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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. The most Politically Incorrect Joke of the Day? LOL.
  2. While abroad, better well observe their laws and locals' right to live. Otherwise, they can be regarded the nuisance and Invaders.
  3. Thank you for your reply again. When you ate cat meat, how did you get it? By trap? Or bows and arrow, or gun? I wonder if you are an experienced hunter yourself? As not everyone is familiar with carving game meat.
  4. Milk vegetable soup(with potato, pumpkin, and spinach) fixed for today's breakfast. The perfect warmer on a chilly morning...
  5. Hello, thank you for sharing your unique experience. You mean some feral cat in a place like Australian Outback?
  6. Incident after incident. Seemingly Never a Dull Moment in Pattaya. I wonder why not Thai TV stations start a program like COPS(as aired in USA). It'll be quite fun though.
  7. From all of 93 countries as from July 15, 2024, as you already know...
  8. Cost of the Visa-Waiver scheme to 93 nations...
  9. Another 'Quality Tourist' making a headline... Good to know it came to the end without further incident(harm/damage to the innocent).
  10. Do they call it Romantic Stunt? I simply name it An Act of Idiocy. That 32 YO, just another Grown-Up Child. Act like an idiot, treated like an idiot...
  11. Agree. I am not a keen sports watcher myself. But still feel it outrageous Men fake Women in games of sports To Own Advantage. And the system that approves it. Act of Institutionalized Fraud in Public.
  12. Trump often says something absurd; beyond reality(without thinking twice). But at least his supporters are often better reasoned than Dems.
  13. A good move. Say No to those abusing Political Correctness/Gender Issue for own gain. Salute to the Stars & Stripes today.
  14. Ever worsening BKK air quality. Mostly fault of the Buy-Car Campaign by Thaksin and his successive regime earlier in 21th century. Because of that stupid policy, once eased smog(and traffic congestion) problems came back again. Looks like a transfer of responsibility; from Pheu Thai Party to public transport.
  15. Do they still use diesel bus in BKK? I thought they already implemented the mandatory change(from diesel to NGV) more than a decade ago. And the old type of buses(as the photo below) failed to comply with, were forced out of service in early 2010s.
  16. If the End Result will still be the same; ending up behind bars...
  17. A series of misfortunes one after another in one same day. His long-awaited dream holiday ruined all of sudden. First half of his story can be sympathized(even though the incident started with his carelessness; damaged visa page). But the killing or destruction are the last words to be mouthed at the airport; instantly taken Security Threat...
  18. From Here to Nowhere. Another Idiot who ruined own ordinary life he could otherwise continue on...
  19. Some people are not pleased by complicating male/female identification...
  20. Another booze-fueled case. But things are still under control: Both of the attacker & the victim Taken Care Of.
  21. A kind of Industrial Dispute in Pattaya turned out ugly.
  22. Cheating husband shaved his wife's head? It makes more sense if it's vice-versa though. Shaving head is known as the Form of Penance/Punishment from old time. As a sign of reflection after wrongdoings.
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