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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Pretty accurate quote. Last year alone, they are said to have lost 427000 men: Daily average comes around 1169. Looks like it would take a lot shorter than a week... how many lives lost in russian army in one day in invasion ukraine? - Google Search
  2. Once again, the former killer/intimidator demonstrated significant Lack of Forsight...
  3. Cutting back oil/gas exports to the Europe for intimidation/retaliation. Supposedly damaging effects on the West. Turned out to be Another Self-Infliction LOL.
  4. Job Loss in Rus.=The Replacement for Poo-tin army.
  5. Court judge Granting a Defacto Permanent Residency to the rapist? An Idiot in wig creating a Big Loophole/Safe Heaven for the dangerous criminal aliens. Sex offenders/perverts all over the world must be overjoyed. Just like UK's announcing: Come here and commit a sexual crime: Then you can be a Lawful Settler with ease. To be qualified, You only have to say you are among the sexual minority not tolerated back home(subject to harsh penalty on return). That bast*rd deserves both deportation and castration(by blade).
  6. When they say Plastic Wastes, do they include this one as well? Bicycle lock often breaks down in the first use after its purchase(happened to me).
  7. Hello, I read your reply. Thanks for your updated info. So do they started to ask the border hoppers to stay outside this kingdom for 1-2 days, before their visa-waiver re-entry(by land) is allowed? Even though I don't need to do any more visa-run(after I got retirement Non-O), I felt the current situation very interesting. Hope you can continue to enjoy your hassle-free stay here. Have a good day.
  8. Great dish. Filling and well-balanced in nutrition(with plenty of vegetables) as well. Please allow me one question. Are the potatoes unpeeled?
  9. Defying Police Wheel Lock? Did he also watch this episode from The Simpsons?
  10. Her Real Employer might be such people. If that idiot is creating so much of the negative images of what she is supposedly 'Advocating', the Perfect Adverse Effect can be caused. If so, that is the very smart tactics. Hiding own hands, and make the Hight Profile Noise Maker work for them instead... Israel(MOSAD) has even sent German-born Jewish man(Woflgang Lotz) into Egypt Under the cover of former Nazi Officer in 1960s and his mission was hugely successful(high level of Egyptian miliary intelligence was obtained). So what looks like doesn't always really stand for what they intend to do...
  11. A motorcycle ride squashed by 18 wheeler... This gruesome scene flashed back to me... 1:57- Hope Rest In Peace...
  12. engage in acts such as setting fire to Cook's Cottage, destroying colonial monuments, and toppling statues. One repost read, “Burn them all... Normally, this kind of words are deemed Inciting Crimes in Australia. Or Conspiracy charges will be laid against, in many other civilized countries. Also perfectly fitting into the category of Hate Speech itself. That bit*h deserves to be deported to where she really belongs to.
  13. Looks like being under the Perfect Max Security Protection in the name of Political Correctness LOL.
  14. They only want an Attention for own gain in their terms. Now days, they can generate income by the numbers of thumbs up on SNS. No more than that. Barking half-way around the earth away, won't be counted on anything after all.
  15. If they really have an Issue about it, that's where they fight for.
  16. Anti-Israel protestor burning Australian flag instead? Another Idiot who doesn't know what he is really doing. Pea Brain's Self-Branding LOL.
  17. As long as the current relaxed visa waiver scheme goes on, not much point to spend extra money on the broker. In the past, I have relied on those agents a few times though. After September 2006, Thai immigration started to become much less friendly toward the long term visa-waiver(visa run) expats. Saying no continuous stay more than 90 days out of 180 in a year(in case of visa-free entrants). Then a lot of peoples started to switch to Tourist Visa(from Thai embassy in the neighboring countries). Eventually, Thai embassies started to limit the numbers of the Tr Visas they issue to one foreigner. I actually know someone who got No More Tourist Visa To You Stamp on his passport back in 2013. And it turned even worse after military takeover in the summer of 2014. Visa-waiver entry was allowed only Twice in One Calendar Year. They also started to demand additional papers to apply for the Tr Visa at their embassies as well(return ticket, hotel reservation etc). That practice went on till the end of its regime in 2023. Compared to the 2008-2023 period, their visa policy changed completely as you can see today...
  18. Renting is far more stress free. It also gives you more freedom. What if you may got tired of here(for some reasons) in any future? If you are just paying month to month, you can move as soon as you change your mind. But once you buy one, it will make a shackle of your life. It simply creates more otherwise needless concerns.
  19. Guns in good hands are protectors; AKA equalizers. When thugs(especially numerical/physically superior )break in good people's home, cops and laws won't help. Even though I no longer owns any firearms after my settlement in this kingdom, I still support that idea.
  20. One universal principal. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws(among civilians) will have guns. But at the same time, it is kind of bizarre sight if cops question someone for not having one.
  21. Gun Barrel City... I have heard of Rifle County. But my first time to know about its name.
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