death is, too obvious that dog viciously attacked that man.
  21. From Athlete to Assailant... Hard to be famous. So easy to be infamous...
  22. Thailand has got so many free-ranging cats and dogs across the nation. Now, he is joining them...
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