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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Or either, Made America Great Aggressor As under Trump, US of A is now siding with Fascist Regime, Poo-tin's Russ that started war of invasion for territorial gain, in the name of "securing Buffer Zone". And he is doing his best helping Poo-tin to retain his robbed land(UA's eastern regions and Crimea Peninsular). That's his condition of Ceasefire Agreement. Forcing UA to give up 20% of their land Poo-tin stole from them while these Russ occupied territories will only be used as the outpost for Poo-tin's Invasion Redo in the future. No Longer Standing For Freedom. Now, becoming the Best Friend of the lunatic dictator ruling own empire by horror.
  2. Poo-tin's plea for Peace Talk? For what? Simply a preparation for the future Re-Invasion by Rus. And it looks too far too obvious. Ceasefire, with the expectation of resuming trade with the west(to "Normalize" Rus military production, crippled by their sanction since 2022). Unlike Soviet Era, Rus cannot produce heavy equipment like fighter planes, missiles, and tanks alone. As they essentially need the western electronics they are unable to manufacture by themselves. Only for Buying Time for him, to repeat this Once-Failed Invasion sometime later; to make it more successful the next time. Fake "Peace", for his intended Another War to take over Ukraine, by his Better Prepared Redo. That's all about the nature of War Monger(Poo-tin)'s ”Peace Talk” The only thoughts behind it, "For The Better 2nd Chance" after One Big Miserable Failure. If you insist Trump fixed Poo-tin's Peace Negotiation will serve the perpetual peace of Ukraine, you are too naive. Either you are simply giving away whom you are working for. That's why I call what you mean Laughable.
  3. Today's late lunch: Curry Stuffed Pancake. Ingredients: Self-raising flower, beaten egg, milk, chicken mince, onion, carrot, bell pepper, tomato paste, and water. Seasonings: Curry powder, ketchup, BBQ sauce, soy & oyster sauce, grated garlic.
  4. Did that opening part make any sense to you?
  5. Seemingly their overreaction. But at least, still makes better sense, than this stupid article.
  6. Following the recent deportation of 40 Uyghurs from Thailand to China, several countries have issued security advisories to their citizens suggesting caution while in Thailand. What one earth, they mean by this? Recent Deportation of Uyghurs by Thai govt. And does it have anything to do with Tourists' Safety While They are Here? Sounds like calling for the Sanction against Thailand(boycotting Thai tourism) in the stupid way. One most idiotic news text I have ever read at any time.
  7. Another lunacy from the bureaucrats' empty pride. Disregarding vendors' right to live as they are. As well as one of the greatest tourist attractions of this kingdom. Dirty plot of new pricy rent(for food sales in the "Designated Area") must be behind.
  8. This is my first time to see someone who makes a change to be Uglier. While millions of others pay to look any better. Orc outlook, his ultimate lifework?
  9. Such as Social Engineering? I am also too far too familiar with that sort of things. It is the sick sort of idea that tries to change the world to the advantage of particular political faction/some weird minorities. Often through the imprinting from the young age. The perfect example is, the Art of Responsibility Transfer, in case of the dangerous unforgivable criminals. Blaming something else, instead of the Bad Guys themselves. While writing this, some Pea Brains still call me Marxist LOL. Even though schooling might come with that crap, still not nice to keep people from the whole educational opportunities. This world isn't perfect. Both good and bad exist on this Earth. The most important thing is the balance. Not too right or left; happy medium.
  10. Always mouthing Red Flag Words. Favorite Quotation of the lesser intellect. In your world, anyone & everyone unfavored becomes Leftist. Even the owner of the dog keeps barking for minutes in your neighborhood.
  11. You mean, in terms of Street Wise? A true smartness to survive in the actual world. Yes, possibly. As they have to fully utilize their Inner Resources(incl brain and the whole body), often unlikely in a Luke Warm condition...
  12. Yes, they said so in their website.
  13. You found their web, didn't you? You can contact them directly in their website. They got a email channel. Look at their HomePage, and their Right Top: Contact Us. That is where you can send your query. Also from outside Thailand. Good luck...
  14. Hi, I tried a couple of times by now. But it doesn't show up correctly after posting, for unknown reasons. Instead, just let me name that law firm: Siam Legal,English speaking immigration lawyers. And you can easily find it out on internet. Siam Legal International | Law Firm in Thailand
  15. Hi, so you are seeking advice from others on the behalf of someone else, other than yourself? And you are already in Green Zone. Good on you. Regarding bank account opening here, I attached a link that might help. Check out the website run by Siam Legal, English speaking immigration lawyers. Hope it might help someone else who needs assistance. Their web info says that: It is not impossible for people other than non-o holders. But now they have to go through some sort of Screening.
  16. Hello, did you already try to open any bank account here? And met half dozen NOs, from the teller? Resultingly, you are now inclined to apply for Non o at Thai embassy in your home country? If you are determined, there is nothing I have to say about. So, good luck.
  17. Thank you for demonstrating America's sickest/most idiotic part of sociology. Anyone and everyone you don't like, are automatically Communists/Marxists, in your world, aren't they? Me, Leftist? You have pretty sick sense of humor. Advisable to check my past posting. And then, if you still believe so, you are Insanely Ultra Right Winger. Or simply, so Dumb.
  18. Thank you for your kind reply. Have a good day.
  19. All you meant are: Ending the war in Ukraine, in the way Poo-tin overjoyed? Retaining UA territories Rus robbed(2014-present). And it will be used for future Re-Invasion, as the front line bases. Replace Zelensky, with someone else who serves Poo-tin's invasion better? After all, whose peace you are talking about? Pax Poo-tin. All for bandits empire. Pretty laughable thought.
  20. D. Trump, doing his best to crack US-Free World relationship; both economically(tariff), and militarily(suggesting NATO pull out). May not be the best businessman(his company bankrupted several times). But as the foreign agent, truly doing a Remarkable Jobs, this fast, LOL. R.Nixon was the first US president who was kicked out of his office. And D,Trump is the first/only American head of state openly serving Rus interest.
  21. I thought it(freedom of speech) is in the 1st Amendment. The 2nd, is the People's Right to Keep and Bear Arms. us constitution first and second amendment - Google Search
  22. Before Buddhism, Animism(worship of nature/natural phenomenon); primitive form of religion. That is why buildings here often have a little shrine(dedecated to House Pea; local spirit) on their site. Also under the influence of Hinduism. April's water festival Songkran, and 4-faced Budha(originally one of Hindu gods Brahma).
  23. I bet that's really what he wants. The more stupid and ignorant people become, a lot easier to trick and exploit them more. In case of his presidency, it makes a perfect sense. His real thoughts, Not America First. But his own gain...
  24. while it is 1000% self-inflicted. AKA consequences...
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