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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. officials concerned about the city’s reputation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which kind of Reputation they are worrying about losing on earth? Altercations, robbery, murder, rip-off... all getting part of the daily scenery there. Red Light District embedded with booze and sex trade can hardly go without incidents(some exceptions depending on the country though). Especially, after the government extended Open Door Policy to 93 nationalities.
  2. The headline says: Pattaya Beach, known for its stunning coastline and electrifying nightlife... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forget Not to Add: All sorts of Daily Incidents involving tourists/aliens(legal and the illegal alike).
  3. Seemingly a Fist Fight between 2 men. Just another ordinary day in Pattaya...
  4. A lot of tourists/foreigners related incidents there. But still, looks a lot better than UK today though. My English friend said almost 99% of the burglary there now remains unsolved; police doesn't eve action At All(not responding to 911 call, unless thugs were injured/killed by the residents). Crimes like that, are Nearly Decimalized out there...
  5. Haven't remitted any money from outside Thailand. So looks like I am not involved...
  6. That date is long gone... That 'news' first made a headline in May last year. 9 months on, no real new development though. All we could ever hear was, the Empty Bark of the tax chief and these lousy accounting firms(targetting expats).
  7. During the interrogation, the school director confessed that approximately a year ago, he had acted as a bail guarantor for a drug-related criminal, which led to him befriending the criminal’s acquaintance. This relationship eventually resulted in him obtaining methamphetamine for personal use and distribution to local networks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So that school teacher(principal) got a lecture from the professional drug runner. He has been a Non-Degree student of Narcotic Trade LOL.
  8. So this is their latest marketing tactics to boost the tourism in this kingdom. As the World Incubator Hub...
  9. In other words, Brokers and the local immigration offices might have a form of secret agreement? Imposing Unofficial Requirement for the Frequent Border-Bouncers to expend some extra money in order to get Kick-Backs from the Middleman behind the scene. Easy to imagine. Looks like a Hidden Scheme behind their current practice: Unlimited Border-Run grant. If immigration men can constantly get income supplement in a Brown Envelop from the tourist dollars, they will gladly continue to give foreigners welcome stamp on their passport. Resultingly, boosting more tourist arrivals...
  10. Another stupid Scare Tactics by the bunch of Crook Bas*ard for easy money for the Useless 'Expert Advice' on what is not really announced officially. Another form of Scammers Capitalizing What is not in place in the first place.
  11. Just like the pile of feast(dumped on the street) attracting all of the cockroaches. And casino, usually Sucks Out local money to outside. So some smart municipality rejects it(as happened in the City of Yokohama, Japan years ago). They are certainly clever.
  12. To rotten cops, casino legalization means loss of Brown Envelop Under the Table? Looks like a Bad New to them LOL.
  13. Whatever the background of the combatants (sent to warzone) is, Still Counted as Poo-tin army's losses. I am not referring to nationality things in this post.
  14. That drug trafficker hid own goods under the scat and urine of his dog. That is why I said Literary, referring to our S##t.
  15. Curry Flavored Ground Chicken-Pork Steak with cooked potato and carrot. Pre-seasoned, No Sauce Needed for the meat.
  16. Bright Side of that event. Could be a Permanent Resident of the Max Security Stockade ever after. All costs of living on the house...
  17. Most of the Thailand, Yes. But different story for 3 of the deep south provinces: Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat. Decades of violence going on by separatist: Want to revert to Malaysia. 3 areas used to be the part of Pattani Kingdom till early 20th century.
  18. Thank you for the technical interpretation. Understood.
  19. The biggest impact is, the lighter olice workload ; no more need to bust underground gambling site.
  20. Unable to maintain even own State Rail tracks. Rampant corruption and lack of management at all levels. Nuke business, by 2037? Another 12 years to reach Minimum Safe Distance...
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