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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Daily 30-60 minutes of exercise(not to heavy). Balanced diet(grain, animal protein, fruit and vegetables). Sound curiosity in things around oneself. Enjoyable conversation with others. Reasonable level of compassion to others. Feeling silent beauty of the natural phenomenon. Stay in the state of mind where can be felt Happy & Fulfilled. Lists of what I practice on daily basis...
  2. Scam Centers an Gambling site, on the border regions. They can be linked each other. Casino can create fresh gambling debtors. And they are recruited into illicit workforce for the underground industry like scamming. A kind of makes sense.
  3. Are these protestors trying to broaden the support basis of their cause(by using internet effectively)? Or just rallying on this particular spot(govt bldg)? If they are serious, they better do their best for No Voices from the millions. Otherwise, it is likely to end up as the Little Storm in a cup...
  4. Slavery in modern world. It is often the common problem in the 3rd world countries. There are quite a few cases where the parents of the very poor families sell their children for own survival/to clear their "Debt". Quite easy to reach for the info, related to that issue. 3 Big Issues Facing Girls in the Developing World Child selling - Wikipedia
  5. After all, Gambling is the Losers' Game. Statistically, 95% of the betters lose their money, instead of gaining profit. What percentage of people lose money gambling? - Google Search
  6. Mosty agree. (In any countries), those deep into gambling are often the poor with lesser education. And the Walk-In(anyone can enter) casino, will certainly worsen their situation. And it can also impact others who don't gamble. As increased gamble-debtors, can be an easy recruiting ground for the various scammers. And the scamming often targets ordinary people.
  7. Thank you for your reply post again. I felt the whole things quite interesting; no more departures stamps at UK airport to anyone. But it remains for aliens, at the stations of international trains. Referring to your remark, I made a brief google search of the Eurostar. And learned: It is a train service linking UK, France, Belgium, Germany, and Holland. They got 28 stations. The world is getting increasingly smaller, isn't it? Wish you have a god day.
  8. Hi, thank you for your post. No stamps even in case of manual departure inspection(by an officer) in UK? Do they stamp it if the traveler(foreignger or British) requests? It is like that in Australia though.
  9. Today's breakfast: Pan-fried Chicken Vegetable Mix. And Soy Milk Vegetable Soup. Ingredients of Pan-fry: Chicken breast(chopped), bean sprouts, carrot, onion, eggplant, garlic shoot, and water. Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy & oyster sauce, soy bean past(Miso), grated ginger. Ingredients of soup: Soy milk, chicken stock, spinach, pumpkin, and water. Seasonings: Chicken & Bonito stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce.
  10. If that man is technically the War Refugee(dodging his draft for Poo-tin's war), quite an Idiot. That sort of act easily leads to his deportation; back to the hell he supposedly escaped from...
  11. Some countries, incl. Australia, started to skip immigration departure stamps(ages ago for automated departure system). And it is how your 21st century passport serves. Even if you cannot see any physical stamps, all of your international movements are documented in your passport's microchip.
  12. Strongly agree. Petty cash payment better be in safe cold cash. No chances for scammers at all.
  13. Looks like Public School Uniform exists as the part of the Job Creation Scheme in Asian countries. Quite a few people live on the production and sales of such clothing. So, there is a silent stubborn resistance not to change it. And the parents of the minors are often strongly pro-uniform. Saying, 'school boys and girls better be in uniform. Or we have to spend our time thinking about what they wear daily...' .
  14. Surprisingly, in some NE Asian nation(namely, Japan), Buddhist monks don't always have to shave their head. Some are in the hairstyle like ordinary blue/white collar workers. While they are still clean-cut, clean-shaven; certainly no dread hair like styles though.
  15. It is always the young that has the better chances of changing things for the better. Salute to the peaceful Freedom Fighters of this kingdom.
  16. As the nature of the country located between 2 of the Oriental Giants: China & India. It was their essential trade, in order to maintain its independence and sovereignty without huge military muscle.
  17. There are 3 kinds of people in this world: 1-People who makes it happen. 2-People who watch what happens. 3-And the people who wonder what happened. He looks like 1 and 3 at the same time...
  18. Excitement, often comes with danger...
  19. Thanks for the advice, I never imagined, LOL.
  20. Could be the Ideal Location? Quite isolated from the Population Center. And, Walled. This way, no drunk riff raffs can make any messes among the rest of the population.
  21. Designated Drinking Zone for foreign tourists? Aliens Only Bar? Something like this?
  22. Very well-prepared. I wonder if you are Survivalist.
  23. Cats are known Notorious Thief though...
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